
Works referencing the history of Queens’ College, or containing views of it, including works referencing the history of the University generally.

Unfortunately, in every branch of learning and science, the number of works actually written is always large, in proportion to those from which any thing really profitable may be learnt: but I doubt whether this is anywhere more emphatically true than in the History of the English Universities.

— Victor Aimé Huber, 1840.

1521: Historia Majoris Britanniæ, tam Angliæ quam Scotiæ, by John Major, Lib. I, Cap. V, fo. VIIIr; (OCLC 56706786)
1740: reprinted, Lib. I, Cap. V, p. 17; (OCLC 43368701)
1776: translated into English in Gentleman’s Magazine and Historical Chronicle, Vol. 46, May 1776, p. 203. (ISSN 2043-2992)

1559–​1570: Recognisances & Examinacions, by Sir Thomas Smith [his handwritten notebook, Queens’ Library MS 83].

1571: Oxford and Cambridge Act 1571, 13 Eliz 1 c. 29.

1572: Catalogus Cancellariorum, Procancellariorum, Procuratorum, ac eorum qui in Achademia Cantabrigiensi ad gradum Doctoratus aspiraverunt, by Archbishop Matthew Parker, pp. 41–​2; (OCLC 123401579)
1572: within the above, the illustration of Coats of Arms, and a more legible amended copy from a later edition;
1729: Edition as Academiae Historia Cantebrigiensis appended to De Antiquitate Britannicae Ecclesiae, by Samuel Drake, p. xx; (OCLC 43136186)
1729: within the above, the illustration of Coats of Arms, reproduced from an earlier Catalogus version than either of the above two.

1574: Historiæ Cantebrigiensis Academiæ ab urbe condita, by John Caius, Liber primus, pp. 70–​1; (OCLC 60367592)
1912: Edition within The Works of John Caius, M.D. by Ernest Stewart Roberts, pp. 56–​7. (OCLC 11548071)

1574: Oppidum Cantebrigiæ, by Richard Lyne. (OCLC 920544740) [Bird’s-eye view of Cambridge] 

1575: Cantebrigia, in Civitates Orbis Terrarum, by Georg Braun and Franz Hogenberg, Vol. 2, item 1. (OCLC 832980471) [Bird’s-eye view of Cambridge] 

1592: Cantebrigia, by John Hamond. (OCLC 1097294890) [Bird’s-eye view of Cambridge, in Bodleian Library] 

1622: Σκελετός Cantabrigiensis, by Richard Parker (unpublished manuscript);
1715: Edition in Latin appended to Leland’s Collectanea, Volume V, edited by Thomas Hearne, pp. 225–​8; (OCLC 561689360)
1721: Edition in English, in The History and Antiquities of the University of Cambridge, pub. by Thomas Warner, pp. 109–​13; (OCLC 22590120) [plagiarised by Carter 1753] 
1774: Second edition of 1715 Latin version, pp. 225–​8. (OCLC 79570148)

1622: The Foundation of the Universitie of Cambridge, by John Scot the Elder; (OCLC 33143124) [tabular form; significant error in account of Queens’] 
1634: Another edition, (OCLC 607140137); [corrected, esp. in relation to Queens’, and updated] 
1651: Another edition, attrib. Gerard Langbaine, pp. 9–​10; (OCLC 265490979) [text from 1634 edition in book form] 
1672: Another edition, by John Ivory. (OCLC 49268897) [reverting to tabular form] 

1631: Queens’ College Library Donors Book [record of donations to the library 1562–​1820] 

1632: The Rivall Friends: A comœdie, as it was acted before the King and Queens Majesties, when out of their princely favour they were pleased to visite their Universitie of Cambridge, upon the 19. day of March 1631. Cryed downe by boyes, faction, envie, and confident ignorance, approv’d by the judicious, and now exposed to the publique censure, by the author, Pet. Hausted Mr. in Artes of Queenes Colledge; (OCLC 57219676) [The play was not received well. A few days later, the Vice-Chancellor, who had chosen this offering from Queens’ over a competing one from Trinity, committed suicide] 
1973: facsimile reprint; (ISBN 978-90-221-0601-3)
2009: Digital edition, by the EEBO Text Creation Partnership.

1633: Senile odium: comœdia Cantabrigiæ publicè academicis recitata in Collegio Reginali ab ejusdem Collegii juventute, by Peter Hausted. (OCLC 265599057)

1638: Valetudinarium, by William Johnson [Q]. (OCLC 137937940) [manuscript, where author incorrectly said to be a Fellow] 

1646: Querela Cantabrigiensis: or, A Remonstrance By way of Apologie, For the banished Members of the late flourishing University of Cambridge, by John Barwick. (OCLC 54327438)

1655: The History of the University of Cambridge, by Thomas Fuller, Section V, ¶¶31–​39, pp. 79–​82; (OCLC 752917426)
1655: often bound with The church-history of Britain; (OCLC 13589226)
1840: Edition by James Nichols, pp. 120–​3; (OCLC 6928511)
1840: Edition by Marmaduke Prickett and Thomas Wright, pp. 161–​6. (OCLC 1977548)

1660: Select Discourses, by John Smith [Fellow], with a sermon preached by Simon Patrick [Fellow] at the author’s funeral, edited by John Worthington; (OCLC 264955833)
1673: 2nd edition, corrected; (OCLC 264955822)
1821: 3rd edition, carefully corrected; (OCLC 504737849)
1859: 4th edition, corrected and revised, by Henry Griffin Williams. (OCLC 13626336)

1666: Patrick’s Case, King’s Bench, Raym. Sir T. 101, 83 Eng. Rep. 54. [Writ of mandamus] 

1681: An order to oblige young scholars to residence in the University… (OCLC 1086534637)

1690: Cantabrigia Illustrata, by David Loggan. (OCLC 49269400)
1716: Reprint by Henry Overton. (OCLC 224010628) [with short printed descriptions of each plate] 
1905: Edition by John Willis Clark. (OCLC 314540959) [with Life of Loggan, and long commentary on each plate] 

1698: The Life of the Learned Sir Thomas Smith … , by John Strype; (OCLC 122699991)
1820: New edition. (OCLC 15137519)

1704: Statuta collegii reginalis, etc. (OCLC 792992518) [Yale University, Beinecke MS 11] 

1707: Les Délices de la Grand’ Bretagne & de l’Irlande, by James Beeverell, published by Pieter van der Aa, Leiden, Tome Premier, pp. 107–​8; (OCLC 54318373)
1727: Revised edition, pp. 124–​5. (OCLC 145964006)

1714: Fundatores Collegiorum Cantabrigiensium, pub. by Thomas Bakewell. [Set of prints of purported founders of colleges] 

1716: Fasti ecclesiæ anglicanæ ..., by John Le Neve; (OCLC 79523315) [Queens’ pp. 429–​30] 
1854: edition: Vol. 1; Vol. 2; Vol. 3, by Thomas Duffus Hardy; (OCLC 3563180) [Queens’ Vol. 3, pp. 684–​6] 
196x: online edition, 1066–​1857, 32 volumes. (OCLC 64271, 57220485, 150576916)
1999: see also The Clergy of the Church of England Database 1540–​1835.

1717: An account of the University of Cambridge, and the colleges there. Being a plain relation of many of their oaths, statutes and charters…, by Edmond Miller; (OCLC 771715422) [an early call for parliamentary reform of Cambridge] 
1717: Second edition. (OCLC 14303800)

1720: Magna Britannia et Hibernia, antiqua & nova, by Thomas Cox, Vol. 1, p. 247; (OCLC 4764807)
1738: another edition, Vol. 1, p. 247. (OCLC 228752860)

1721: The History and Antiquities of the University of Cambridge : in two parts, pub. by Thomas Warner, pp. 109–​13. (OCLC 22590120)
[the first part is a translation into English of the fictional Historiola by Nicholas Cantelupe of the foundation of the university; the second part is a translation into English of the 1622 Σκελετός Cantabrigiensis, by Richard Parker: subsequently plagiarised by Carter 1753] 

1726: Collectanea Anglo-Minoritica: The Antiquities of the English Franciscans, by Anthony Parkinson, pp. 205–​6. (OCLC 6055232) [questions Richard Parker's 1622 account of Andrew Dokett] 

1726: The Life of Erasmus, by Samuel Knight. (OCLC 79519761)

1730: A course of lectures, upon the Materia Medica, Antient and Modern, by Richard Bradley. (OCLC 14301900) [references Vigani’s collection at Queens’] 

1732: Excerpta e Statutis Academiæ Cantabrigiensis, Præfectorum Interpretationibus, Senatus Decretis, et Literis Regiis, Aliaque Ad Scholarium Officium Spectantia. (OCLC 16115419)
1748: Excerpta è Statutis Academiæ Cantabrigiensis, Præfectorum Interpretationibus, Senatus Decretis, et Literis Regiis, ad Scholarium Officia Pertinentia. (OCLC 79569749)
1759: another edition. (OCLC 4851045)
1770: another edition. (OCLC 16014212)
1782: another edition. (OCLC 81859436)
1785: another edition. (OCLC 219772346)
1793: another edition. (OCLC 1421108200)
1803: Excerpta è Statutis Academiæ Cantabrigiensis, Præfectorum Interpretationibus, Senatûs Decretis, et Literis Regiis, ad Scholarium Officia Pertinentia. (OCLC 1230936225)
1808: another edition. (OCLC 62572940)
1815: another edition. (OCLC 48602246)
1819: another edition. (OCLC 42850675)
1832: another edition. (OCLC 558092468)
1844: Excerpta e Statutis Academiæ Cantabrigiensis, Literis Regiis, Præfectorum Interpretationibus et Decretis, et Senatus Consultis ad Officia Scholarium Pertinentia. (OCLC 224302305)
1847: another edition. (OCLC 1191013440)
1851: another edition. (OCLC 476428692)
1854: another edition. (OCLC 49410750)
1855: another edition. (OCLC 1190974864)

1735: An Act for Exchanging of Lands between Sir John Astley Baronet, and the President and Fellows of Queen’s College, in Cambridge, 9 Geo. II (1735) c. 9. [Queens’ gave lands in Everleigh, Wilts., and received lands in Kingston, Cambs.] 

1748: An Account of the Colleges and Halls of the University of Cambridge, within The London Magazine: or, Gentleman’s Monthly Intelligencer, 1748 March, p. 128. (ISSN 2043-4022) [appears to be a precis of the next]. 

1748: The foreigner’s companion through the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, by Thomas Salmon, pp. 41–​4. (OCLC 79569747) [apparently the source plagiarised by many subsequent guide-books]. 

1750: A treatise of artificial magnets; in which is shewn an easy and expeditious method of making them, by John Michell [Fellow]; (OCLC 79533222)
1751: Second edition, corrected and improved; (OCLC 30552768)
1752: Edition in French, in Traités sur les aimans artificiels: contenant une méthode courte et aisée pour les composer, tr. by Antoine Rivoire. (OCLC 264953481)

1751: Collectanea Cantabrigiensia, by Francis Blomefield. (OCLC 228738533) [chapel monuments] 

1753: The History of the University of Cambridge, from its Original, to the year 1753, by Edmund Carter, pp. 175–​96. (OCLC 490033310) [plagiarised from the 1721 English edition of Richard Parker’s Σκελετός Cantabrigiensis of 1622] 

1756: An Act for enabling the Master and Fellows of Katherine Hall in the University of Cambridge to purchase, settle, and dispose of, Tenements and Grounds, for the making and erecting an additional Building to their College or Hall, for the Reception and Maintenance of Six Fellows and Ten Scholars, founded by the Will of Mary Ramsden, deceased; and for empowering any Corporation within the said University to sell and convey other Lands and Tenements for that and other Purposes in the said Act mentioned, 29 Geo II, c. 26. [empowering, amongst others, Queens’ to sell in 1757 the house and land of John Royse to Katherine Hall] 

1759: The general state of Education in the Universities…, by Richard Davies. (OCLC 14334031) [former Fellow, response below] 

1759: Observations on the present state of the English Universities. Occasion’d by Dr. Davies’s Account of the General Education in them, anonymous, pub. M. Cooper. (OCLC 14333725) [response to item above] 

1760: Conjectures concerning the Cause, and Observations upon the Phænomena of Earthquakes; particularly of that great Earthquake of the First of November, 1755, which proved so fatal to the City of Lisbon, and whose Effects were felt as far as Africa and more or less throughout almost all Europe, by John Michell, in Phil. Trans. 1759 Vol. 51 pp. 566–​634; (ISSN 0260-7085)
1760: Conjectures concerning the cause, and observations upon the Phaenomena, of earthquakes, by John Michell [Fellow]. (OCLC 23636465)

1763: Cantabrigia Depicta : A Concise and Accurate Description of the University and Town of Cambridge, and its Environs, printed for William Thurlbourn & John Woodyer; and Thomas & John Merrill; pp. 54–​8; (OCLC 55559162) [plagiarised from Salmon 1748, no connection with Cantabrigia Depicta of 1809] 
1776: another edition, printed for Thomas & John Merrill; and John Woodyer; pp. 53–​7; (OCLC 84976143)
1781: A new edition, corrected, printed for Thomas & John Merrill, pp. 53–​7; (OCLC 54337714)
1785: A new and improved edition, as: A Concise and Accurate Description of the University, Town, and County of Cambridge, printed for J. & J. Merrill, pp. 46–​85; (OCLC 17380845) [p. 84 follows p. 47] 
1789: edition;
1790: A new edition, corrected and enlarged, printed for J. & J. Merrill, pp. 64–​67; (OCLC 320197950)
1796: Another edition, as: A Description of the University, Town, and County of Cambridge, printed for J. Deighton, pp. 73–​7; (OCLC 55580197) [map updated to 1791, incorporating the 1790 Catalogue of Pictures] 
1797: edition;
1799: edition; (OCLC 54322863)
1801: edition;
1803: A New Edition, Considerably Enlarged, with New Engravings, as: A Guide through the University of Cambridge, printed for J. Deighton, pp. 67–​71; (OCLC 9510596)
1804: edition, pp. 67–​71;
1807: edition, pp. 67–​71;
1808: Another edition, pp. 67–​72; (OCLC 83745663)
1811: edition, pp. 67–​72; (OCLC 55863356)
1814: Another edition, pp. 68–​73; (OCLC 55583165)
1820: Another edition, pp. 55–​60; (OCLC 22103812) [plan undated, no addenda] 
1820: Another edition, pp. 55–​60; [plan dated 1820, and Addenda] 
1825: Another edition, pp. 56–​9; (OCLC 55863339) [plan dated 1825] 
1830: A new edition, revised and corrected, as: The Cambridge Guide, or, A description of the University and town of Cambridge, pp. 132–​6; (OCLC 36419495)
1837: A new edition, as: The Cambridge Guide, pp. 124–​8; (OCLC 558127530)
1838: Another edition, pp. 124–​8; (OCLC 55544863)
1845: Another edition: pp. 125–​9. (OCLC 21885953)

1765: The Council in the Moon; (OCLC 31411256) [satire on objectors to a proposal that Fellows should be allowed to marry] 
1766: 2nd edition. (OCLC 25107054)

1766: Proposal of a Method for measuring Degrees of Longitude upon Parallels of the Æquator, by John Michell, in Phil. Trans. 1766 Vol. 56 pp. 119–​125. (ISSN 0260-7085)
1767: Proposal of a Method for Measuring Degrees of Longitude upon Parallels of the Æquator, by John Michell [Fellow]. (OCLC 1227607601)

1767: An Inquiry into the probable Parallax, and Magnitude of the fixed Stars, from the Quantity of Light which they afford us, and the particular Circumstances of their Situation, by John Michell, in Phil. Trans. 1767 Vol. 57 pp. 234–​261. (ISSN 0260-7085)
1768: An Inquiry into the probable Parallax, and Magnitude of the fixed Stars, from the Quantity of Light which they afford us, and the particular Circumstances of their Situation, by John Michell. (OCLC 1063120592)

1768: Anecdotes of British Topography …, by Richard Gough, p. 113; (OCLC 5360749)
1780: enlarged as: British Topography …, p. 238; (OCLC 34008369)
2014: facsimile of 1768 edition, p. 113. (ISBN 978-1-139-89783-9)

1769: A projecte, conteyninge the state, order, and manner of Governmente of the University of Cambridge: As now it is to be seene in the three and fortieth Yeare of the Raigne of our most Gracious and Soveraigne Lady Queen Elizabeth. (OCLC 265003330)

1772: Thoughts on the Dangers apprehended from Popery and Sectaries, by Abolishing Subscription to the Thirty-nine Articles, [by Robert Plumptre [President]] (OCLC 265006331)

1773: Remarks upon the present mode of education in the University of Cambridge: to which is added a proposal for its improvement, by John Jebb, with Appendix pp. 14–​15 [1773 April 6]; (ESTC T143681) (OCLC 228755948)
1773: another printing, with different pagination, Appendix p. 17 et seq missing; (ESTC T115676)
1773: 2nd edition, with Appendix pp. 15–​16 [1773 April 16]; (ESTC T140967) (OCLC 79528374)
1773: 3rd edition, corrected and enlarged, with Appendix pp. 17–​23, Postscript pp. 24–​32 [earlier version 1773 April 21], dated 1773 June 15; (ESTC T115688) (OCLC 79524259)
1773: A continuation of the Narrative of Academical Proceedings Relative to the Proposal for the Establishment of Annual Examinations in the University of Cambridge; With Observations upon the Conduct of the Committee, appointed by Grace of the Senate on the 5th of July, 1773 pp. 33–​43 [supplement to Remarks 3rd edn pp. 1–​32], dated 1773 November 4, by John Jebb. (ESTC T115687) (OCLC 77877005)
1774: 4th edition, corrected, with Appendix pp. 19–​33, Postscript pp. 34–​40, A Narrative of Academic Proceedings Relative to the Proposal for Establishment of Annual Examinations in the University of Cambridge pp. 41–​58 dated 1773 December 20. (ESTC T115674) (OCLC 7507000)
1774: A plan for public examinations, anonymous, dated 1774 April 25. (ESTC T178835) (OCLC 79571432)
1774: A plan for public examinations, by John Jebb, dated 1774 May 11. (ESTC T179235) (OCLC 265029860)
1774: A proposal for the establishment of public examinations, in the University of Cambridge. With occasional remarks, by John Jebb, dated 1774 July 17. (ESTC T109196) (OCLC 228753018)
1774: ditto, partially re-printed 1774 October 18 on single sheet before going to Caput; (ESTC T212283)
1774: ditto, with amendments of Caput, for vote of Senate on 1774 October 28 (not in ESTC), reproduced in Disney [1787] Vol. 1, pp. 74–​79nn.
1774: A letter to the author of the proposal for the establishment of public examinations, anonymous [author incorrect in online catalogues]. [1774 October, before 28th] (ESTC T169631) (OCLC 46731802)
1774: An observation on the design of establishing annual examinations at Cambridge, anonymous [probably William Samuel Powell], dated 1774 November 14. (ESTC T108559) (OCLC 22405935)
1774: A letter to the author of An observation on the design of establishing annual examinations at Cambridge, anonymous [probably by Ann Jebb] [author incorrect in online catalogues]. (ESTC N20150) (OCLC 228759691)
1775: An address to the members of the senate, by John Jebb, dated 1775 December 20. (ESTC T199399) (OCLC 645106459)
1775: ditto with corrections, as: An address to the members of the senate of Cambridge, by John Jebb, dated 1775 December 20. (ESTC N29309) (OCLC 57293949)

1774: An Act for confirming an Agreement between William Earl of Radnor, and the President and Fellows of Queen’s College, Cambridge, for an exchange of the Advowson of Seagrave (Leicestershire), for the advowson of Great Chiverell (Wiltshire), 14 Geo. 3 (1774) c. 41.

1778: Reflections on the communication of motion by impact and gravity, by Isaac Milner [Fellow], in Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. Vol. 68, pp. 344–​379. (ISSN 0261-0523)
1778: Reflections on the communication of motion by impact and gravity, by Isaac Milner [Fellow]. (ESTC T225439) (OCLC 316687177)

1778: Observations on the limits of algebraical equations; and a general demonstration of Des Carte's rule for finding their number of affirmative and negative roots, by Isaac Milner [Fellow], in Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. Vol. 68, pp. 380–​388. (ISSN 0261-0523)
1778: Observations on the limits of algebraical equations; and a general demonstration of Des Cartes’s rule, by Isaac Milner [Fellow]. (ESTC T225441) (OCLC 316687183)

1779: On the precession of the equinoxes produced by the sun’s attraction, by Isaac Milner [Fellow], in Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. Vol. 69, pp. 505–​526. (ISSN 0261-0523)

1780: The Defence of the Rev. Reginald Bligh, of Queen’s College, Cambridge, A.B. against the President and Fellows of that Society, who rejected him as an improper Person for a Fellow, by Reginald Bligh. (OCLC 15547413) [final page missing, which may be viewed here] 

1781: Letters which passed between The Rev. Reginald Bligh, A.B. and others, on account of his being rejected as a Fellow of Queen’s College, Cambridge, by Reginald Bligh. (OCLC 265029307)

1782: Hints respecting some of the university officers, its jurisdiction, its revenues, &c., by Robert Plumptre. [President] (OCLC 266083488)

1783: On the Means of discovering the Distance, Magnitude, &c. of the Fixed Stars, in consequence of the Diminution of the Velocity of their Light, in case such a Diminution should be found to take place in any of them, and such other Data should be procured from Observations, as would be farther necessary for that Purpose, by John Michell, in Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. 1784 Vol. 74 pp. 35–​57; (ISSN 0261-0523)
1784: On the Means of discovering the Distance, Magnitude, &c. of the Fixed Stars, in consequence of the Diminution of the Velocity of their Light, in case such a Diminution should be found to take place in any of them, and such other Data should be procured from Observations, as would be farther necessary for that Purpose, by John Michell. (OCLC 562762689)

1784: A plan of a course of chemical lectures, by Isaac Milner. [Fellow] (ESTC N61584) (OCLC 24351664)
1788: A plan of a course of chemical lectures. (ESTC T64663) (OCLC 265010908) [Apart from typos, the only difference from the 1784 edition is that Milner’s degree is shown as B.D. (1786)] 

1785: Ten minutes advice to freshmen, by ‘Questionist’; (OCLC 48461487)
1936: facsimile reprint, with preface by Sydney Castle Roberts. (OCLC 4134789)

1785: Statuta Academiæ Cantabrigiensis. (ESTC T105145) (OCLC 33236999)

c.1787: A Plan of a Course of Experimental Lectures : introductory to the study of chemistry, and other branches of natural philosophy, by Isaac Milner [Fellow]. (ESTC T64662) (OCLC 265010899) [mis-dated in many catalogues as ca.1780?: but on the title page Milner’s degree is shown as B.D. (dated 1786), and he is described as Fellow, a status that ceased in 1788 when he became President, so the possible dates of this work lie in the range 1786–​8.] 

1787: The works … of John Jebb, with memoirs of the life of the author, by John Disney, Volume 1; Volume 2; Volume 3. (OCLC 220448897).

1787: Disquisition on the Oxford Servitor, and Cambridge Sizar, in Gentleman’s Magazine, Vol. 57, Pt. 2, Supplement, pp. 1146–​7. (ISSN 2043-2992)

1787: Cantabrigienses Graduati 1659–​1787, edited by George Borlase; (OCLC 55578484)
1800: Cantabrigienses Graduati 1659–​1800, edited by George Borlase; (OCLC 4994547)
1823: Graduati Cantabrigienses 1660–​1823, edited by William Hustler; (OCLC 85060926)
1846: Graduati Cantabrigienses 1760–​1846 Oct 10, edited by Joseph Romilly; (OCLC 36412057)
1856: Graduati Cantabrigienses 1760–​1856 Oct 10, edited by Joseph Romilly; (OCLC 85007648)
1873: Graduati Cantabrigienses 1800–​1872 Oct 10, edited by Henry Richards Luard; (OCLC 11479690)
1884: Graduati Cantabrigienses 1800–​1884 Oct 8, edited by Henry Richards Luard; (OCLC 85060930)
1902: Book of Matriculations and Degrees 1851–​1900, edited by James Frederick Edmund Faning; (OCLC 13651477)
1913: Book of Matriculations and Degrees 1544–​1659, edited by John Venn and John Archibald Venn; [President 1932–​58] (OCLC 220575875)
1915: Book of Matriculations and Degrees 1901–​1912, edited by Benjamin Benham and C.J. Stonebridge. (OCLC 2703757)
[for continuation, see 1917: The Historical Register of the University of Cambridge] 

1788: The History of Queens College in Cambridge, by Robert Plumptre [President 1760–​88], QC Library MS101.

1788: Remarks on the enormous expence in the education of young men in the University of Cambridge; with a plan for the better regulation of the discipline of that university. Anon. (OCLC 15586909)

1788: An account of the different ceremonies observed in the Senate House, of the University of Cambridge, throughout the year …, by John Beverley; (OCLC 79526643)
1798: An account of the different ceremonies observed in the Senate House of the University of Cambridge …, by Adam Wall. (OCLC 265026481)
1827: The ceremonies observed in the Senate-House of the University of Cambridge …, by Adam Wall and Henry Gunning; (OCLC 697652513)
1828: The ceremonies observed in the Senate-House of the University of Cambridge …, by Adam Wall and Henry Gunning; (OCLC 891110184) [edition with errata slip] 
1828: ditto; (OCLC 504348889) [with MS notes by Alfred Paget Humphry, Senior Esquire Bedell, incorporating those of Joseph Romilly, up to 1840] 
1837: The ceremonies observed in the Senate-House of the University of Cambridge …, by Adam Wall, Henry Gunning, indexed by Richard Rowe; (OCLC 9163988) [new and copious index] 
2009: ditto. (ISBN 978-1-108-00124-3 eISBN 978-0-511-69306-9) [reproduction of 1837 edition] 
[see also 1927 Ceremonies] 

1789: On the production of nitrous acid and nitrous air, by Isaac Milner [President], in Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. Vol. 79, pp. 300–​313. (ISSN 0261-0523)
1789: On the production of nitrous acid and nitrous air, by Isaac Milner [President]. (OCLC 9319481)

1789-95: Collection of pamphlets by William Frend:
1789: Thoughts on Subscription to Religious Tests, particularly that required by the University of Cambridge…, 2nd edition corrected. (ESTC T9748)
1793: Peace and Union, recommended to the associated bodies of Republicans and Anti-Republicans, 2nd edition. (ESTC T11321)
1793: An Account of the Proceedings in the University of Cambridge against William Frend … for publishing a pamphlet, intitled Peace and Union …. (ESTC T12487)
1795: A Sequel to the Account of the Proceedings in the University of Cambridge against the authour of a pamphlet entitled Peace and Union …. (ESTC T47467)

1790: A catalogue of the several pictures in the public library and respective colleges, in the University of Cambridge, by A Gentleman of the University, pp. 19–​21. (OCLC 390916796) [Commonly attributed, on no known authority other then repetition, to Robert Masters, but alternative opinion suggests Thomas Kerrich: see 1949 Iconomania, p. 87. Widely plagiarised by subsequent guide-books] 

1794: A Letter, on the Celibacy of Fellows of Colleges: Addressed to the Senate. By a member of the University of Cambridge. (ESTC N20087) (OCLC 79505320)

1796: Hints to Fresh-men, from a Member of the University of Cambridge, Anon. [Philip Stanhope Dodd]; (OCLC 79513888)
1797: 2nd edition; (OCLC 316768541)
1807: 3rd edition as: Hints to Fresh-men at the University of Cambridge; (OCLC 55863670)
1822: 4th edition; (OCLC 55863752)
1845: 5th edition. (OCLC 34796608)

1796: The Cambridge University Calendar (OCLC 913091718) [published annually exc 1798; from 1951/52 to 1972/73 entitled Annual Register; ceased after 1973/74] 
ditto for                                           1797,       1799;
ditto for 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809;
ditto for 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819;
ditto for 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829;
ditto for 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839;
ditto for 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849;
ditto for 18501851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859;
ditto for 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869;
ditto for 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879;
ditto for 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889;
ditto for 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899;
ditto for 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909;
ditto for 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919;
ditto for 1920, 1921.

1798: A New Plan of the University and Town of Cambridge to the present Year 1798, by William Custance. (OCLC 498083270)

1798: Reflections on the Cælibacy of Fellows of Colleges. (ESTC T149891) (OCLC 265028779) [written 1793, published 1798] 

1798?: A Fair Statement [relating to the celibacy of fellows of Cambridge University]. (ESTC T185947) (OCLC 265030071)

1798?: A Further Enquiry [on the celibacy of fellows of colleges of Cambridge University], anon, attrib. Charles Farish. [Fellow of Queens’] (OCLC 55868622)

1800: Description of Cambridge, illustrated by thirty Picturesque Views of the University and Town, by Harraden. (OCLC 868993454)

1800: Guide through the University of Cambridge, in two tours…, by Harraden. (OCLC 79539986) [similar text to the previous item, without the views] 

1800: Cambridge University Almanack (OCLC 266969409) [published annually late 1800–​81 for title years 1801–​82. Of interest for its engravings 1801–​55] 

1801: The Beauties of England and Wales, by John Britton and Edward Wedlake Brayley, Vol. II, pp. 62–​4. (OCLC 4511149) [apparently plagiarised by some subsequent guide-books] 

1803: Memorabilia Cantabrigiæ: Or, an Account of the different Colleges in Cambridge …, by Joseph Wilson (of the Inner Temple). (OCLC 265903741)

1803: Gradus ad Cantabrigiam : or, A Dictionary of terms, academical and colloquial, or cant, which are used at the University of Cambridge … (OCLC 13339396)
1824: Gradus ad Cantabrigiam : or, New university guide to the academical customs, and colloquial or cant terms peculiar to the University of Cambridge … (OCLC 4668232)

1804: Report, relative to the State and Condition of the Brick Building in the Walnut:Tree Court of Queens College, by Charles Humfrey the younger (1772–​1848).

1804: The New Cambridge Guide; or, a Description of the University, Town, and County of Cambridge, pub. John Nicholson, pp. 46–​8; (OCLC 22433749)
1809: the edition of 1804 brought up to date by means of cancels; (OCLC 264948205)
1812: 2nd Edition, as The New Cambridge Guide; or, a Picture of the University, Town, & County of Cambridge: …, pp. 46–​8; (OCLC 85080826)
1815: 3rd Edition, as The New Cambridge Guide; or, a View of the University, Town & County of Cambridge: …; (OCLC 264948203)
1819: 4th Edition, as The New Cambridge Guide; or, a View of the University, Town, and County of Cambridge: …; (OCLC 77176744)
1821: 5th Edition, pp. 42–​4; (OCLC 264948201)
1826: 6th Edition, pub. Thomas Stevenson, pp. 48–​50. (OCLC 558127512)

1805: Costume of the various orders in the University of Cambridge, by Richard Harraden. (OCLC 71645408)

1805: The Opinions of Sir Vicary Gibbs, Knt. and of Mr. Hargrave, upon a Case relating to the Right of Fellows of Colleges to marry, without forfeiting their Fellowships. (OCLC 55868633)

1807: Toleration of marriage in the universities recommended to the attention of the Heads of Houses, by Charles Farish. [Fellow of Queens’] (OCLC 45342849)

1808: The Names in the Cambridge Triposes, from 1754 to 1807, (both inclusive,) alphabetically arranged … Prefaced by a Short Letter, on the comparative merits of the two Universities, Oxford and Cambridge, by Benjamin Newton (1762–​1830). (OCLC 776575854)

1809: Facts and Observations Relative to The State of the University Press, by Isaac Milner and James Wood. (OCLC 54294417)
1809: Reply of R. Watts, to the Report of Dr. Milner and Mr. Wood, relative to the University Press Affairs, by Richard Watts. (OCLC 57505005)

1809–​11: Cantabrigia depicta : A Series of Engravings, Representing The most Picturesque and Interesting Edifices in the University of Cambridge, with an Historical and Descriptive account of each, by Harraden & Son, pp. 103–​6; (OCLC 11140747)
1814: Second edition, as History of the University of Cambridge illustrated by a Series of Engravings representing the most Picturesque and Interesting Edifices in the University and the most Striking Parts of the Town, pp. 132–​7. (OCLC 4400020)

1810: Eversden enclosure papers. (OCLC 56005876) [dispute between Queen’s College and Lord Hardwicke] 

1810: Magna Britannia, by Daniel Lysons & Samuel Lysons, Vol. 2, pp. 117–​8. (OCLC 191263207)

1814: History of the University and Colleges of Cambridge; including notices relating to the founders and eminent men, by George Dyer, Volume 1; (OCLC 1470550)
1814: Volume 2, Queens’ at pp. 145–​65. [for corrections to both volumes, see 1824 Privileges Volume 2] 

1815: A History of the University of Cambridge, its Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings by William Combe, published by Rudolph Ackermann, Volume 1, pp. 243–​76; (OCLC 3229135)
1815: Volume 2.

1821: The Case of Queen’s College, Cambridge, Jacob 1, 37 Eng. Rep. 750. [appeal to Visitor] 

1821: The Case of the President of Queen’s College, Cambridge, determined in the High Court of Chancery, edited by Charles Bowdler [of Doctors’ Commons]. (OCLC 55549818)

1822: Statuta Collegii Reginalis apud Cantabrigienses, edited by George Cornelius Gorham. (OCLC 55862516) [published by the college] 
1850: Another edition (OCLC 55861620) [including Letters Patent of 1838 from Queen Victoria amending the Statutes] 

1823: A Form for the Commemoration of Benefactors, to be used in the Chapel of the College of St Margaret and St Bernard, commonly called Queens’ College, Cambridge, edited by George Cornelius Gorham. (OCLC 55861566) [Serves as a catalogue of benefactions. Two copies bound together, the first interleaved, with MS. notes by the editor & W.G. Searle, the second with notes by Searle only, in University Library as Adv.b.94.2 (OCLC 55863359)] 

1823: Report on the state of the old building in the back Court of Queens College, by R. Woods [Clerk of Works at Downing College] 

1823: The Cambridge Tart: epigrammatic and satiric-poetical effusions; &c., by ‘Socius’ [Richard Gooch]. (OCLC 12354975)

1824: Sertum Cantabrigiense; or, The Cambridge Garland, by F. W. [Francis Wrangham]. (OCLC 36412291)

1824: The Privileges of the University of Cambridge; together with additional observations on its History, Antiquities, Literature, and Biography, by George Dyer, Volume 1; (OCLC 123531126) [including the first publication of the University Statutes of 1570, which continued in force until the mid-19th century: for English translation see 1838] 
1824: Volume 2,containing:
Dissertatio Generalis, pp. iii–​clxviii [for an English translation of the Dissertatio Generalis see 1827 Academic Unity, by Dyer] 
Supplement to the History of the University and Colleges of Cambridge, pp. 1 onwards;
Additions and Corrections to Volume I, pp. 5–​15;
Additions and Corrections to Volume II, pp. 16–​137, including corrections to the History of Queens’ at pp. 49–​50;
Supplement the Second to the History of the University and Colleges of Cambridge, Volume I, pp. 138–​232;
Additions and Emendations to Volume II, pp. 233–​260;
On the Rise and Progress of Printing at Cambridge, pp. 1–​36;
Cambridge Fragments, pp. 1–​200;
List of Publications and Writings;
An Address to the Subscribers to the Privileges of the University of Cambridge, pp. 1–​21.

1824: The Stranger’s Companion through the university and town of Cambridge …, printed and sold by Richard Harwood; (OCLC 181679375)
1825: The Stranger’s Companion; forming a complete guide through the University and Town of Cambridge …, 2nd Ed., pub. Harwood & Hall, pp. 100–​3. (OCLC 24521143)

1825: Facetiæ Cantabrigienses, by ‘Socius’ [Richard Gooch]; (OCLC 7968579)
1836: Third edition, considerably enlarged. (OCLC 404000)

1825: Estate Plans, by Alexander Watford (d. 1844 “aged 60” [Gentleman’s Magazine, N.S. vol. XXII, 1844 Sept., p. 329]), QC Archives 355. [Atlas of plans of all Queens’ land ownings] 

1825: Struggles of a poor student through Cambridge, by A Senior Wrangler [Solomon Atkinson (1797–​1865), Queens’ matric. 1816], in The London Magazine and Review, New Series, Vol. 1, No. 4, April 1825, pp. 491–​510; (ISSN 2043-4049)
1825: Continuation of the Struggles of a Senior Wrangler, by N.N. [Solomon Atkinson (1797–​1865), Queens’ matric. 1816], in The London Magazine and Review, New Series, Vol. 2, No. 6, June 1825, pp. 161–​182. (ISSN 2043-4049)

1825: Observations on the Struggles of a poor student through Cambridge, Anon., in Knight's Quarterly Magazine, Vol. 4, pp. 27–​32. (ISSN 2043-3484)

1825: The Regrets of a Cantab, by A.H. [John Cowling (1802–​55)], in The London Magazine, New Series, Vol. 3, No. 12, December 1825, pp. 437–​466. (ISSN 2043-4049)

1825: The Latin Plays acted before the University of Cambridge, by Charles Henry Hartshorne, in The Retrospective Review, Vol. XII, Part 1, pp. 1–​42. (OCLC 5858648)

1827: Academic Unity, being the substance of a general dissertation contained in the Privileges of the University of Cambridge, by George Dyer. (OCLC 15558834) [English translation of the Dissertatio Generalis in 1824 Privileges Volume 2] 

1827: A Catalogue of the Library of the College of St Margaret and St Bernard, commonly called Queen’s College in the University of Cambridge, by Thomas Hartwell Horne, Volume 1; Volume 2. (OCLC 4654492)

1827–​29: Illustrations of the University of Cambridge, by James Storer and Henry Sargant Storer, first series; Queens’ here and here; (OCLC 53372160)
1829–​32: second series, Queens’ here.

1827: Alma Mater; or, Seven years at the University of Cambridge, by A Trinity-Man [John Martin Fredrick Wright (1793–​1842)], Vol. 1; Vol. 2. (OCLC 969356065) [see also 2023] 

1827: Review of Alma Mater [1827, Wright], in The London Magazine and Review, New Series, Vol. 7, No. 4, April 1827, pp. 441–​454. (ISSN 2043-4049)

1828: Letters from Cambridge, illustrative of the studies, habits and pecularities of the University, by Ernest Silvanus Appleyard (c.1804–​1876). (OCLC 31062434)

1828: In re Queen’s College, Cambridge, 5 Russ. 64, 38 Eng. Rep. 951. [appeal to Visitor] 

1829: The Book Rarities in the University of Cambridge …, by Charles Henry Hartshorne. (OCLC 4887607)

1829: Liber Scholasticus; or, an account of the Fellowships, Scholarships, and Exhibitions, at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge …, by Richard Gilbert; (OCLC 79439830)
1843: The parent's school and college guide : or, Liber scholasticus : being an account of all the Fellowships, Scholarships, and Exhibitions at the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge … (OCLC 6093948)

1830: Baker’s New Map of the University and Town of Cambridge, by Richard Grey Baker;
1998: facsimile edition with introduction by (Alison) Sarah Bendall (1960–). (ISBN 978-0-904323-13-9)

1830: Illustrations of the University of Cambridge, by Richard Bankes Harraden. [Plates dated 1824–​30] (OCLC 56001994)

1831: A new Guide to the University and Town of Cambridge, anonymous [by Charles Henry Cooper], pub. B. Bridges, pp. 76–​9. (OCLC 1064243850)

1833: A Discourse on the Studies of the University, by Adam Sedgwick; (OCLC 25274000)
1834: 2nd edition; (OCLC 14711876)
1834: 3rd edition; (OCLC 48122604)
1835: 4th edition; (OCLC 8950950)
1850: 5th edition as: A discourse on the Studies of the University of Cambridge. (OCLC 5744616)

1834: Nuts to crack; or, Quips, quirks, anecdote and facete of Oxford and Cambridge scholars, by [Richard Gooch]; (OCLC 9148829)
1835: Second edition, corrected and enlarged, as: Oxford and Cambridge nuts to crack : or, Quips, quirks, anecdote and facetiæ of Oxford and Cambridge scholars, by [Richard Gooch]. (OCLC 8739068)

1835: On the Origin of Universities and Academical Degrees, by Henry Malden (1800–​76). (OCLC 16118096)

1835: Cantabrigia Illustrata, by James Storer and Henry Sargant Storer. (OCLC 38022893)

1835: Ambulator: or, the Stranger’s Guide through Cambridge, pub. Harraden, pp. 89–​92; (OCLC 85042357)
1841?: New edition, as The Cambridge Guide, with a description and history of the Colleges, Halls, …, printed for Henry Harraden, pp. 87–​90. (OCLC 558127442)

1836: Cambridge, in the Monthly Supplement of The Penny Magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge; (OCLC 5463906):
      – Part 1: Volume 5, No. 262, March 31 to April 30, pp. 169–​176;
      – Part 2: Volume 5, No. 267, April 30 to May 31, pp. 209–​216.

1837: Collegiorum Portæ apud Cantabrigiam by James Storer & Henry Sargant Storer. (OCLC 36405000)

1837: A Historical Account of the University of Cambridge and its Colleges, by Benjamin Dann Walsh. (OCLC 31188618) [not so much a history, more a call for reform] 
1837: Second edition. (OCLC 7966778)

1837–​42 (part form): Le Keux’s Memorials of Cambridge, by Thomas Wright and Harry Longueville Jones, illustrated by John Le Keux;
1841: Volume 1 complete, as: The Universities. Le Keux’s Memorials of Cambridge; (OCLC 3506610)
1842: Volume 2 complete;
1847: Volume 1 complete, as: Le Keux’s Memorials of Cambridge, pages re-numbered, pp. 241–272. (OCLC 54238500)
1847: Volume 2 complete.

1838: A collection of letters, statutes, and other documents …, illustrative of the history of the University of Cambridge, during the … Reformation, 1500 to 1572, by John Lamb. (OCLC 55582667)

1838: The Statutes of Queen Elizabeth for the University of Cambridge, Anon. (OCLC 77779883) [the first published English translation of the University Statutes of 1570, which were in force until the mid 19th century. See 1824 Privileges for the Latin source] 

1838: The Independence of the Universities and Colleges of Oxford and Cambridge, by A. Layman. (OCLC 913570996)

1839: Die englischen universitäten, by Victor Aimé Huber, Volume 1; (OCLC 560524061)
1840: Volume 2;
1843: Edition, as The English Universities, translated by John Palgrave Simpson, abridged and edited by Francis William Newman, Volume 1; (OCLC 977487279)
1843: Volume 2 Part 1;
1843: Volume 2 Part 2, with Appendices to the English version edited by James Heywood:
      – 1. Historical doubts on the Biography of Alfred, by Thomas Wright, pp. 597–​617;
      – 2. On the Foundation Statutes of Corpus Christi College Oxford, pp. 618–​627;
      – 3. Indirect influences of the Reformation, pp. 628–​630, from The Age of Great Cities, by Robert Vaughan;
      – 4. Account of the Parliamentary Visitations of the Universities, pp. 631–​9;
      – 5. Lord Bacon on the Defects of Universities, pp. 640–​4;
      – 6. Views on Scientific and General Education, by Sir John Frederick William Herschel, pp. 645–​8;
      – 7. Observations on the Admission of Dissenters to Academical Degrees, by Connop Thirlwall, pp. 649–​659;
      – 8. Remarks on University Education from the North American Review, pp. 660–​6;
      – 9. The Clerical Petition of 1772 (39 Articles), with subsequent proceedings, pp. 667–​679;
      – 10. Conclusion, by James Heywood, pp. 680–​706.

1840: The Cambridge Portfolio, edited by John James Smith, Volume 1; Volume 2. (OCLC 2540831)

1840: Collection of Statutes for the University and the Colleges of Cambridge: including various early documents … , ed. James Heywood. (OCLC 228773936) [translated into English] 

1840: Publications of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society (Quarto Series) 1840–​49:
1840: No. I: A Catalogue of the original Library of St Catharine’s Hall 1475, by George Elwes Corrie; (OCLC 17573573)
1840: No. II: Abbreviata Cronica ab anno 1377 ad annum 1469, by John James Smith; (OCLC 265027845)
1841: No. III: An Account of the Rites and Ceremonies which took place at the Consecration of Archbishop Parker, by James Goodwin; (OCLC 55580163)
1841: No. IV: An application of Heraldry to the illustration of various University and Collegiate antiquities, Part the First, by Henry Annesley Woodham; (OCLC 265821210)
1842: No. V: ditto, Part the Second; (OCLC 265821210)
1842: No. VI: A descriptive catalogue of the Manuscripts and scarce books in the Library of St John’s College, Cambridge, Part the First, by Benjamin Morgan Cowie; (OCLC 55777617)
1843: No. VII: A description of the Sextry Barn at Ely, lately demolished, by Robert Willis; (OCLC 57685101)
1843: No. VIII: A descriptive catalogue of the Manuscripts and scarce books in the Library of St John’s College, Cambridge, Part the Second, by Benjamin Morgan Cowie; (OCLC 55777617)
1844: No. IX: Architectural Nomenclature of the Middle Ages, by Robert Willis; (OCLC 57685105)
1845: No. X: Roman and Roman-British remains at and near Shefford, by Henry Edward Leigh Dryden; with a Catalogue of Coins, by Charles William King; (OCLC 233580051)
1845: No. XI: Specimens of College Plate, by John James Smith; (OCLC 29523498)
1846: No. XII: Roman-British remains on the materials of two sepulchral vessels, by John Stevens Henslow; (OCLC 5155921)
1847: No. XIII: Evangelia Augustini Gregoriana, by James Goodwin; (OCLC 43055481)
1847: No. XIV: Miscellaneous Communications:
      I: On Palimpsest Sepulchral Brasses, by Augustus Wollaston Franks; (OCLC 55777682)
      II: On two British Shields found in the Isle of Ely, by Charles Wycliffe Goodwin; (OCLC 55777662)
      III: A Catalogue of the Books bequeathed to Corpus Christi College (A.D. 1439) by Thomas Markuant, by James Orchard Halliwell; (OCLC 55777734)
      IV: The Genealogical History of the Freville family, by Augustus Wollaston Franks; (OCLC 55777649)
1849: No. XV: An historical inquiry touching St Catharine of Alexandria, by Charles Hardwick. (OCLC 22338474)

1841: Observations on the Statutes of the University of Cambridge, by George Peacock. (OCLC 18270718)

1841: An application of Heraldry to the illustration of various University and Collegiate antiquities, by Henry Annesley Woodham, Part the First, Cambridge Antiquarian Society Quarto Publications IV;
1842: Part the Second, CAS Quarto Publications V;
1846: both parts reprinted in CAS Quarto Publications Volume 1 1840–​1846. (OCLC 265821210)

1842: The life of Isaac Milner, by Mary Milner, Vol. 1 (to p. 368); Vol. 2 (p. 369–). (OCLC 59216576)

1842: The Pictures at Strawberry Hill, No. 1, by John Gough Nichols, in Gentleman’s Magazine, New Series Vol. XVIII, July 1842, pp. 16–24. (ISSN 2043-300X) [Reference to Queens’ portrait of Queen Margaret of Anjou at p. 18] 

1842: Annals of Cambridge, by Charles Henry Cooper, Volume 1: up to 1546; (OCLC 4751966)
1843: Volume 2: 1546–​1602;
1845: Volume 3: 1603–​1688;
1852: Volume 4: 1688–​1849;
1853: Volume 5: 1850–​1856 (as revised 1908, with John William Cooper, with corrections to earlier volumes, and Index to all five).

1843: Illustrations of the principal English Universities, ed. James Heywood. (OCLC 56007578)

1843(ca): The Costumes of the Members of the University of Cambridge, pub. Nathaniel Whittock; (OCLC 27253352)
1850(ca): The Costumes of the Members of the University of Cambridge, pub. Henry Hyde; (OCLC 1063619477) [some plates modified]
1862(ca): Costumes of the University of Cambridge, pub. W. Metcalfe. (OCLC 4265384)

1845: Where does the evil lie? : Observations addressed to the resident members of the Senate on the prevalence of private tuition in the University of Cambridge, by Joseph Williams Blakesley. (OCLC 21878132)

1847: The Pictorial Guide to Cambridge, pub. T. King, pp. 27–​8. (OCLC 2231266)
1853: Another edition, pub. John Hatt, pp. 27–​8. (OCLC 2235800)

1847: A New Cambridge Guide, pub. by W.P. Grant. (OCLC 1102232933) [reproducing old Harraden prints from 1830, text plagiarised from previous guides] 

ca.1847: Cambridge, in: The Land We Live In : a Pictorial and Literary Sketch-book of the British Empire, pub. Charles Knight, Vol. 1, pp. 113–​128; (OCLC 4144380)
ca.1854: Cambridgeshire, in: The Land We Live In : a Pictorial, Historical, and Literary Sketch-book of the British Islands, pub. William S. Orr, Vol. 1, pp. 373–​390. (OCLC 8246789)

1848: Strictures on Granta; or, a glimpse at the University of Cambridge, by A Graduate. (OCLC 57460199)

1848: Index to the Baker Manuscripts, by John James Smith, Charles Cardale Babington, Charles Wycliffe Goodwin and John Power. (OCLC 7503514)

1849: Sketches of Cantabs, by “John Smith” (John Delaware Lewis); (OCLC 7402690)
1850: 2nd edition; (OCLC 1008523207)
1858: 3rd edition. (OCLC 978244821)

1851: History, gazetteer, and directory of Cambridgeshire, pub. by Robert Gardner, pp. 101–​4. (OCLC 265465085)

1851: Views of Cambridge, by Rock & Co. (OCLC 977399974) [editions known with 24 or 36 plates; dated plates in range 1850–​51; see also 1855] 

1851: Cambridge Antiquarian Society : Octavo Publications 1851–​1942.
1851: No. I: The Anglo-Saxon Legends of St Andrew and St Veronica, by Charles Wycliffe Goodwin; (OCLC 222643340)
1852: No. II: Fragment of a Græco-Egyptian work upon Magic, by Charles Wycliffe Goodwin; (OCLC 18304115)
1853: No. III: Ancient Cambridgeshire, by Charles Cardale Babington; (OCLC 3227294) [see No. XX for 2nd edition] 
1859: No. IV: A history of the parish of Waterbeach, by William Keatinge Clay; (OCLC 17573436)
1860: No. V: The diary (1709–​1720) of Edward Rud, edited by Henry Richards Luard; (OCLC 265548128)
1861: No. VI: A history of the parish of Landbeach, by William Keatinge Clay; (OCLC 25117656)
1865: No. VII: A history of the parish of Horningsey, by William Keatinge Clay; (OCLC 17573457)
1867: No. VIII: The correspondence of Richard Porson, edited by Henry Richards Luard; (OCLC 56487698)
1867: No. IX: The history of the Queen’s College of St Margaret and St Bernard, part I, 1446–​1560, by William George Searle; (OCLC 221632982)
1869: No. X: Historical and Architectural notes on Great St Mary’s Church, by Samuel Sandars; with Annals of the Church, by Edmund Venables; (OCLC 3279443)
1869: No. XI: A history of the parish of Milton, by William Keatinge Clay; (OCLC 27716978)
1871: No. XII: The coins, tokens and medals of the town, county and university of Cambridge, by William George Searle; (OCLC 17573487)
1871: No. XIII: The history of the Queen’s College of St Margaret and St Bernard, part II, 1560–​1662, by William George Searle; (OCLC 220535870)
1873: No. XIV: The history and antiquities of the parish of Bottisham and the Priory of Anglesey, by Edward Hailstone, Junior; (OCLC 5368747)
1878: No. XV: An annotated list of books printed on vellum to be found in the university and college libraries at Cambridge, by Samuel Sandars; (OCLC 3284906)
1878: No. XVI: Supplement to the history and antiquities of the parish of Bottisham and the Priory of Anglesey, by Edward Hailstone, Junior; (OCLC 810925837)
1880: No. XVII: Historiola Collegii Corporis Christi, by John Josselin, edited by John Willis Clark; (OCLC 221656102)
1881: No. XVIII: The Church Bells of Cambridgeshire, by John James Raven; (OCLC 43233655)
1882: No. XIX: The Church Bells of Cambridgeshire: Supplement and Index, by John James Raven;
1883: No. XX: Ancient Cambridgeshire, or an attempt to trace Roman and other ancient roads …, by Charles Cardale Babington, 2nd edition; (OCLC 3227373)
1884: No. XXI: Memoir of Caleb Parnham, by John Robert Lunn; (OCLC 3322073)
1886: No. XXII: Nicholas Tyery's proposals to Henry the Eighth for an Irish coinage, edited by George Owen White-Cooper & Francis John Henry Jenkinson; (OCLC 3279423)
1890: No. XXIII: The diary of Samuel Newton, Alderman of Cambridge, 1662–​1717, edited by John Ebenezer Foster; (OCLC 3322033)
1888: No. XXIV: Journal of a tour through part of Flanders and France in August, 1773, by James Essex, F.S.A., edited by William Milner Fawcett; (OCLC 3323186)
1891: No. XXV: The register of baptisms, marriages and burials in St Michael’s Parish, Cambridge (1538–​1837), edited by John Venn; (OCLC 3336293)
1891: No. XXVI: Pedes Finium: or Fines, relating to the County of Cambridge levied in the King’s court ..., edited by Walter Rye;
1894: No. XXVII: Ingulf and the Historia Croylandensis, by William George Searle;
1895: No. XXVIII: On the Abbey of S. Edmund at Bury, by Montague Rhodes James;
1897: No. XXIX: Biographical notes on the librarians of Trinity College on Sir Edward Stanhope’s foundation, by Robert Sinker;
1898: No. XXX: An Index to the Reports & Abstracts of Proceedings; including subjects and authors of Communications and Publications. 1840–​1897;
1898: No. XXXI: The priory of Saint Radegund, Cambridge, by Arthur Gray;
1899: No. XXXII: The sources of Archbishop Parker’s collection of MSS at Corpus Christi College, by Montague Rhodes James;
1900: No. XXXIII: The manuscripts in the library at Lambeth Palace, by Montague Rhodes James;
1902: No. XXXIV: Christ Church, Canterbury: The chronicle of John Stone & Lists of the deans, priors, and monks ..., edited by William George Searle;
1905: No. XXXV: Churchwardens’ accounts of St Mary the Great, Cambridge 1504–​1635, edited by John Ebenezer Foster;
1911: No. XXXVI: The place-names of Cambridgeshire, by Walter William Skeat, 2nd edition;
1913: No. XXXVII: A calendar of the feet of fines relating to the county of Huntingdon ... 1194–​1603, edited by George James Turner;
1901: No. XXXVIII: The verses formerly inscribed on twelve windows in the choir of Canterbury Cathedral, by Montague Rhodes James;
1903: No. XXXIX: Cambridge Gild records, edited by Mary Bateson, preface by William Cunningham;
1904: No. XL: The annals of Gonville and Caius College by John Caius, edited by John Venn;
1906: No. XLI: The Chaplains and the Chapel of the University of Cambridge, 1256–​1568, by Henry Paine Stokes;
1906: No. XLII: The place-names of Bedfordshire, by Walter William Skeat;
1906: No. XLIII: The riot at the Great Gate of Trinity College, 1610–​1611, by John Willis Clark;
1908: No. XLIV: Outside the Trumpington Gates before Peterhouse was founded, by Henry Paine Stokes;
1911: No. XLV: The Esquire Bedells of the University of Cambridge, by Henry Paine Stokes;
1913: No. XLVI: The place-names of Suffolk, by Walter William Skeat;
1915: No. XLVII: Outside the Barnwell gate, by Henry Paine Stokes;
1917: No. XLVIII: Vetus Liber Archidiaconi Eliensis, edited by Charles Lett Feltoe and Ellis Hovell Minns;
1924: No. XLIX: The mediaeval hostels of the University of Cambridge, by Henry Paine Stokes; (OCLC 13647604)
1926: No. L: A history of the Wilbraham parishes, by Henry Paine Stokes;
1927: No. LI: Index to proceedings, vols. 9–​24, including subjects and authors;
1931: No. LII: Notes on Bodleian manuscripts relating to Cambridge: Town & University by Falconer Madan, County by William Mortlock Palmer;
1935: No. LIII: John Layer (1586–​1640) of Shepreth, Cambridgeshire, a seventeenth-century local historian, by William Mortlock Palmer;
1939: No. LIV: A history of the parish of Borough Green, Cambridgeshire, by William Mortlock Palmer;
1942: No. LV: Some sessions of the peace in Cambridgeshire in the fourteenth century, by Mary Margaret Taylor [Ph.D. thesis Bryn Mawr]  

1852: Documents relating to the University and Colleges of Cambridge, published by the University Commissioners, Vol. 1;
1852: ditto, Vol. 2;
1852: ditto, Vol. 3. [including Queens’ pp. 1–​73, reproducing Charter, and Statutes edition of 1850: see 1822 above] 

1852: Report of Her Majesty’s Commissioners appointed to inquire into the State, Discipline, Studies, and Revenues of the University and Colleges of Cambridge, by the University Commissioners.

1852: Five Years in an English University, by Charles Astor Bristed, Vol. 1; Vol. 2; (OCLC 265428920) [an American at Cambridge, see also 2008] 
1852: Second edition; (OCLC 2890907)
1873: Third edition, revised. (OCLC 2890971)

1853: The Cambridge University general almanack and register. (OCLC 49406583) [Published annually until 1897. Of use for sports results.] 
editions:                   1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859;
editions: 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869;
editions: 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879;
editions: 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889;
editions: 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897.

1853: National education at Oxford and Cambridge : draft of a bill to be proposed, by James Heywood. (OCLC 60700577)

1854: Cambridge University Transactions during the Puritan Controversies of the 16th and 17th centuries, by James Heywood and Thomas Wright, Volume 1; (OCLC 8416314)
1854: ibid, Volume 2.

1854: Reminiscences of the University, Town, and County of Cambridge from the year 1780, by Henry Gunning, ed. Mary Beart;
1855: Second Edition.

1855: Early Cambridge University and College Statutes, in the English Language, ed. James Heywood. (OCLC 48484363)

1855: The Tourist’s Souvenir of Cambridge, pub. Rock & Co. (OCLC 57463125) [up to 40 plates; dated plates in range 1850–​55; see also 1851] 

1855: Liber Cantabrigiensis, an account of the aids afforded to poor students, the encouragements offered to diligent students, and the rewards conferred on successful students, in the University of Cambridge; by Robert Potts; (OCLC 2910496)
1863: Part 2: An account of the changes made by the recent legislation in the colleges and the University of Cambridge. (OCLC 976021418)
1866: A brief account of the scholarships and exhibtions open to competition in the University of Cambridge, with specimens of the examination papers. (OCLC 1190967175)
1883: Cambridge scholarships and examinations. (OCLC 57128950)

1856: Cambridge Award Act 1856, 19 Vict. Cap. XVII.

1856: Cambridge University Act 1856, 19 & 20 Vict c. 88. [see also Report of 1861] 

1856: Cambridge Examination Papers 1856, with lists of successful candidates [supplement to the Calendar 1856]

1856: Inventory of the Plate sent to King Charles I by Queens’ College, Cambridge, and receipt for moneys advanced for his service by the President and Fellows, 1642, by Charles Henry Cooper, in Proc. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Vol. I (1859):241–​52. (ISSN 0309-3603)

1856: A Catalogue of the Manuscripts preserved in the Library of the University of Cambridge, Volume 1; (OCLC 34295139)
1857: ditto, Volume 2;
1858: ditto, Volume 3;
1861: ditto, Volume 4;
1867: ditto, Volume 5;
1867: ditto, Index to all five volumes.
1864: A Catalogue of Adversaria and printed books containing MS. notes preserved in the Library of the University of Cambridge. (OCLC 6210219)

1858: Athenae Cantabrigienses, by Charles Henry Cooper and Thompson Cooper; (OCLC 1214250)
1858: Vol. 1: 1500-1585,
1861: Vol. 2: 1586-1609,
1913: Vol. 3: 1609-1611, with corrections to earlier volumes, and an index by George John Gray.

1858: Commissioners and Colleges, by William Magan Campion [Fellow], in Cambridge Essays 1855–​8, Vol. 4, pp. 165–​225. (OCLC 8637057)

1858: An Act to repeal the Stamp Duties payable on Matriculation and Degrees in the University of Cambridge, 21 Vict. Cap. XI.

1859: Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Act 1859, 22 & 23 Vict c. 19.

1859: Statuta academiæ Cantabrigiensis. (76pp).

1859: Ordinationes Academiæ Cantabrigiensis, published at intervals until 1877(?)
18xx: Ordinances of the University of Cambridge, published at intervals until 1948.
      1885, 1888
1949: Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge, published annually from 1949. (OCLC 265097224) (online from 2008)
      1988, 2015.

1859: Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 1850–present. (ISSN 0309-3603) [title varies] 

1860: Memorials of Cambridge, by Charles Henry Cooper, illustrated by John Le Keux and Storer & Storer, pp. 271–​328; [The first editions used pasted-in photographs for major illustrations] 
1861: Volume 2;
1866: Volume 3;
1880: Edition, Volume 1, pp. 271–​328; [Etchings by Robert Farren instead of the photographs. No change made to the apparent publication dates] 
1880: Edition, Volume 2;
1880: Edition, Volume 3.

1860: Statutes … for … Queen’s College, in Statutes framed by the Cambridge University Commissioners …, pp. 52–​71. [see Cambridge University Act 1856]. (OCLC 941788540)
1860: Repeal of the previously existing Statutes of Queen’s College, in Statutes framed by the Cambridge University Commissioners …, pp. 166–​7. (OCLC 926388190)

1861: Report of the Cambridge University Commissioners, Command Paper 2852. [see Cambridge University Act 1856] (OCLC 941805513)

1861: Collection of Statutes framed by the Cambridge University Commissioners 1857–​61, House of Commons papers. (OCLC 55861741) [Queens’ statutes at ff. 135v–​144v, repeal at ff. 319v–​320r] 

1861: Universities Elections Act 1861, 24 & 25 Vict. Cap. LIII.

1861: A manual of monumental brasses, by Herbert Haines, Part 1; ibid. Part 2, Queens’ at p. 32. (OCLC 55782299)

1861: Margaret of Anjou, by Jacob Abbott. (OCLC 826913162)

1861: A Hand-Book for Visitors to Cambridge, by Norris Deck, pub. by William Metcalfe. (OCLC 55864533) [A guide-book using the same illustrations as the 1860 Memorials of Cambridge. Norris Deck was a local bookseller and antiquarian] 
1862: Another edition, pp. 47–​55; (OCLC 12911584)
1863: Cheaper edition as: The New Cambridge Guide, or, Hand-Book for Visitors, pub. by William Metcalfe, pp. 47–​54; [same text as the 1861/2 Hand-Book, with some steel-plate illustrations omitted. Author no longer identified.] 
1868: 2nd edition, as The New Cambridge Guide, with a short account of Cambridgeshire, Isle of Ely, and Wisbech, pp. 41–​7;
18??: Illustrated Cambridge Guide: Containing a Short Account of Cambridgeshire, Isle of Ely, and Wisbech. [another derivative] 

186x?: The Railway Traveller’s Walk through Cambridge, pub. by William Metcalfe; [abridged version of the 1861 Hand-Book, subsidised by advertising] 
1864: 3rd edition, pp. 18–​22; (OCLC 27707061)
1867: 4th edition, pp. 18–​22; (OCLC 61598542)
1873: 5th edition; (OCLC 47804365)
1880: 6th edition; (OCLC 12366631)
1886: 7th edition; (OCLC 266049607)
1893: 8th edition, as The Cambridge Visitor’s Guide, by William White;
1896: 9th edition, as The Visitor’s Guide to Cambridge, 2nd edition, by William White.

1861: A Letter [1634] from Dr Edward Martin, President of Queens’ College, to William Bray, Chaplain to Archbishop Laud, with notes by Charles Henry Cooper, in Proc. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Vol. XII (1862):149–​60. (ISSN 0309-3603)

1862: Queen’s College Chapel, Cambridge, in The Ecclesiologist, Vol. XXIII (n.s. XX), No. 148 (n.s. 112), 1862 Feb, pp. 17–​19. (OCLC 230732953) [review of Bodley’s changes] 

1862: Catalogue of the Library of Queens’ College in 1472, by William George Searle, in Proc. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Vol. XII (1862):165–​94. (ISSN 0309-3603)

1863: A Student’s Guide to the University of Cambridge, ed. John Robert Seeley; (OCLC 843252606)
1866: 2nd edition; (OCLC 10570414)
1874: 3rd edition; (OCLC 265978339)
1880: 4th edition; (OCLC 56524887)
1891: 5th edition; (OCLC 58443836)
1893: 5th edition, rewritten; (OCLC 23989462)
2009: facsimile of 1874 edition. (ISBN 978-0-511-69415-8)

1864: Cambridge: its University and its Colleges, by George Murray Humphry, in British Medical Journal, Vol. 2(187), 18640730, pp. 119–​30. (OCLC 775180934) [origin of later series of guide-books, see 1880] 

1864: The Excursionist’s Guide to Cambridge, pp. 28–​30. (OCLC 45161903)

1865: Sketches from Cambridge, by A Don [Leslie Stephen]; (OCLC 193502)
1932: 2nd edition, with foreword by George Macaulay Trevelyan; (OCLC 265868180)
2009: facsimile reprint of 1865. (ISBN 978-1-108-00026-0)

1865: On the Cam, by William Everett, pp. 216–​8 [an American’s experience of Cambridge] 

1867: The History of the Queens’ College of St Margaret and St Bernard in the University of Cambridge, by William George Searle, Volume 1, 1446–​1560, Cambridge Antiquarian Society Octavo Publications No IX;
1871: Volume 2, 1560–​1662, Cambridge Antiquarian Society Octavo Publications No XIII. (Both vols OCLC 3279381)
[In QC Old Library there are (a) a manuscript index for the two published volumes, (b) interleaved editions of the two published volumes with manuscript corrections and updates, (c) preparatory manuscript materials for further volumes].

1867: Cambridge characteristics in the Seventeenth Century, by James Bass Mullinger. (OCLC 59217637)

1867: Special Report from the Select Committee on the Oxford and Cambridge Universities Education Bill, by the House of Commons.

1868: Form of Government and Educational System of the University of Cambridge, by James Heywood, in Journal of the Statistical Society of London, Vol. XXXI, pp. 1–​10. (ISSN 0959-5341)

1868: Universities Election Act 1868, 31 & 32 Vict. Cap. LXV.

1869: Enactments in Parliament specially concerning the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, by the Rev. John Griffiths. (OCLC 16259866)

1870: The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Races : a chronicle … from A.D. 1829 to A.D. 1869. …, by William Fisher MacMichael (1845–​1924). (OCLC 56485268)

1870: Cambridge University Reporter. (ISSN 0008-2015) [Published weekly during Full Term, 1870 to September 2011] 
1997: online edition, October 1997 to present.

1871: Universities Tests Act 1871, 34 & 35 Vict. c. 26.

1871: The coins, tokens and medals of the town, county and university of Cambridge, by William George Searle [Fellow 1854–8], Cambridge Antiquarian Society Octavo Publications No XII. (OCLC 17573487)

1871: The Tatler in Cambridge, pub. Elijah Johnson; (OCLC 30532532)
1872: ibid, continued.

1872: The Life and Times of Margaret of Anjou … , by Mary Ann Hookham (1801–​76), Volume 1; Volume 2. (OCLC 4112698)

1873: Oxford and Cambridge : their colleges, memories, and associations, by Frederick Arnold, pp. 278–​83. (OCLC 264992328)

1873: The University of Cambridge, by James Bass Mullinger:
1873: Volume 1: From the Earliest Times to the Royal Injunctions of 1535;
1884: Volume 2: From the Royal Injunctions of 1535 to the Accession of Charles the First;
1911: Volume 3: From the election of Buckingham to the Chancellorship in 1626 to the decline of the Platonist Movement.

1873: Third report of the Royal Commission on Scientific Instruction and the Advancement of Science, Command C. 868. [Oxford and Cambridge] (OCLC 926430986)

1874: First Report of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts, Appendix pp. 72–​73, by Henry Thomas Riley. (OCLC 264969008)

1874: Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Property and Income of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge and of the Colleges and Halls therein, by Universities Commission, Vol. 1;
1874: ditto, Vol. 2 (Oxford);
1874: ditto, Vol. 3 (Cambridge). [Queens’ pp. 235–​49] 

1874: Social Life at the English Universities in the Eighteenth Century, by Christopher Wordsworth. (OCLC 2040073)

1876: Old Cambridge, by William Beales Redfarn [or Redfern] (1840–​1923), Plate III. (OCLC 62579936) [Long Gallery and Essex wing oriel window] 

1877: Scholae Academicae: some account of the studies at the English Universities in the Eighteenth Century, by Christopher Wordsworth. (OCLC 5987347)

1877: Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Act 1877, 40 & 41 Vict c. 48.

1877: The Student’s Handbook to the University of Cambridge, for the use of persons intending to enter at the University, by Alfred Paget Humphry (1850–​1916). (OCLC 551240164)

1879: The Cambridge Review. (ISSN 0008-2007) [journal, published until 1998] [see also 1891 Resident Members of the University] 
v. 1 1879–80, v. 2 1880–81, v. 3 1881–82, v. 4 1882–83, v. 5 1883–84, v. 6 1884–85, v. 7 1885–86, v. 8 1886–87, v. 9 1887–88, v.10 1888–89,
v.11 1889–90, v.12 1890–91, v.13 1891–92, v.14 1892–93, v.15 1893–94, v.16 1894–95, v.17 1895–96, v.18 1896–97, v.19 1897–98,
v.29 1907–08,
v.41 1919–20.

1880: East Front Queens’ Coll. Cambridge as restored, in The Building News and Engineering Journal, Vol. 38, 1880 May 14, pp. 570, 574–​5. (ISSN 2059-2914)

1880: Universities of Oxford and Cambridge (Limited Tenures) Act 1880, 43 & 44 Vict. Ch. 11.

1880: Guide to Cambridge : the town, university and colleges, by George Murray Humphry; [see 1864]
1883: 2nd/3rd editions;
1886: 4th edition;
1890: 5th edition, pp. 159–​67;
1894: 6th edition.

1881: Material for the section on Queens’ College in the Architectural history of the University of Cambridge, by John Willis Clark. (CU archives MS Add.5066, 2 vols)

1881: Cambridge: Brief historical and descriptive notes, by John Willis Clark, pp. 70–​72; (OCLC 4768829)
1883: Second edition; pp. 70–​72; (OCLC 12369685)
1890: Another edition, pp. 244–​51; (OCLC 398503)
1893: Another edition; (OCLC 18461527)
1902: Fifth edition, pp. 244–​51; (OCLC 15634722)
1906: Another edition; (OCLC 33156200)
1908: New edition, as Cambridge, pp. 237–​42. (OCLC 7966864)

1881: Statutes for Queen’s College …, in Statutes made by the University of Cambridge Commissioners …, pp. 72–​82. (OCLC 941830797)
1890: Statutes … of Queen’s College … altering and amending the existing Statutes…. (OCLC…941836172)
1892: Statutes … of Queen’s College … to add to, alter, and amend the Statutes…. (OCLC 941865896)
1897: Statutes … of Queen’s College … altering and amending the Statutes…. (OCLC 926513010)
1914: Statutes … of Queens’ College … amending Statutes XIII, XIV, and XXII, of the existing Statutes.... (OCLC 781408358)

1882: Statutes of the University of Cambridge with some Acts of Parliament relating to the University. (OCLC 85060988)

1882: A few brief remarks on the recent legislation for the colleges and the university of Cambridge, by Robert Potts. (OCLC 57128920)

1882: Tourist’s guide to the County of Cambridge, by Arthur George Hill; (OCLC 55578019)
1892: Second edition, revised by John William Edward Conybeare, pp. 25–​6, (OCLC 6714340)

1883: Statutes for the University of Cambridge and for the Colleges within it…, [Queens’ at pp. 339–​68] (OCLC 85060994)

1883: Record of the University Boat Race 1829–​1880, and of the Commemoration Dinner 1881, by George Gilbert Treherne Treherne, John Haviland Dashwood Goldie; (OCLC 38538860)
1884: edition as: Record of the University Boat Race 1829–​1883; (OCLC 504479157)
1909: The Record of the University Boat Race 1829–​1909, and Register of those who have taken part in it, by Charles Murray Pitman. (OCLC 56678811)

1884: Catalogue of the First Exhibition of University and College Portraits held in the Fitzwilliam Museum May, 1884, pub. Cambridge Antiquarian Society; (OCLC 55559133)
1885: Catalogue of the Second Exhibition of University and College Portraits held in the Fitzwilliam Museum May, 1885, pub. Cambridge Antiquarian Society. (OCLC 27707260)

1884: A dictionary of the University of Cambridge, by Charles Culliford Boz Dickens; (OCLC 38569706)
1885: Second edition; (OCLC 28696045)
1886: Third edition. (OCLC 213784790)

1885: Die Entstehung der Universitäten des Mittelalters bis 1400, by Heinrich Denifle (OCLC 228659367)

1885: Seals of the Colleges and of the University of Cambridge, by William Henry St John Hope, in Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London (Second Series), 10, pp. 225–​252, Queens’ at pp. 242–​244. (ISSN 0950-7973)

1886: The Architectural History of the University of Cambridge, by Robert Willis and John Willis Clark, Volume 1; (OCLC 6104300)
1886: Volume 2 (incl. Queens’ pp. 1–​68 and 770–​1);
1886: Volume 3 with Index;
1886: Volume 4 plans.

1886: Ancient Wood and Iron Work in Cambridge, by William Beales Redfarn [or Redfern] (1840–​1923), letterpress by John Willis Clark, plates I, II, XXI. (OCLC 11373488) [I: Panel in Lodge; II: Erasmus’s Chair; XXI: Door to Hall Screens] 

1886: Biographical Notes on the University Printers from the Commencement of Printing in Cambridge to the Present Time, by Robert Bowes. (OCLC 2604035)

1888: The People’s Guide to Cambridge, pub. Spalding; (OCLC 1063958291) [condensed from 1880 Humphry] 
1899: edition as Condensed guide to Cambridge, pub. Spalding; (OCLC 55865889)
1906: edition. (OCLC 13647131)

1888: The illustrated guide to Cambridge and neighbourhood …, by a resident Trinity M.A., pub. Jarrold; (OCLC 56003789)
1894: edition; (OCLC 45832666)
1897: edition; (OCLC 40942523)
1907: edition; (OCLC 702423414)
1910: edition. (OCLC 718267357)

1888: A History of the University of Cambridge, by James Bass Mullinger. [abridged from 1873–​1884 volumes] 

1889: Trollope’s Dilemma: a story of a Cambridge Quad, by Alan St Aubyn [Frances Marshall] (OCLC 59219944) [novel set in a St Margaret’s College, where Erasmus once taught in the tower] 

1889: The Granta. (OCLC 6619122) [periodical started by students in 1889. From 1979 onwards, no longer associated with the university.] 

1891: Order of Service for the Dedication of the Chapel of Queens’ College, Cambridge, October 13, 1891. (OCLC 55865497)

1891: Resident Members of the University (OCLC 300510577), special number of the Cambridge Review (ISSN 0008-2007) [List of all students and senior members with addresses, published annually until 2003] 

1892: In Cambridge Courts, by Rudolph Chambers Lehmann, illustrated by Arthur C. Payne (1856–​1933). (OCLC 56710199)

1893: English Academical Costume (Medieval) by Edwin Charles Clark, in the The Archaeological Journal, Vol. 50, pp. 73–​104, 137–​149, 183–​209. (ISSN 0066-5983)

1894: On the Armorial Ensigns of the University and Colleges of Cambridge, and of the five Regius Professors, by William Henry St John Hope, in The Archaeological Journal, Vol. 51(1894):299–​324;
1895: and again in Proc. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Vol. VIII(1891–​94):107–​133. (ISSN 0309-3603)

1894: A Catalogue of Books Printed at or Relating to the University Town & County of Cambridge from 1521 to 1893, by Robert Bowes.

1894: John Francis Vigani: First Professor of Chemistry in the University of Cambridge, by John Ferguson. [read to Cambridge Antiquarian Society 1894 May 16, but never published: typescript at Queens’] 

1894: Ingulf and the Historia Croylandensis, by William George Searle [Fellow 1854–8], [Cambridge Antiquarian Society Octavo Publications No XXVII]. (OCLC 1662002)

1894: Handbook of certain Acts affecting the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge and the colleges therein in the Sale, Acquisition and Administration of Property, by William Baillie Skene; (OCLC 48189806)
1898: Second edition, updated. (OCLC 9814233)

1895: The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages, Vol. 1, by Hastings Rashdall; (OCLC 265491897)
1895: ibid., Volume 2 Part 1;
1895: ibid., Volume 2 Part 2, (Queens’ at pp. 575–​6);
1936: New edition: Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3 (Queens’ at pp. 320–​2), edited by Frederick Maurice Powicke and Alfred Brotherston Emden (OCLC 175368)

1895: On the watercourse called Cambridge in relation to the river Cam and Cambridge Castle, by Arthur Gray, in Proc. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Vol. 9(1):61–​77. (ISSN 0309-3603)

1895: Catalogue of the Loan Collection of Plate Exhibited at the Fitzwilliam Museum, May 1895, Pub. Cambridge Antiquarian Society. (OCLC 18957218)

1896: An Illustrated Catalogue of the Loan Collection of Plate Exhibited in the Fitzwilliam Museum May 1895, by John Ebenezer Foster and Thomas Dinham Atkinson. (OCLC 10531363) [expanded and illustrated edition of the 1895 catalogue] 

1896: The Fresher’s Don’t : To the Freshers at Cambridge, these Remarks and Hints are addressed in all courtesy, by “A Sympathiser, (B.A.)” [Arthur John Story] (OCLC 57649557)
2009: facsimile reprint in Cambridge Jokes : From the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century. (ISBN 978-0-511-70147-4)

1897: Cambridge Described and Illustrated, by Thomas Dinham Atkinson (intro by John Willis Clark), pp. 373–​384.

1897: Statutes of Queens’ College, Cambridge 1882 as altered 1891, 1893, 1897. [possibly first printed, or re-printed, in 1909] 

1897: Grace Book Α, 1454–​1488, by Stanley Morduant Leathes;
1903: Grace Book Β Part 1, 1488–​1511, by Mary Bateson;
1905: Grace Book Β Part 2, 1511–​1544, by Mary Bateson;
1908: Grace Book Γ, 1501–​1542, by William George Searle [Fellow 1854–8];
1910: Grace Book Δ, 1542–​1589, by John Venn.
[For unpublished Grace Books Ε to Ω and I to VIII, see University Grace Books] 

1898: The Universities and College Estates Acts 1858 to 1880, and 1898, by W.B. Gamlen. (OCLC 38049594)

1898: The Universities and College estates acts, 1858 to 1880, their history and results, by Charles Lancelot Shadwell. (OCLC 48162424)

1898: Township and Borough, by Frederic William Maitland. (OCLC 2233692)

1898: The book of the Cambridge Review, 1879–1897. (OCLC 4476431)

1898: An Index to the Reports and Abstracts of Proceedings 1840–​1897, Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Octavo Publication No XXX; (OCLC 931129828)
1927: An Index to the Reports and Abstracts of Proceedings 1840–​1922, Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Octavo Publication No LIV; (OCLC 55868518)
1971: Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society : General Index vols XXVI–​LXII, 1923–​1969; (OCLC 821261146)
1992: Consolidated Indexes to the Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Vols I–​LXXX, 1840–​1991. (OCLC 602949307)

1898: Cambridge and its Colleges, by Alexander Hamilton Thompson, pub. Methuen, pp. 120–​34; (OCLC 16083298)
1905: Second edition;
1910: Third edition, revised and enlarged, pp. 143–​59;
1917: Fourth edition;
1921: Fifth edition;
1926: Sixth edition, pp. 143–​59.

1898: A Concise Guide to the Town and University of Cambridge, by John Willis Clark, pub. Bowes; (OCLC 13771567)
1902: Second edition, pp. 131–​4; (OCLC 6408650)
1904: Special edition, pp. 131–​4; (OCLC 55549194)
1906: Third edition, pp. 131–​4; (OCLC 55578392)
1910: Fourth edition, pp. 131–​4; [some revision by F.G. Walker]
1912: 4th edition, special printing, pp. 131–​4; (OCLC 265425004)
1913: 4th edition, special printing; (OCLC 191025211)
1916: Fifth edition, with H.F. Bird, pp. 128–​31; (OCLC 50451422)
1918: 5th edition special edition; (OCLC 55863329)
1919: 6th edition, pp. 128–​31; (OCLC 15623625)
1921: 7th edition, revised by Henry Castree Hughes, pp. 124–​8; (OCLC 4982069)
1925: 8th edition; (OCLC 15623625)
1929: 9th edition; (OCLC 2145345)
1931: 10th edition; (OCLC 1550673)
1936: 11th edition; (OCLC 13323617)
1946: 12th edition; (OCLC 35289623)
1947: 12th edition 2nd impr; (OCLC 873987009)
1948: 12th edition revised; (OCLC 79433973)
1949: 12th edition 3rd impr; (OCLC 315984885)
1951: 12th edition 4th impr (OCLC 163465022)

1898: Die lateinischen Universitäts-Dramen Englands in der Zeit der Königin Elisabeth, by George Bosworth Churchill and Wolfgang Keller, in Shakespeare Jahrbuch, Vol. 34, pp. 221–​323. (ISSN 0080-9128)

1898: The Queen’s College of S. Margaret and S. Bernard (1448–​1898), by John Willis Clark (OCLC 55865473) [for 450th anniversary] 

1899: The Queens’ College of St Margaret and St Bernard in the University of Cambridge, by Joseph Henry Gray; (OCLC 8568413)
1926: New edition, updated. (OCLC 79562186)

1899: University magazines and their makers, by Henry Currie Marillier. (OCLC 3865252)

1900: An honours register of the University of Cambridge : from the year 1246, by Charles Montague Neale. (OCLC 122685588)

1900: The story of the Inter-University Boat Race, by John Wadham Peacock (1855–​1922); (OCLC 38541655)
1901: 2nd edition; (OCLC 466473232)
1902: 3rd edition; (OCLC 4585393)
1903: Cheap edition.

1901: The Care of Books, by John Willis Clark, pp. 151–​3. (OCLC 1344711)

1902: The Student’s Handbook to the University and Colleges of Cambridge, published annually 1902–​66; (OCLC 3637863)
      Specimen editions online: 1907, 1921, 1926;
1967: Cambridge University Handbook, published annually 1967–​89; (OCLC 3451861)
1990: Cambridge University Guide to Courses, published annually 1990–​2006. (OCLC 22547448)

1903: “Saying Grace” historically considered, and numerous forms of grace … , by Henry Lancelot Dixon. (OCLC 10554176)

1903: A list of palimpsest brasses in Great Britain, by Mill Stephenson, pp. 19–​20. (OCLC 11824760)

1903: Varsity Types, by Frank Vane Phipson Rutter [Q 1896-9]. (OCLC 15734630)

1903: The Cambridge Colleges, by Reginald Brimley Johnson. (OCLC 14938431)

1903: Cambridge and its Story, by Charles William Stubbs, illus. by Herbert Railton; (OCLC 503866775) [de-luxe quarto version of The Story of Cambridge 1905 with added lithograph illustrations] 
1904: second edition; (OCLC 6232620)
1912: third edition. (OCLC 930736764)

1904: Annals of a Clerical Family, being some account of the family and descendants of William Venn…, by John Venn [father of President Venn] (OCLC 10501872) [some references to Queens’, and identifies some Venn family drawings in the President’s Lodge] 

1904: College Stamps of Oxford and Cambridge, by Alfred James Hayman Cummings. (OCLC 310136756)

1904: English and Scottish wrought ironwork, by Bailey Scott Murphy, p. 4 and Plate 41. (OCLC 56705227) [Old Hall gates] 

1905: The Story of Cambridge, by Charles William Stubbs, illus. by Herbert Railton; (OCLC 1134112) [octavo] 
1912: second edition; (OCLC 840497064)
1922: third edition.

1905: Endowments of the University of Cambridge, by John Willis Clark. (OCLC 1198129)

1905: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Western Manuscripts in the library of Queens’ College, Cambridge, by Montague Rhodes James.

1905?: Pictures in Colour of Cambridge : With its University and Colleges, with descriptive notes by F.L. Sabatini; (OCLC 57292223)
1906?: Pictures in Colour of Cambridge : With its University and Colleges, with descriptive notes by a resident Trinity M.A. (OCLC 57034054) [identical, apart from correction of author] 

1906: The Chaplains and the Chapel of the University of Cambridge (1256–​1568), by Henry Paine Stokes. (OCLC 8905785)

1906: The Dial (OCLC 265448755) [Queens' College magazine; first two editions (Lent, Michaelmas 1906) titled The Queens' Courier; published termly until Lent 1953] 

1907: Calendar of Wills proved in Vice-Chancellor’s Court at Cambridge 1501–​1765, compiled by H. Roberts. (OCLC 15484229)

1907: Cambridge, by Mildred Anna Rosalie Tuker, painted by William Matthison, pp. 111–​2; (OCLC 350280)
1922: 2nd edition, revised and abridged, pp. 58–​61. (OCLC 2068108)

1907: Liber memorandorum ecclesie de Bernewelle, ed. John Willis Clark, intro by Frederic William Maitland. (OCLC 4401251)

1907: The Senior Wranglers of the University of Cambridge 1748–​1907, by Charles Montague Neale. (OCLC 11847693)

1907: On the superficial deposits under Cambridge, and their influence upon the distribution of the Colleges, by Thomas McKenny Hughes, in Proc. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Vol. 11(3):393–​423. (ISSN 0309-3603)

1907: The Cambridge Colleges—VIII: The History of Queens’, by Joseph Henry Gray, in The Crown, the Court and County Families Newspaper, 1907 Nov 2nd, pp. 219–​20. (OCLC 54335090)

1908: The origin and early development of the English universities to the close of the thirteenth century, by Earnest Vancourt Vaughn (1877–​1965). (OCLC 5744994)

1908: Oxford and Cambridge Matriculations 1544–​1906, by John Archibald Venn [President 1932–​58] (OCLC 48644112) [offprint from The Oxford and Cambridge Review] 

1908: Queens’ College Cambridge in the Fifties, by William Henry Langhorne (1827–​1916). (UL catalogue) [reminiscences of the author’s time as a Queens’ student 1847–​54] 

1908: Microcosmographia academica: being a guide for the young academic politician, by Francis Macdonald Cornford. [not related to Queens’, but too good to miss] 

1908: Catalogue of the First Exhibition of Portraits in the Cambridge Antiquarian Society’s Collection : and Cambridge Caricatures to 1840, held in the Fitzwilliam Museum, May and June, 1908. (OCLC 3197034)

1908: Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Quarto Publications New Series 1908–​1951:
1908: No. I: The Dual Origin of the Town of Cambridge, by Arthur Gray; (OCLC 14031217)
1909: No. II: King’s Hostel, Trinity College, Cambridge, by William Douglas Caröe; (OCLC 265461256)
1931: No. III: Recent excavations in Anglo-Saxon cemeteries in Cambridgeshire & Suffolk, by Thomas Charles Lethbridge; (OCLC 12644300)
1932: No. IV: The School of Pythagoras (Merton Hall), Cambridge, by John Milner Gray; (OCLC 14032641)
1936: No. V: A cemetery at Shudy Camps, Cambridgeshire, by Thomas Charles Lethbridge; (OCLC 14032770)
1951: No. VI: A cemetery at Lackford, Suffolk, by Thomas Charles Lethbridge. (OCLC 17573608)

1909: The Early Honours Lists (1498–​9 to 1746–​7) of the University of Cambridge, by Charles Montague Neale. (OCLC 84936992)

1909: The Arms of the College, by E.W.B. [possibly Edward Walter Barker (1887–​1918)], in The Dial, No. 6, Lent 1909, pp. 238–​41. (OCLC 265448755)

1909: Oxford and Cambridge, delineated by Hanslip Fletcher, introduction by John Willis Clark, notes by various, pp. 20–​21, 23, 209–​19 (OCLC 3374074)

1909: Fasciculus Ioanni Willis Clark dicatus. (OCLC 2337403) including:
Ancient University Ceremonies, by John Edwin Sandys, pp. 217–​39;
Plays performed in Cambridge Colleges before 1585, by George Charles Moore Smith, pp. 265–​73;
Gunning Redivivus, by Charles Edward Sayle, pp. 321–​40;
On Portraits at the Universities, by Lionel Cust, pp. 423–​37.

1909: Fucus Histriomastix, a Comedy acted at Queens’ College, Cambridge, 1623, by George Charles Moore Smith.

1909: Cambridge Robes for Doctors & Graduates : and College Gowns for Undergraduates, by Arthur George Almond; (OCLC 13879473) [reprinted 1921, 1923, 1928] 
1934: revised edition, as: Cambridge Robes for Doctors & Graduates by A. G. Almond Ltd; (OCLC 16750590) [see 1926 for Undergraduate Gowns] 
1959: reprint. (OCLC 264964764)

1910: Lælia, a Comedy acted at Queens’ College, Cambridge 1595, by George Charles Moore Smith.

1910: University Plays, by Frederick Samuel Boas, in The Cambridge History of English Literature, Vol. VI Part 2, Ch. XII, pp. 293–​327, 468–​487. (OCLC 4205140)

1910: Queens’ College, Cambridge, by C. W. in Country Life, Vol. XXVII, No. 684, 1910 February 12, pp. 239–​43. (ISSN 0045-8856)

1910: Highways and Byways in Cambridge and Ely, by John William Edward Conybeare, illustrated by Frederick Landseer Maur Griggs, pp. 41, 47–​50. (OCLC 871516)

1910: Old Plate of Cambridge Colleges, by Edward Alfred Jones, pp. 59–​63 & plates LXVII–​LXX. (OCLC 5163157)

1910: The Law of the Universities, by James Williams. (OCLC 3712826)

1910: Early Printed Books to the year 1500 in the Library of Queens’ College, Cambridge, by Francis Giffard Plaistowe. [Fellow] (OCLC 4654601)

1910: Cambridge, by Noel Frederick Barwell (1879–​1953), illustrated by Ernest William Haslehust. (OCLC 37142522)

1910: Celebrated Cambridge Men, A.D. 1390–​1908, by Charles George Griffinhoofe (1857–​1928). (OCLC 1550571)

1910: Picturesque Cambridge : a selection of photographic reproductions with a brief itinerary, pub. Heffer; (OCLC 79416625)
1920: 2nd edition; (OCLC 18025949)
1922: 3rd edition; (OCLC 26982613)
1936: edition as: Picturesque Cambridge: sixty-two photographs including a view of every college…; (OCLC 79416626)
1950?: edition. (OCLC 611730643)

1911: Cambridge, by Gordon Cochrane Home, illustrated by William Matthison. (OCLC 8635055)

1911: The Esquire Bedells of the University of Cambridge…, by Henry Paine Stokes. (OCLC 21885617)

1911: Educational Charters and Documents 598 to 1909, by Arthur Francis Leach. (OCLC 2735822)

1911: Cambridge under Queen Anne : illustrated by memoir of Ambrose Bonwicke and diaries of Francis Burman and Zacharias Conrad von Uffenbach, ed. John Eyton Bickersteth Mayor, pp. 144–​5. (OCLC 8529087)

1911: The Latin University Drama, by Louise B. Morgan, in Shakespeare Jahrbuch, Vol. 47, pp. 69–​91. (ISSN 0080-9128)

1911: An Early English Pre-Holbein School of Portraiture, by William Arthur Shaw, in The Connoisseur: an illustrated magazine for collectors, Vol. XXXI, September 1911, pp. 72–​81. [variant Elizabeth Woodville at p. 73] 

1912: Peter Hausted’s “The Rivall Friends”, with some account of his other works, by Joseph Quincy Adams, in The Journal of English and Germanic Philology, Vol. 11, pp. 433–​50.

1912: Index to the contents of the Cole manuscripts in the British Museum, by George John Gray, pp. 33–​4.

1912: Enactments in Parliament, especially concerning the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, the colleges and halls therein and the colleges of Winchester, Eton & Westminster, ed. by Lionel Lancelot Shadwell, Volume 1: 37 Edward III–​13 Anne; (OCLC 265606982)
1912: Volume 2: 1 George I–​11 George IV;
1912: Volume 3: 11 George IV–​31 & 32 Victoria;
1912: Volume 4: 32 & 33 Victoria–​1 & 2 George V, with Appendices.

1912: Catalogue of the books and papers for the most part relating to the University, Town, and County of Cambridge, bequeathed to the university by John Willis Clark, by Augustus Theodore Bartholomew. (OCLC 4650402)

1912: Cambridge and its Story, by Arthur Gray, illustrated by Maxwell Armfield. (OCLC 28942938) [no connection with 1905 work of same name] 
1926: revised edition as Cambridge University, an episodical history (OCLC 792769)

1912: The Dial, by Eric Harold Neville, in The Dial, [magazine] No. 13, Lent 1912, pp. 25–​28; No. 14, Easter 1912, pp. 91–​94; No. 16, Lent 1913, pp. 196–​200. (OCLC 265448755)
1933: reprinted, with some editorial changes, in The Dial, No. 73, Lent 1933, pp. 6–​11; No. 74, Easter 1933, pp. 5–​9.

1912: Round the Churches, by Ladbroke Lionel Day Black [Q 1896–​98], in The Sunday Times, 1912 October 6, p. 19. [report of service of dedication for Dokett Building] 

1913: “J.” A Memoir of John Willis Clark, by Arthur Everett Shipley (OCLC 2677575)

1913: Cambridge : a sketch-book, by Walter Monckton Keesey; (OCLC 1213505)
1935: edition with added notes by Sydney Castle Roberts. (OCLC 810482757)

1913: A History of University Reform from 1800 A.D. to the present time, by Alfred Isaac Tillyard. (OCLC 10674961)

1914: Statutes of the University of Cambridge, compiled by John Neville Keynes.

1914: University drama in the Tudor age, by Frederick Samuel Boas. (OCLC 4651007)

1914: The Cambridge University Press : some notes on its history and development. (OCLC 11487516)
1925: 2nd edition as: Cambridge University Press : notes on its history & development. (OCLC 43434523)
1927: 3rd edition. (OCLC 57222632)
1930: 4th edition. (OCLC 43542178)
1934: 5th edition. (OCLC 1029747098)
1938: 6th edition. (OCLC 43003461)

1915: The Book of Public Arms, by Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, Revised Edition, pp. 640–​1.

1916: Cambridge Water-Colours, by William Matthison. (OCLC 13389172)

1916: Annals of Cambridge University Library 1278–​1900, by Charles Edward Sayle. (OCLC 17559454)

1916: Cambridge Antiquarian Society: List of Publications 1840–​1915. (OCLC 919900703)

1917: The Restoration of the President’s Lodge, Queen’s College, Cambs, in The Building News and Engineering Journal, Vol. CXII, No. 3254, 1917 May 16, pp. 422–​3, 429. (OCLC 265446226)

1917: The Historical Register of the University of Cambridge, ed. Joseph Robson Tanner. (ISBN 978-0-521-26542-3) [record of university offices, honours, distinctions, Tripos results, matriculations to the year 1910. For index to Tripos results see 1923.] 
1922: ditto, Supplement, 1911–​20; (ISBN 978-0-521-04556-8) (OCLC 664827262)
1932: ditto, Supplement, 1921–​30; (ISBN 978-0-521-04557-5) (OCLC 664827272)
1942: ditto, Supplement, 1931–​40; (ISBN 978-0-521-04558-2) (OCLC 664827279)
1952: ditto, Supplement, 1941–​50; (ISBN 978-0-521-04559-9) (OCLC 664828608)
1956: ditto, Supplement, 1951–​55; (ISBN 978-0-521-04560-5)
1962: ditto, Supplement, 1956–​60; (ISBN 978-0-521-04561-2)
1967: ditto, Supplement, 1961–​65; (ISBN 978-0-521-06942-7) (OCLC 51080794)
1972: ditto, Supplement, 1966–​70; (ISBN 978-0-521-08387-4)
1977: ditto, Supplement, 1971–​75; (ISBN 978-0-521-20925-0)
1984: ditto, Supplement, 1976–​80; (ISBN 978-0-521-24127-4)
1991: ditto, Supplement, 1981–​85; (ISBN 978-0-521-35218-5)
1999: ditto, Supplement, 1986–​90; (ISBN 978-0-521-62452-7)
2005: ditto, Supplement, 1991–​2000. (ISBN 978-0-521-20129-2)

1917: John Laski and the College Library, by Francis Giffard Plaistowe. [Fellow] (OCLC 56008373) [offprint from The Dial, No. 28 Lent 1917, pp. 9–​14] 

1917: ‘A’ cadet pie: a souvenir of ‘A’ Company, no. 2 O.C.B., Queens’ College, Cambridge: May - August, 1917; (OCLC 84977456)
1918: Annals of ‘A’: the souvenir of ‘A’ Company, No. 2 O.C.B., Queens’ College, Cambridge: Jan.-May 1918. (OCLC 84977454) [WW1 troops billeted in Queens’] 

1918: Memoir of John Michell, Fellow of Queens’ College 1749, by Sir Archibald Geikie. (OCLC 1869340)

1918: Cambridge Papers, by Walter William Rouse Ball; (OCLC 2381613)
1921: 2nd Ed. as Cambridge notes, chiefly concerning Trinity College and the University. (OCLC 10974473)

1919: Cambridge Stationers, Printers, Bookbinders &c., by Henry Paine Stokes. (OCLC 7993656)

1921: The War List of the University of Cambridge 1914–​1918, by Gordon Vero Carey, pp. 291–​306. (OCLC 4649488)

1921: A history of the Cambridge University Press 1521–​1921, by Sydney Castle Roberts. (OCLC 574461)

1921: Old plans of Cambridge, 1574–​1798, by John Willis Clark and Arthur Gray. (OCLC 264986701)

1921: The Beginnings of Colleges, by Arthur Gray, in History, Vol. 6, issue 21, pp. 1–​10. (ISSN 0018-2648, eISSN 1468-229X)

1921: The Cambridge Scene, by Henry Paine Stokes, illus. by Constance Prescott, pp. 54–​63. (OCLC 4319112)

1921: Cambridge revisited, by Arthur Beales Gray (1867–​1938). (OCLC 2221741)

1921: Cambridge by Lamplight : 9 Woodcuts, by Paul Brewis Redmayne (1900–​1975). (OCLC 11897871)

1921: The Armorial Bearings of Queens’ College, Cambridge, by Leonard Galley (1896–​1979). (UL catalogue) [offprint, with slight changes, from The Dial No. 40 of Mich. 1921. Some of his assertions need revising in the light of later research. See also 1948.] 

1922: A little history of S. Botolph’s, Cambridge, by Arthur Worthington Goodman. (OCLC 776794335)

1922: The University of Cambridge in the eighteenth century, by Denys Arthur Winstanley.

1922: Alumni Cantabrigienses, Part I: to 1751, by John Venn and John Archibald Venn [President 1932–​58];
1922: Vol. 1: Abbas–​Cutts;
1922: Vol. 2: Dabbs–​Juxton;
1924: Vol. 3: Kaile–​Ryves;
1927: Vol. 4: Saal–​Zuinglius.
[continued Part II in 1940] 

1922: Guide to Cambridge, by Frank Vane Phipson Rutter [Q 1896-9], pub. Heffer, pp. 32–​4. (OCLC 123402362)
1924: 2nd edition;
1925: 3rd edition;
1926: 4th edition;
1928: 5th edition;
1929: 6th edition;
1931: 7th edition;
1932: 8th edition;
1935: 9th edition;
1937: 10th edition;
1938: 11th edition, revised by James Henry Bullock;
1947: 12th edition, revised by Frederick Brittain;
1949: 13th edition;
1950: 13th edition, 2nd impr.;
1953: 13th edition revised;
1956: 13th edition, 5th impr.
1961: 14th edition;
1967: 15th edition;
1969: 15th edition, 2nd impr.;
1971: 15th edition, 3rd impr.
1974: 15th edition.

1922: Royal Commission on Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Report, Cmd. 1588. (OCLC 55555379)
1922: ditto: Appendices. (OCLC 559259901)

1923: Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Act 1923, 13 & 14 Geo 5 c. 33

1923: The older universities of England: Oxford and Cambridge, by Albert Mansbridge, drawings by John Mansbridge. (OCLC 1311274)

1923: Historic Cambridge : pencil sketches, by Julius Maximilian Delbos (1879–​1970), foreword by Louis Francis Salzman. (OCLC 265446328)

1923: College Plays performed in the University of Cambridge, by George Charles Moore Smith.

1923: The Academic Drama at Cambridge: Extracts from college records, by George Charles Moore Smith, in the Malone Society Collections, Vol. 2, Pt. 2, pp. 150–​231, Queens’ at pp. 182–​204. (OCLC 1909297)

1923: Index to Tripos Lists 1748–​1910, by Charles William Previté-Orton. (OCLC 8509517) [index of names in the Tripos Lists of the 1917 Historical Register] 

1924: The Mediæval Hostels of the University of Cambridge, by Henry Paine Stokes, Cambridge Antiquarian Society Octavo Publications No 49. (OCLC 13647604) [St Bernard’s Hostel pp. 36, 37, 39, 63–​4].

1924: Cambridge Cameos, by Sir Arthur Everett Shipley. (OCLC 2328923)

1924: The Granta and its contributors 1889–​1914, ed. Frederick Andrew Rice. (OCLC 847633)

1925: The town of Cambridge, by Arthur Gray. (OCLC 1486787)

1925: Universities and College Estates Act 1925, 15 & 16 Geo 5 c. 24.
1943: Universities and Colleges (Trusts) Act 1943, 6 & 7 Geo 6 c. 9
1964: Universities and College Estates Act 1964, c. 51.
1978: Universities and College Estates Act 1925 (Amendment) Regulations 1978, SI 1978 No. 443.

1925: Queens’ College [The Record: earliest surviving edition 1925/26, published annually until 1970/71, continued 1972/73 as Queens’ College Record] (OCLC 265498990)

1925: Gowns & Gossip, by Arthur George Almond. (OCLC 33196999)

1926: College Gowns, by Arthur George Almond. (OCLC 85025023) [“Second Edition”, taking 1909 as the First] 

1926: After Many Years : a Tale of Experiences & Impressions gathered in the course of an obscure life, by William Emerton Heitland (1847–​1935). (OCLC 2086195)

1926: The Cambridge undergraduate 100 years ago, by Oskar Teichman (1880–​1959). (OCLC 27793346)

1926: Twenty-four woodcuts of Cambridge : with short notes on the colleges illustrated, by John Frederick Greenwood (1885–​1954). (OCLC 29088459)

1926: Cambridge past and present, by Brian Westerdale Downs, illustrated by Edward Owen Vulliamy (1876–​1962). (OCLC 1667768)

1926: Statutes for the University of Cambridge made by the University of Cambridge Commissioners and approved by His Majesty in Council. (OCLC 38086024)

1926: Statutes of Queens’ College in the University of Cambridge, by University of Cambridge Commissioners. (OCLC 499698056)

1926: The Muniments of Queens’ College, by John Foster Williams (1878–​1971), in Proc. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Vol. XXVII (1926):43–​8. (ISSN 0309-3603)

1926: A list of Monumental Brasses in the British Isles, by Mill Stephenson, p. 57. (OCLC 3652492)

1926: Abstracts of dissertations approved for the Ph.D., M.Sc. and M.Litt. degrees in the University of Cambridge for the academical year 1925/26; (OCLC 40368353) [annually published until 1956/57] 
1958: Titles of dissertations approved for the Ph.D., M.Sc., and M.Litt. degrees in the University of Cambridge. (OCLC 124015159) [annually published from 1957/58] 

1926: The 1574 edition of Dr. John Caius’s De Antiquitate Cantebrigiensis Academiæ libri duo, by Henry Robert Plomer (1856–​1928), in The Library, Trans. Bibliographical Soc., vol. s4-VII, issue 3, 1926 December, pp. 253–268. (OCLC 28264542)

1927: Ceremonies of the University of Cambridge, by Henry Paine Stokes. (OCLC 6365173) [see also Ceremonies 1788 etc] 

1927: The Charm of Cambridge, by Sydney Castle Roberts, illustrated by Walter Gilbert Blackall (1878–​1955). (OCLC 3493041)
1933: Second edition (OCLC 222213873)

1928: How to see Cambridge : a really useful and interesting guide, pp. 32–​3, by Benn Sowerby (1905–​1988) [Pembroke matric. 1924]. [inaccuracies in account of Queens’] 

1928: A memoir of Herbert Edward Ryle …, by Maurice Henry FitzGerald (1877–​1963). (OCLC 3131092)

1928: The Emblem, the Arms & the Motto of the University of Cambridge : Notes on their use by University Printers, by Henry Paine Stokes; (OCLC 607065965)
1986: facsimile reprint; (OCLC 17225580)
2003: facsimile reprint. (ISBN 978-0-521-16635-5)

1929: Bindings in Cambridge libraries, by Geoffrey Dudley Hobson (1882–​1949) et al. (OCLC 3835390)

1929: The University Boat Race : Official Centenary History, 1829–​1929, by George Carr Drinkwater and Terence Robert Beaumont Sanders, ed. Charles Gurdon. (OCLC 21472386)

1930: A Collection of Essex Deeds at Queens’ College, Cambridge, by John Foster Williams (1878–​1971), in Trans. Essex Archaeology Society, Series 2, Vol. 20, Part 1, art. IX, pp. 78–​85. (ISSN 0308-3462)

1931: Queens’ College Cambridge, by Arthur Stanley Oswald, Part 1, in Country Life, Vol. LXIX, No. 1779, February 21, pp. 222–​8; (ISSN 0045-8856)
1931: Part 2, in Vol. LXIX, No. 1780, February 28, pp. 262–​8;
1931: Part 3, in Vol. LXIX, No. 1781, March 7, pp. 290–​6.

1931: The Arms of the University and Colleges of Cambridge, by Richard William Oldfield, pp. 22–​3. (OCLC 7790425)

1931: History of the IXth Cambridge (Queens’ College) Troop of Boy Scouts, by Charles Travers Wood [Fellow].

1931: Catalogue of an exhibition of silver plate belonging to the University and Colleges of Cambridge, by Edward Alfred Jones, Ellis Hovell Minns. (OCLC 49878337)

1931: The Chained Library, by Burnett Hillman Streeter, pp. 27–​35. (OCLC 1824200) [Queens’ Old Library] 

1931: Dr. Fitzpatrick : President of Queens’ College, Cambridge, in The Times, No. 45967, 1931 October 30, p. 7. [obituary] 

1931: Marguerite d’Anjou, reine d’Angleterre, by Philippe Erlanger; (OCLC 11564100)
1961: edition as: Marguerite d’Anjou et la Guerre des Deux Roses : La rose sanglante; (OCLC 560484314)
1970: edition as: Margaret of Anjou : Queen of England, translated by Edward Solomon Hyams. (ISBN 978-0-236-30809-5)

1932: Monumental inscriptions and coats of arms from Cambridgeshire, ed. William Mortlock Palmer, from John Layer and William Cole. (OCLC 10968145)

1932: Cambridge, its colleges and university buildings, by Arthur Stanley Oswald. (OCLC 5574676) [mainly photos from Country Life] 
1936: second edition.

1933: Some 200 year-old specimens of drugs, by Norman Evers (1887–​1972), in The Pharmaceutical Journal and Pharmacist (1933 March 18):219. (ISSN 0301-5432) [Vigani samples] 

1934: John Francis Vigani, first Professor of Chemistry in the University of Cambridge (1703–​12), and his Materia Medica cabinet in the Library of Queens’ College, by Ernest Saville Peck, in Proc. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Vol. XXXIV (1934):34–​49. (ISSN 0309-3603)

1934: The Estates of Crowland Abbey : A Study in Manorial Organisation, by Frances Mary Page. (OCLC 504827) [QC archives] 

1934: The Early English School of Portraiture, by William Arthur Shaw, in The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 65, No. 379 (Oct., 1934), pp. 171–184. [mention of Elizabeth Woodville portrait] 

1934: The Turned Chair Problem: II — Chairs with four legs, by Frank Davis, in Illustrated London News, 1934 Dec 15, p. 1026. (ISSN 0019-2422) [so-called Erasmus’s Chair] 

1934: Cambridge University Library 1400–​1934 : with a description of the new building opened by His Majesty the King 22 October 1934. (OCLC 191979996)

1934: Introduction to Cambridge : a Brief Guide to the University from Within, by Sydney Castle Roberts; (OCLC 1556351)
1938: 2nd edition;
1943: 3rd edition, reprinted 1944, 1945;
1946: 4th edition;
1948: 5th edition, reprinted 1953 (OCLC 19295519);
2009: facsimile of 1948 edition. (ISBN 978-0-511-70290-7)

1935: A list of books printed in Cambridge at the University Press, 1521–​1800, by George Reginald Barnes. (OCLC 890020)

1935: John Fisher: a lecture … on the occasion of the Quatercentenary Celebration by Queens’, Christ’s, St. John’s and Trinity Colleges, by Ernest Alfred Benians. (OCLC 6069094)

1935: Two Samaritan MSS in the Library of Queens’ College, Cambridge, by Clifford W. Dugmore, in The Journal of Theological Studies, Vol. 36, No. 142 (April, 1935), pp. 131–​146.

1935: New Buildings for Queens’, in Cambridge Daily News, No. 14547, 1935 May 21, p. 5. (OCLC 265465389)

1935: Queens’ College Extension, in Cambridge Daily News, No. 14548, 1935 May 22, p. 1. (OCLC 265465389)

1935: Proposed New Building for Queens’, in Cambridge Daily News, No. 14549, 1935 May 23, p. 5. (OCLC 265465389)

1935: Unreformed Cambridge: a study of certain aspects of the university in the eighteenth century, by Denys Arthur Winstanley. (OCLC 6526591 facsISBN 978-1-108-00229-5)
1940: Early Victorian Cambridge, by Denys Arthur Winstanley. (OCLC 6526589 facsISBN 978-1-108-00228-8)
1947: Later Victorian Cambridge, by Denys Arthur Winstanley. (OCLC 1173524 facsISBN 978-1-108-00227-1)

1936: Wellingborough Manorial Accounts AD 1258–​1323 from the account rolls of Crowland Abbey, by Frances Mary Page. (OCLC 5828251) [QC archives] 

1936: Erasmus and Cambridge, in The Times, No. 47424, 1936 July 11, p. 18. [photos] 

1936: Alterations at Queens’ College, Cambridge, by George Carr Drinkwater, in Proc. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Vol. XXXVI (1936):156–​60. (ISSN 0309-3603) [Staircase E, and The Porch Vaulting] 

1936: Catalogue of a loan exhibition of historic scientific apparatus in Cambridge, by Robert William Theodore Gunther. (OCLC 55865226) [Vigani cabinet and air-pump] 

1937: Early science in Cambridge, by Robert William Theodore Gunther. (OCLC 2682655) [Air-pump pp. 94–​5; Vigani pp. 221–​4, 330–​1, 333; his Cabinet pp. 472–​81] 

1937: Thomas Cecil Fitzpatrick : A Memoir, edited by Harris Rackham. (OCLC 877279374)

1937: Kings’ Daughters, by Janetta Colquhoun Sorley (née Smith) (1869–​1957). (OCLC 1597889) [Female foundresses of Cambridge colleges] 
2014: reprint (ISBN 978-1-107-41598-0)

1938: Illustrated London News, No. 5167, 1938 April 30, p. 756. (ISSN 0019-2422) [Essex Building repairs] 

1938: Hobson’s Conduit : The New River at Cambridge Commonly Called Hobson’s River, by William Done Bushell (1871–​1949); (OCLC 2992958)
2012: reprint. (ISBN 978-1-139-16278-4)

1938: A history and description of The Pitt Press …, by Ernest Addenbrooke (Brooke) Crutchley (1907–​2003); (OCLC 2109610)
2012: facsimile reprint. (ISBN 978-1-107-69339-5)

1938: Elizabeth Woodville (1437–1492) her life and times, by David MacGibbon; (OCLC 8933419)
2013: reprint as Elizabeth Woodville: a life. (ISBN 978-1-4456-1275-1, 978-1-4456-1298-0 (ebook), reprint 2014 978-1-4456-3313-8)

1940: The Manor Farm: A Long Record Ended, by A Correspondent [John Archibald Venn], in The Times, No. 48616, 1940 May 15, p. 9.

1940: Alumni Cantabrigienses, Part II: 1752–​1900, by John Venn and John Archibald Venn [President 1932–​58]; [continued from Part I in 1922] 
1940: Vol. 1: Abbey–​Challis;
1944: Vol. 2: Chalmers–​Fytche;
1947: Vol. 3: Gabb–​Justamond;
1947: Vol. 4: Kahlenberg–​Oyler;
1953: Vol. 5: Pace–​Spyers;
1954: Vol. 6: Square–​Zupitza.

1942: Architecture in Cambridge, by David Theodore Fyfe, pp. 11, 29–​30, 61, 62–​63, 93, 99. (ISBN 978-1-108-00241-7)

1943: Cambridge University, in LIFE Magazine, Vol. 15, No. 12, 1943 Sep 20, pp. 95–​103. (ISSN 0024-3019)

1944: A Marriage Register at Queens’ College, Cambridge, by John Foster Williams (1878–​1971), in Proc. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Vol. XL (1944):13–​20. (ISSN 0309-3603)

1947: By-ways of Cambridge history, by Florence Ada Keynes; (OCLC 1240979) (facsim. ISBN 978-0-511-70206-8)
1956: 2nd Ed., with additional chapters on the drama in Cambridge. (OCLC 12911590)

1948: The Nations in the Mediaeval Universities, by Pearl Kibre. (OCLC 175072)

1948: Margaret of Anjou : Queen of England, by John Joseph Bagley (1908–​1989). (OCLC 9429992)

1948: The Queens of England and Queens’ College, by Robert (Robin) George Dalrymple Laffan,[Fellow] in Cambridge Review, Vol. LXIX, No. 1689, 1948 April 24, pp. 440–​2.

1948: The Dial, by Geoffrey Colin Shephard, in The Dial, [magazine] No.  97, Easter 1948, pp. 40–​48; (OCLC 265448755)
1948: Queens’ College Dial, reprinted from “THE DIAL”, May, 1948 (OCLC 57297303) [offprint of above] 
1957: Second edition, revised, as: Queens’ College Dial: a short description of the Sun-dial in Queens’ College, Cambridge; (OCLC 19863415)
1972: Third edition. (OCLC 16244615, ISBN 978-0-9503358-0-3) [unchanged reprint of 1957 edition] 

1948: The Armorial Bearings of Queens’ College, by Paul Ronald Ninnes Fifoot, in The Dial No. 97 Easter 1948, pp. 50–​53. (OCLC 265448755) [see also 1921] 

1948: Celebrating Its Quincentenary: Queens' College, Cambridge, in Illustrated London News, No. 5694, 1948 June 5, pp. 633, and 634–​5, 636. (ISSN 0019-2422)

1948: The Queen at Cambridge: 500 Years’ History of Queens’, in The Times, No. 51092, 1948 June 8, p. 4; photo p. 10.

1948: The Queen at Cambridge: First Woman of the University, in The Times, No. 51209, 1948 October 22, p. 2; photo p. 10.

1949: The Queen as Patroness of Queens’ College, in The Times, No. 51281, 1949 January 17, p. 6.

1949: Court Circular, in The Times, No. 51308, 1949 February 17, p. 7. [Private lunch at Queens’] 

1949: Andrew Doket and his Architect, by Arthur Stanley Oswald, in Proc. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Vol. XLII (1949):8–​26. (ISSN 0309-3603)

1949: Iconomania in Eighteenth-Century Cambridge, by Gerald Robert Owst, in Proc. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Vol. XLII (1949):67–​91. (ISSN 0309-3603)

1949: The President’s Lodge, Queens’ College Cambridge, in The Antique Collector, Vol. 20, No. 3 (May–​June 1949), pp. 69–​76. (ISSN 0003-5858)

1949: Peter Hausted’s Senile Odium, by Laurens Joseph Mills. (OCLC 543417)

1950: Description of Clock presented to Queens’ College Cambridge in 1664 by Edward East, by Herbert Alan Lloyd.

1950: The One and Only Edward East, by Herbert Alan Lloyd, in Horological Journal, Vol. 92, May No. 1100 pp. 296–​8, June No. 1101 pp. 370–​7. (ISSN 0018-5108) [clock given by Edward East] 

1951: Chats on Old Clocks, by Herbert Alan Lloyd, pp. 102–​3, plates 20, 56; (OCLC 6979082) [clock given by Edward East] 
1958: Second edition as Old Clocks, p. 94, plates 20a, 37d; (OCLC 3637684)
1962: Third edition, p. 94, plates 20a, 37d; (OCLC 154196127)
1972: Fourth edition, p. 94, plates 20a, 37d. (ISBN 978-0-486-22662-0)

1951: Peter Hausted’s The Rival Friends, by Laurens Joseph Mills. (OCLC 265463771)

1951: A Pictorial History of the Queen’s College of Saint Margaret and Saint Bernard, commonly called Queens’ College Cambridge, 1448–​1948, by Archibald Douglas Browne (1889–​1977) & Charles Theodore Seltman. (OCLC 7790464)

1951: Silver Plate Belonging to the University the Colleges and the City of Cambridge : catalogue of a Festival of Britain Exhibition held in the Fitzwilliam Museum. (OCLC 54338189)

1952: John Francis Vigani: First Professor of Chemistry in the University of Cambridge, by Leslie James Moger Coleby (1904–​71), in Annals of Science, Vol. 8, Iss. 1, pp. 46–​60. (ISSN 0003-3790 eISSN 1464-505X) [Vigani’s cabinet of Materia Medica survives in Queens’] 

1952: John Hadley : Fourth Professor of Chemistry in the University of Cambridge, by Leslie James Moger Coleby (1904–​71), in Annals of Science, Vol. 8, Iss. 4, pp. 293–​301. (ISSN 0003-3790 eISSN 1464-505X)

1952: Dr. A. B. Cook, in The Times, No. 52297, 1952 April 28, p. 8. [Obituary] 

1952: Arthur Bernard Cook 1868–​1952, by Charles Theodore Seltman in Proceedings of the British Academy Vol. XXXVIII, pp. 296–​302. (ISSN 0068-1202)

1952: The Annual Register of the University of Cambridge for the year 1951–52 (OCLC 867862768); [formerly the Cambridge University Calendar, see 1796] 
[the Almanac and lists of college members, previously in the Calendar, were omitted in the new Annual Register] 
[published annually until the 1972/73 volume; only those with link information listed below] 
1954: ditto, for the year 1953-54 (OCLC 931129818);
1955: ditto, for the year 1954-55 (OCLC 867862765);
1957: ditto, for the year 1956-57 (OCLC 55972357);
1961: ditto, for the year 1960-61 (OCLC 757037793);
1963: ditto, for the year 1962-63 (OCLC 819140286);
1965: ditto, for the year 1964–65 (OCLC 733036751);
1969: ditto, for the year 1968–69 (ISBN 978-0-521-07454-4);
1970: ditto, for the year 1969–70 (ISBN 978-0-521-07800-9);
1971: ditto, for the year 1970–71 (ISBN 978-0-521-08071-2);
1972: ditto, for the year 1971–72 (ISBN 978-0-521-08642-4);
1973: ditto, for the year 1972–73 (ISBN 978-0-521-20131-5).
[from 1973/74 onwards, split into two publications: the List of Members, and the Calendar, see 1974] 

1953: Three Early Materia Medica Cabinets in Cambridge, by Ernest Saville Peck (1866–​1955), in Medicine Illustrated, Vol. 7, iss. 2, February 1953, pp. 122–9. (ISSN 0266-982X)

1953: Soluret — den Sollyse Dags Tidsmåler, by Axel Vilfrid Nielsen, in »Den Gamle By« Årbog 1953, Købstadmuseet, pp. 16–​52, at p. 50. (ISSN 0105-9254)

1954: Isaac Milner and the Jacksonian Chair of Natural Philosophy, by Leslie James Moger Coleby (1904–​71), in Annals of Science, Vol. 10, Iss. 3, pp. 234–​257. (ISSN 0003-3790 eISSN 1464-505X)

1954: The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race 1829–​1953, by Richard Desborough Burnell. (OCLC 181798256)

1954: The Dictionary of English Furniture (revised edition), by Percy Macquoid and Herbert Cecil Ralph Edwards (1894–​1977), Vol. 3, p. 237 fig 14. (OCLC 265511305) [oak gate-leg table, c. 1670, in President’s Lodge, photo] 
1986: Edition, Vol. 3, p. 237, fig. 14. (ISBN 978-1-85149-037-0)

1954: Cambridgeshire, by Sir Nikolaus Pevsner; (OCLC 8991258)
1970: Second Edition, pp. 134–​40; (ISBN 978-0-14-071010-6)
2014: Third Edition, with Simon Bradley, pp. 176–​84. (ISBN 978-0-300-20596-1)

1955: Statutes of Queens’ College in the University of Cambridge 1955. (OCLC 53782959)

1955: A brief history of the Cambridge University Press, by Michael Hugo Black; (OCLC 2526261)
197?: edition as: Cambridge University Press : a short history; (OCLC 1229780)
1992: edition as: A Short History of Cambridge University Press; (ISBN 978-0-521-42921-4)
2000: revised 2nd edition. (ISBN 978-0-521-77572-4)

1956: The Evolution of Cambridge Publishing, by Sydney Castle Roberts. (OCLC 2910087)

1957: Dr C. T. Seltman, in The Times, No. 53880, 1957 June 29, p. 8. [Obituary] 
1957: Dr C. T. Seltman, in The Times, No. 53888, 1957 July 9, p. 14. [Letter] 

1957: About Sundials and Moondials, by Hermann Egger, in Sky and Telescope, Vol. XVI, No. 10, August 1957, pp. 480–​1. (ISSN 0037-6604)

1958: Mr Spence to design college building, in The Times, No. 54051, 1958 Jan 17, p. 12.

1958: New Building for the Backs, in The Times, No. 54063, 1958 Jan 31, p. 16. [Picture of first Spence design] 

1958: Modernity favoured at Queens’, in The Times, No. 54067, 1958 Feb 5, p. 10.

1958: An addition to Queens’ College, on the Backs, Cambridge, by Basil Spence, in The Builder, Vol. 194, No. 5994, 1958 Feb 14, pp. 298–​9. (ISSN 0366-1059)

1958: Basil Spence and Queens’ College Cambridge, in Prefabrication, Vol. 5, No. 52, 1958 Feb, pp. 150–​4. (OCLC 6910318) [First Spence design] 

1958: Obituary: Mr J.A. Venn, in The Times, No. 54101, 1958 March 17, p. 16.

1959: Queens’ College, by Robert (Robin) George Dalrymple Laffan [Fellow] in A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely: Volume 3, the City and University of Cambridge, ed. John P.C. Roach, pp. 408–​15. (OCLC 10778399)

1959: An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of Cambridge, by the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England), Part I; (OCLC 1110231118)
1959: ditto, Part II, including Queens’ at pp. 167–​78 (online version);
1959: ditto, Map and Plans;
1988: reprint: Part I, Part II. (ISBN 978-0-11-300023-4)

1959: Oxford and Cambridge in transition 1558–​1642 …, by Mark Hubert Curtis (1920–​1994); (OCLC 248049)
1965: corrected reprint. (OCLC 10307433)

1959: Shakespeare’s Wooden O, by John Leslie Hotson, Queens’ at pp. 169–​72, 218–​9. (OCLC 359088) [Over-optimistic reconstruction of demountable theatre in Old Hall] 

1959: Cambridge and its Colleges, by Henry Edmund Theodoric Vale (1888–​1969). (OCLC 2906876)

1960: Cambridge Discovered, by Bryan Desmond Greenway Little (1913–​1992), illustrated by Margaret Hoather. (OCLC 17731109)

1961: Obituary: Rev. C.T. Wood, in The Times, No. 55034, 1961 Mar 20, p. 18.

1961: Queen Mother at Cambridge, in The Times, No. 55100, 1961 June 6, p. 7. [Formal opening of Erasmus Building] 

1961: Undergraduate Rooms: Queens’ College Cambridge, in Architectural Review, Vol. 130, No. 773, July 1961, pp. 52–​5. (ISSN 0003-861X) [Erasmus Building] 

1961: The Marriage of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville: A New Italian Source, by Conor Fahy, in The English Historical Review Vol. 76, No. 301 (Oct., 1961), pp. 660–​672.

1962: New buildings at Cambridge colleges, in House & Garden, Vol. 17, No. 6, 1962 June, pp. 54–​7. (ISSN 0043-5759)

1962: The Archives of the University of Cambridge: an historical introduction, by Catherine Priscilla Hall (1923–​2017) and Heather Elinor Peek. (OCLC 294486)
2010: online edition (ISBN 978-0-511-70209-9)

1963: The University Printing Houses At Cambridge from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century. (OCLC 213846485)

1963: A Biographical Register of the University of Cambridge to 1500, by Alfred Brotherston Emden. (OCLC 709975)

1963: Erasmus and Cambridge : the Cambridge letters of Erasmus, translated by Douglas Ferguson Scott Thomson, notes by Harry Culverwell Porter. (OCLC 25443686)
1970: reprint (ISBN 978-0-8020-5125-7)

1963: A History of Academical Dress in Europe until the end of the eighteenth century, by William Norman Hargreaves-Mawdsley; (OCLC 187862)
1978: reprint. (ISBN 978-0-313-20250-6)
2008: Hargreaves-Mawdsley’s History of Academical Dress and the Pictorial Evidence for Great Britain and Ireland: Notes and Corrections, by Alex Kerr, in Transactions of the Burgon Society, Vol. 8, pp. 106–​50. (ISSN 2475-7799)

1964: Cambridge, by Frank Albert Reeve (1907–​1996), photographs by Eric Samuel de Maré (1910–​2002). (OCLC 1722502)
1976: edition (ISBN 978-0-7134-3225-1)

1964: Sir Thomas Smith : a Tudor intellectual in office, by Mary Dewar née Williamson (1926–​1994). (OCLC 1346094)

1964: Cambridge New Architecture : a guide to the post-war buildings, by Nicholas James Wingate Taylor, et al.; (OCLC 9445603)
1965: 2nd edition; (OCLC 5215180)
1970: 3rd edition as: Cambridge New Architecture, by Nicholas James Wingate Taylor, Philip Booth (1946–). (ISBN 978-0-249-38880-0)

1965: Medieval Cambridge: Recent Finds and Excavations, by Peter Vincent Addyman and Martin Biddle, in Proc. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Vol. LVIII (1965):74–​137 (ISSN 0309-3603) [pre-Erasmus Building dig, pp. 88–​9] 

1966: College Stamps of Oxford and Cambridge, by Raymond George Lister (1919–​2001), pp. 60–​1; (OCLC 13926547)
1974: 2nd edition reprint. (OCLC 14160930)

1966: Cambridge University Press 1696–1712: A Bibliographical Study, by Donald Francis McKenzie. (OCLC 11174583) [Chapter 2 relevant to Queens’ and the Stagehouse] 

1966: Cambridge, by Michael Grant (1914–​2004), photos by John Marmaras; (OCLC 21939153)
1969: reprint with corrections; (OCLC 313594874)
1976: 2nd edition; (ISBN 978-0-264-66360-9)
1988: 3rd edition revised as: Cambridge : a living tradition, photos by Ernest Frankl (1918–​1992). (ISBN 978-0-907115-45-8)

1966: Academical dress of British universities, by George Wenham Shaw; (OCLC 1360555)
1995: 2nd edition as Academical dress of British and Irish universities; (ISBN 978-0-85033-974-1)
2011: 3rd edition as Shaw’s Academical Dress of Great Britain and Ireland, ed. Nicholas Groves;
      2011: Volume I: Universities and Other Degree-Awarding Bodies; (ISBN 978-0-9561272-3-5)
      2014: Volume II: Non-degree-awarding bodies. (ISBN 978-0-9928740-0-1)

1967: The Best of Granta 1889–​1966, ed. Jim Philip, John Simpson, Nicholas Snowman. (OCLC 3064016)

1967: Romilly’s Cambridge diary, 1832–​42, by Joseph Romilly, ed. John Patrick Tuer Bury; (OCLC 1180672)
1994: Romilly’s Cambridge diary 1842–​1847, by Joseph Romilly, ed. Mary Elizabeth Bury (1919–) & John Drayton Pickles; (ISBN 978-0-904323-10-8)
2000: Romilly’s Cambridge diary 1848–​1864, by Joseph Romilly, ed. Mary Elizabeth Bury (1919–) & John Drayton Pickles. (ISBN 978-0-904323-14-6)

1968: The Revolution of the Dons: Cambridge and society in Victorian England, by Sheldon Rothblatt; (OCLC 191321)
1981: Revised edition. (ISBN 978-0-521-23958-5)

1970: A Cambridge Playhouse of 1638, by Donald Francis McKenzie, in Renaissance Drama, New Series Vol. 3, pp. 263–​72. (ISSN 0486-3739) [The Queens’ Stage-House: see 1991 for a response] 

1970: The Cambridge Mind : Ninety Years of the Cambridge Review 1879–​1969, eds. Eric Homberger, William Janeway, Simon Schama. (ISBN 978-0-224-61914-1)

1970: The original statutes of Cambridge University, by Michael Benedict Hackett. (ISBN 978-0-521-07076-8)

1970: The University Post in A Postal History of Cambridge, by Derrick John Muggleton (1920–​2006), pp. 77–​93. (ISBN 978-0-9501785-0-9)

1970: Academical dress from the Middle Ages to the present day, including Lambeth degrees, by Charles Aubrey Hamilton Franklyn. (ISBN 978-0-9500584-1-2)

1971: Blazers, by Alan Douglas Mansfield (1916–​79), in Costume, Vol. 5:1, pp. 25–​8. (ISSN 0590-8876 eISSN 1749-6306)

1971: University Rebel: The Life of William Frend (1757–​1841), by Frida (Frideswide Frances Emma) Knight. (ISBN 978-0-575-00633-1) [Isaac Milner features] 

1971: Queens’ College, Cambridge : proposals for new buildings, by Powell and Moya, Architects, Feb 1971. [First design for Cripps Court] 

1971: Victorian and Edwardian Cambridge from old photographs, by Frank Albert Reeve (1907–​1996). (ISBN 978-0-7134-0116-5)
1978: second edition (ISBN 978-0-7134-0093-9)

1973: Queens’ College Record [continued from 1925 Queens’ College, published annually from 1972/73] (OCLC 265498993)

1973: Cambridge exemplars, by Stephen Gardiner, in The Observer, No. 9514, 1973 Dec 2, p. 35. (ISSN 0029-7712)

1973: The Colleges of Cambridge 1286–​1973, by Bryan Desmond Greenway Little (1913–​1992). (ISBN 978-0-239-00133-7)

1974: Cambridge, by Mary Doreen Lobel. (ISBN 978-0-85967-182-8) [Map from British Historic Towns Atlas Vol. 2: online version] 

1974: The University in Society, ed. Lawrence Stone;
      Vol. 1: Oxford and Cambridge from the 14th to the early 19th century; (ISBN 978-0-19-690416-0)
      Vol. 2: Europe, Scotland, and the United States from the 16th to the 20th century. (ISBN 978-0-19-690417-7)

1974: Cambridge University Calendar for the year 1973–​74 (ISBN 978-0-521-20396-8). [previously part of the Annual Register, see 1952. Publication ceased after this one edition] 

1974: Cambridge University List of Members for the year 1973–​74 (ISBN 978-0-521-20562-7); [previously part of the Annual Register, see 1952] 
1976: Cambridge University List of Members for the year 1975–​76 (ISBN 978-0-521-20928-1);
1978 May: ditto, Supplement up to 31 December 1976 (ISBN 978-0-521-21903-7);
1978 Dec: ditto, Supplement up to 31 December 1977 (ISBN 978-0-521-22468-0);
1979: Cambridge University List of Members up to 31 December 1978 (ISBN 978-0-521-23139-8) [misprinted with duplicated ISBN 978-0-521-22921-0];
1980: ditto, Supplement up to 31 December 1979 (ISBN 978-0-521-23408-5);
1981: ditto, Supplement up to 31 December 1980 (ISBN 978-0-521-24125-0);
1982: ditto, Supplement up to 31 December 1981 (ISBN 978-0-521-24756-6);
1983: Cambridge University List of Members up to 31 December 1982 (ISBN 978-0-521-25427-4);
1984: ditto, Supplement up to 31 December 1983 (ISBN 978-0-521-31811-2);
1985: ditto, Supplement up to 31 December 1984 (ISBN 978-0-521-31429-9);
1986: Cambridge University List of Members up to 31 December 1985 (ISBN 978-0-521-33876-9);
1987: ditto, Supplement up to 31 December 1986 (ISBN 978-0-521-34686-3);
1988: ditto, Supplement up to 31 December 1987 (ISBN 978-0-521-36814-8);
1989: Cambridge University List of Members up to 31 December 1988 (ISBN 978-0-521-38237-3);
1990: ditto, Supplement up to 31 December 1989 (ISBN 978-0-521-39644-8);
1991: ditto, Supplement up to 31 December 1990 (ISBN 978-0-521-42597-1);
1992: Cambridge University List of Members up to 31 December 1991 (ISBN 978-0-521-43468-3) (OCLC 504959750);
1993: ditto, Supplement up to 31 December 1992 (ISBN 978-0-521-45872-6);
1994: ditto, Supplement up to 31 December 1993 (ISBN 978-0-521-47568-6);
1996: Cambridge University List of Members up to 31 December 1994 (ISBN 978-0-521-55479-4);
1997: Cambridge University List of Members up to 31 July 1996 (ISBN 978-0-521-59762-3);
1998: ditto, Supplement up to 31 July 1997 (ISBN 978-0-521-59663-3);
1999: ditto, Supplement up to 31 July 1998 (ISBN 978-0-521-64406-8);
2000: Cambridge University List of Members up to 31 July 1998 (ISBN 978-0-521-77754-4). [series ceased publication] 

1975: The medieval universities : their development and organization, by Alan Balfour Cobban (1939–​2015). (ISBN 978-0-416-81250-3)

1975: Women at Cambridge : A Men’s University – Though of a Mixed Type, by Rita McWilliams-Tullberg; (ISBN 978-0-575-01969-0)
1998: revised edition as: Women at Cambridge. (ISBN 978-0-521-64464-8)

1976: The Ardent Queen : Margaret of Anjou and the Lancastrian Heritage, by Jock Haswell. (ISBN 978-0-432-06580-8)

1976: A house by the river : Newnham Grange to Darwin College, by Margaret Elizabeth Keynes (1890–​1974). (ISBN 978-0-9505198-0-7)

1976: The West Fields of Cambridge, ed. Catherine Priscilla Hall (1923–​2017) and John (Jack) Richard Ravensdale (1920–​1994). (ISBN 978-0-904323-02-3)

1976: Victorian and Edwardian Cambridgeshire from old photographs, by Frank Albert Reeve (1907–​1996). (ISBN 978-0-7134-3079-0)

1976: The Cambridge that never was, by Frank Albert Reeve (1907–​1996). (ISBN 978-0-902675-72-8)

1977: The Cambridge nobody knows, by Frank Albert Reeve (1907–​1996). (ISBN 978-0-900891-10-6) [history of Owlstone Croft in Paradise, pp. 41–​3].

1977: Varsity rags and hoaxes, by Frank Albert Reeve (1907–​1996). (ISBN 978-0-900891-16-8)

1978: Cambridge college walks, by Frank Albert Reeve (1907–​1996). (ISBN 978-0-900891-42-7)

1978: Cambridge Between Two Wars, by Thomas Edward Brodie Howarth (1914–​1988). (ISBN 978-0-00-211181-2)

1978: Sir Thomas Smith: Renaissance Civilian, by Peter Stein[Fellow], in Acta Juridica 1978, pp. 79–​90.

1978: Wall to the Backs : New buildings for Queens’ College Cambridge, in Architectural Review, Vol. 164, No. 977, July 1978, pp. 36–​41. (ISSN 0003-861X) [Cripps Court] 

1979: Queens’ College : Notice concerning Visitors, in Cambridge Evening News, 1979 Feb 2. (ISSN 0963-4029) [Introduction of charges] 

1979: Arch bridges and their builders 1735–1835, by Ted (Edward Campbell) Ruddock (1930–​2015). (ISBN 978-0-521-21816-0)

1979: One Hundred and Fifty Years of the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race : An Official History, by Richard Desborough Burnell. (ISBN 978-0-9500638-7-4)

1980: Masterpiece by the Cam, by Stephen Gardiner, in The Observer, No. 9846, 1980 May 11, p. 37. (ISSN 0029-7712)

1980: Morris & Company in Cambridge : catalogue, by Duncan Robinson and Stephen Wildman[Fellow], pp. 26–​9. (ISBN 978-0-521-23310-1, 978-0-521-29903-9)

1980: Cambridge, by Michael Harold Webster Hall (1957–), photos by Ernest Frankl (1918–​1992). (ISBN 978-0-907115-00-7)

1982: Court Circular in The Times, No. 61144, 1982 January 29, p. 14. [Queen Mother’s visit] 

1983: Punting : its history and techniques, by Robert Thurston Rivington (1922–​2001). (ISBN 978-0-9508045-2-1)

1983: The Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race, by Christopher John Dodd. (ISBN 978-0-09-151340-5)

1983: Town and Gown : the 700 years’ war in Cambridge, by Rowland Parker. (ISBN 978-0-85059-639-7)

1983: The Organs of Cambridge : an Illustrated Guide to the Organs of the University and City of Cambridge, by Nicholas John Thistlethwaite (1951–), pp. 63–​5. (ISBN 978-0-906894-04-0)
2008: Second edition, pp. 78–​81. (ISBN 978-0-906894-39-2)

1983: The Queen’s College of Saint Margaret and Saint Bernard, commonly known as Queens’ College in the University of Cambridge: a brief illustrated history, by Maurice Meynell Scarr (1914–​2005). (OCLC 56966141)

1983: Saved in the nick of time, by Peter Frederick Smith (1930–​2019), in New Scientist, Vol. 100, No. 1385, 1983 Nov 24, p. 603. (ISSN 0262-4079) [Repairs to Long Gallery] 

1984: Obituary: Sir Arthur Armitage, in The Times, No. 61750, 1984 Feb 6, p. 16.

1984: The Dress of the Cambridge Proctors, by John Hamilton Baker, in Costume, Vol. 18:1, pp. 86–​97. (ISSN 0590-8876 eISSN 1749-6306)

1984: The Ingenious Mr Essex, Architect, by Thomas Hugh Cocke. (OCLC 85059986)

1984: Dating of the Long Gallery, Queens’ College, by A.H.C. Carter, Vincent Roy Switsur, A.P. Ward. [suggesting a date no earlier than 1595] 

1984: Cambridge in old picture postcards, by Michael Rouse; (ISBN 978-90-288-2960-2)
1997: reprint.

1984: Cambridge University Press 1584–​1984, by Michael Hugo Black; (ISBN 978-0-521-26473-0)
2000: pbk edition. (ISBN 978-0-521-66497-4)

1985: The Cambridge Armorial, edited by Cecil Humphery-Smith, Heather Elinor Peek, Gordon Herbert Wright (1918–​2019), and Charles Wilfred Scott-Giles. (ISBN 978-0-85613-871-3)

1985: Cambridge Architecture, by Tim Rawle. (ISBN 978-0-86294-059-1)

1985: Queens’ College: The inside story, in Cambridge Evening News, No. 29781, 1985 Sep 30, pp. 12–​13. [Preview of TV series Queens’: a Cambridge College] 

1985: Court Circular in The Times, No. 62320, 1985 December 13, p. 12. [Queen Mother took lunch at Queens’] 

1986: Backstairs Cambridge, by Jane Barham (née Hoskison) (1935–​2010). (ISBN 978-0-946092-33-8)

1986: An early stage at Queens’, by Iain Richard Wright [Fellow], in Cambridge: Magazine of the Cambridge Society, vol. 18, pp. 74–​83; (ISSN 0140-8348)
1996: another edition, in Studies in Theatre Production, vol. 13, issue 1. (ISSN 1357-5341)

1986: ‘Doctors Wear Scarlet’ : The Festal Gowns of the University of Cambridge, by John Hamilton Baker, in Costume, Vol. 20:1, pp. 33–​43. (ISSN 0590-8876 eISSN 1749-6306)

1986: Cambridge University Library : a history.
      Vol. 1: From the beginnings to the Copyright Act of Queen Anne, by John Claud Trewinard Oates; (ISBN 978-0-521-30656-0)
      Vol: 2: The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, by David John McKitterick. (ISBN 978-0-521-30655-3)

1986: Reflections of Power: Margaret of Anjou and the Dark Side of Queenship, by Patricia-Ann Lee, in Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 39, Issue 2, pp. 183–​217. (ISSN 0034-4338, 1935-0236)

1986: Portraits of the later Plantagenets, by Frederick Hepburn. (ISBN 978-0-85115-422-0) [Elizabeth Woodville portraits in chapter 4] 

1987: A History of Queens’ College, Cambridge, 1448–​1986, by John David Twigg. (ISBN 978-0-85115-488-6)

1987: Court Circular, in The Times, No. 62828, 1987 July 23, p. 12. [Queen Mother at Heritage Garden Party] 

1988: The Dial in Old Court, Queens’ College Cambridge : its background, history and use, by Maurice Meynell Scarr (1914–​2005). (OCLC 84705218) [re-working of material from Shephard’s pamphlet of 1957/72] 

1988: The Birth of Margaret of Anjou, by Christopher N. L. Brooke and Veronica Ortenberg, in Historical Research, 61: 357–358. (ISSN 1468-2281)

1988: The Medieval English Universities : Oxford and Cambridge to c.1500, by Alan Balfour Cobban (1939–​2015). (ISBN 978-0-85967-753-0)

1988: Cambridge University archives : a classified list, by Dorothy Mary Owen. (ISBN 978-0-521-36495-9)

1988: Education Reform Act 1988, c. 40, ss. 202–​7.

1988: Two Latin Play Songs, by Julia K. Wood, in Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle, No. 21(1988), pp. 45–​52. [Song from Valetudinarium] 

1988: Le Maître à la vue de Sainte-Gudule: Contribution à l’étude critique de son œuvre, by Hélène Dubois. (OCLC 845084940) [thesis, 2 vols] 

1989: Sources d’inspiration du Maître à la Vue de Sainte Gudule et de son atelier, by Hélène Dubois, in Annales d’Histoire de l’Art et d’Archéologie, Vol. XI, pp. 39–​52. (ISSN 0771-2723) [includes chapel triptych] 

1989: Records of Early English Drama: Cambridge, Volume 1: The Records, by Alan Holm Nelson; (ISBN 978-0-8020-5751-8)
1989: Volume 2: Editorial apparatus.

1989: English Lantern Clocks, by George White, p. 523 note 138. (ISBN 978-0-907462-33-0) [clock given by Edward East] 

1989: Cambridge Classic, by Charles Knevitt, in Concrete Quarterly, No. 163 (Winter 1989), pp. 2–​5. (ISSN 0010-5376) [Lyon Court, Cripps Phase 3] 

1989: A History of the University of Cambridge, ed. Christopher N. L. Brooke.
1989: Volume 1: The University to 1546, by Damian Riehl Leader; (ISBN 978-0-521-32882-1)
2004: Volume 2: 1546–1750, by Victor Morgan; (ISBN 978-0-521-35059-4)
1997: Volume 3: 1750–1870, by Peter Searby; (ISBN 978-0-521-35060-0)
1992: Volume 4: 1870–1990, by Christopher N. L. Brooke. (ISBN 978-0-521-34350-3)
1990: Series: A History of the University of Cambridge : Texts and Studies. (ISSN 0960-2887)
1990: Vol. 1: The University of Cambridge and the English revolution, 1625–​1688, by John David Twigg. (ISBN 978-0-85115-497-8)
1993: Vol. 2: Medieval Cambridge : essays on the pre-Reformation University, ed. Patrick N. R. Zutshi. (ISBN 978-0-85115-344-5)
      — The Dedications of Cambridge Colleges and their Chapels, by Christopher N. L. Brooke, pp. 7–​20;
      — The Cambridge Faculty of Canon Law and the Ecclesiastical Courts of Ely, by James A. Brundage, pp. 21–​45;
      — Commoners in Medieval Cambridge Colleges, by Alan Balfour Cobban (1939–​2015), pp. 47–​64;
      — The Gild of Corpus Christi and the Foundation of Corpus Christi College, by Catherine P. Hall, pp. 65–​91;
      — The Medieval Statutes of Pembroke College, by Jayne S. Ringrose, pp. 93–​127;
      — Two Collegiate Loan Chests in Late Medieval Cambridge, by Roger W. Lovatt, pp. 129–​165;
      — The impact of St John’s College as landowner in the West Fields of Cambridge …, by Malcolm G. Underwood, pp. 167–​188.
2000: Vol. 3: Gentlemen, scientists, and doctors : medicine at Cambridge 1800–​1940, by Mark Weatherall. (ISBN 978-0-85115-681-1)
2002: Vol. 4: Teaching and learning in nineteenth-century Cambridge, ed. Jonathan Smith and Christopher Stray. (ISBN 978-0-85115-783-2)
      — The Analytical Revolution from Below: Private Teaching and Mathematical Reform in Georgian Cambridge, by Andrew Warwick, p. 5;
      — A Parochial Anomaly: The Classical Tripos 1822–​1900, by Christopher Stray, p. 31;
      — ‘A mist of prejudice’: The Reluctant Acceptance of Modern History at Cambridge, 1845–​1873, by John Wilkes, p. 45;
      — Constructing Knowledge in mid-Victorian Cambridge: The Moral Sciences Tripos 1850–​70, by John R. Gibbins, p. 61;
      — Learning to Pick the Easy Plums: The Invention of Ancient History in Nineteenth-Century Classics, by Mary Beard, p. 89;
      — The Revolution in College Teaching: St John’s College, 1850–​1926, by Malcolm G. Underwood, p. 107;
      — Trinity College Annual Examinations in the Nineteenth Century, by Jonathan Smith, p. 122;
      — ‘Girton for ladies, Newnham for governesses’, by Gillian Sutherland, p. 139;
      — Models of Learning? The ‘logical, philosophical and scientific woman’ in late Nineteenth-Century Cambridge, by Paula Ann Gould, p. 150;
      — Where Did Undergraduates Get Their Books?, by David John McKitterick, p. 165;
      — ‘The advantage of proceeding from an author of some scientific reputation’: Isaac Todhunter and his Mathematics Textbooks, by June Barrow-Green, p. 177;
      — Afterword, by Elisabeth S. Leedham-Green, p. 204.
2003: Vol. 5: Cambridge in the 1830s : the letters of Alexander Chisholm Gooden, 1831–​1841, ed. Jonathan Smith and Christopher Stray. (ISBN 978-1-84383-010-8)
2007: Vol. 6: Reformation and religious identity in Cambridge, 1590–​1644, by David Hoyle. (ISBN 978-1-84383-325-3)
2011: Vol. 7: The Palfrey notebook : records of study in seventeenth-century Cambridge, ed. Christopher J. Cook. (ISBN 978-1-84383-666-7)
2013: Vol. 8: Robert Willis (1800–​1875) and the Foundation of Architectural History, by Alexandrina Buchanan. (ISBN 978-1-84383-800-5)
2018: Vol. 9: Commemoration in medieval Cambridge, ed. John Stephen Lee and Christian Steer. (ISBN 978-1-78327-334-8)
      — Introduction: In fellowship with the dead, by Christian Steer, p. 1;
      — Monuments and memory: a university town in late medieval England, by John Stephen Lee, p. 10;
      — The commemoration of the living and the dead at the Friars Minor of Cambridge, by Michael Robinson, p. 34;
      — The City of London and the founding of the Guild of Corpus Christi, by Richard Barber, p. 52;
      — Patrons and benefactors: the masters of Trinity Hall in the later Middle Ages, by Claire Gobbi Daunton and Elizabeth Anne New, p. 61;
      — A comparison of academical and legal costume on memorial brasses, by John Hamilton Baker, p. 90;
      — Commemoration at a royal college, by Peter Murray Jones, p. 106;
      — Cambridge commemorations of Lady Margaret Beaufort’s household, by Susan Powell, p. 123;
      — ‘The stones are all disrobed’: reasons for the presence and absence of monumental brasses in Cambridge, by Nicholas Rogers, pp. 152–​164.

1990: Universities in the Middle Ages, by Alan Balfour Cobban (1939–​2015). (ISBN 978-0-85323-247-6)

1990: The Board-Seated Turned Chairs Project, by Robert F. Trent, in Regional Furniture, IV (1990), pp. 42–​48, Fig. 3. (ISSN 0953-0800) [Erasmus’s Chair, so-called] 

1990: Reclassifying the undergraduate collection at Queens’ College, Cambridge, by Clare Sargent, in The Bliss Classification Bulletin, No. 32. (ISSN 0520-2795)

1990: Bricks for Blues, by Susan Dawson, in AJ Focus, December 1990, pp. 18–​20. (ISSN 0951-5380) [New boathouse] 

1991: Cambridge Sundials, by Alexis Michael Panther Brookes (1913–​2002) and Margaret Wilson Stanier (1919–​2007). (OCLC 40223537)

1991: A Cambridge Playhouse of 1638?: Reconsiderations, by Alan Holm Nelson; and Iain Richard Wright [Fellow], in Renaissance Drama, New Series vol. 22, pp. 175–​89. (ISSN 0486-3739 eISSN 2164-3415) [response to the 1970 article A Cambridge Playhouse of 1638?] 

1991: Three panels by the Master of the View of Ste-Gudule in the Chapel of Queens’ College, Cambridge, by Jean Michel Massing, The Burlington Magazine 133 (Oct 1991), pp. 690–​3. (ISSN 0007-6287)

1991: Bedders, Bulldogs and Bedells : a Cambridge ABC, by Frank Henry Stubbings; (ISBN 978-0-9517662-0-0)
1995: Bedders, Bulldogs and Bedells : a Cambridge Glossary. (ISBN 978-0-521-47978-3)

1992: The College graces of Oxford and Cambridge, by Reginald H. Adams. (ISBN 978-1-870882-06-4)

1992: Cambridge University academical dress : with notes on Oxford academical dress, by George Wenham Shaw. (OCLC 84920611)

1992: Hall Screens and Elizabethan Playhouses: Counter-Evidence from Cambridge, by Alan Holm Nelson, in The Development of Shakespeare’s Theater, ed. John Harold Astington (1945–​2019), pp. 57–​76. (ISBN 978-0-404-62293-0)

1992: Queens’ Bridge, by Gunnar de Vries, in Industrial Design 02: Zwei Forschungsberichte, ed. Lambert Rosenbusch, pp. 6–​18. (ISBN 978-3-931185-27-5)

1992: Maps, Land and Society : a history, with a carto-bibliography of Cambridgeshire estate maps, c. 1600–​1836, by (Alison) Sarah Bendall (1960–). (ISBN 978-0-521-41055-7) [includes Queens’ estates in rural Cambs.] 

1992: Court Circular, in The Times, No. 64355, 1992 June 10, p. 18. [Formal opening of Lyon Court by Queen Mother, and lunch] 

1992: A History of Cambridge University Press, by David John McKitterick:
      1992: Volume 1. Printing and the Book Trade in Cambridge, 1534–1698; (ISBN 978-0-521-30801-4)
      1998: Volume 2. Scholarship and Commerce, 1698–1872; (ISBN 978-0-521-30802-1)
      2004: Volume 3. New Worlds for Learning, 1873–1972. (ISBN 978-0-521-30803-8)

1993: Ten Carmelite Roundels at Queens’ College Cambridge, by Hilary Wayment, in Proc. Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Vol. LXXXII, pp. 139–​56. (ISSN 0309-3603)
1995: Ten Carmelite Roundels at Queens’ College Cambridge, by Hilary Wayment, in Teresianum: Ephemerides Carmeliticae, 1995, Vol. 46, fasc. 1, pp. 163–​195. (ISSN 0392-4556)

1993: Splendours of Flanders: Late medieval art in Cambridge collections, by Alain Arnould and Jean Michel Massing, with contributions from Peter Spufford [Fellow] and Mark Alistair Sinclair Blackburn. (ISBN 978-0-521-44157-5, 978-0-521-44692-1) [Catalogue of Fitzwilliam Museum exhibition including Queens’ triptych] 

1993: The life and thought of the Very Reverend Dr Isaac Milner and his contribution to the Evangelical Revival in England, by Barbara Jane Melaas-Swanson (1960–​2012) (OCLC 912949637)

1994: Conservation of the Wall Paintings in the Memorial Chapel Library, Queens’ College Cambridge, by Tobit Curteis, Curteis Paine Associates.

1994: Early Cambridge theatres: college, university, and town stages, 1464-1720, by Alan Holm Nelson, pp. 16–​37 & 131–​9. (ISBN 978-0-521-43177-4)

1994: The Vigani specimen cabinet by John Austin, a Cambridge joiner, by Adam Bowett, in Regional Furniture, VIII (1994), pp. 58–​63. (ISSN 0953-0800)

1994: A college library hidden from all but its users, by Deborah Singmaster, in Architects’ Journal, Vol. 200, no. 8 (19940825), pp. 23–​5. (ISSN 0003-8466)

1994: Queens’ College Library: a history, by Clare Sargent. (OCLC 84986149)

1994: The Queens’ College Dial, Cambridge, by Charles Kenneth Aked (1921–​1998), in the Bulletin of the British Sundial Society, Vol. 94.3 October 1994, pp. 2–​6; (ISSN 0958-4315) [reproduced by kind permission of the BSS] 
1997: Queens' College Sundial (follow-up): ibid., Vol. 97.2 April 1997, pp. 51–​2.

1994: Erasmus : the reformer, by Arthur Geoffrey Dickens and Whitney Richard David Jones (1924–​2022); (ISBN 978-0-413-33480-0)
2000: paperback edition. (ISBN 978-0-413-75330-4)

1994: Cambridge Architecture : A Concise Guide, by Nicholas Ray. (ISBN 978-0-521-45222-9)

1996: A Concise History of the University of Cambridge, by Elisabeth S. Leedham-Green. (ISBN 978-0-521-43978-7)

1996: Estate Maps of an English County: Cambridgeshire, 1600-1836, by (Alison) Sarah Bendall (1960–), in Rural Images: Estate Maps in the Old and New Worlds, ed. David Buisseret, pp. 63–​90, Queens’ at pp. 74–​80. (ISBN 978-0-226-07990-5)

1996: William Morris Tiles : The Tile Designs of Morris and his Fellow-Workers, by Richard and Hilary Myers, pp. 62–​67 and plates 25–​29. (ISBN 978-0-903685-43-6) [Old Hall fireplace overmantel] 

1997: Court Circular, in The Times, No. 65903, 1997 May 30, p. 22. [Queen Mother at lunch] 

1998: Court Circular, in The Times, No. 66224, 1998 June 10, p. 22. [Queen Mother at Q550 celebration] 

1998: Dry launch for college’s boat, in The Times, No. 66224, 1998 June 10, p. 22. [Naming of “The Patroness” women’s eight] 

1998: Educating Eve: Five Generations of Cambridge Women, ed. Mary Therese Broers (1938–), photos by Julia Hedgecoe. (ISBN 978-0-521-55945-4) [catalogues falsely give this ISBN to “Women at Cambridge”] 

1998: Women at Cambridge : A Brief History, by Felicity Hunt (1951–) & Carol Barker (1971–). (OCLC 43201274) [has no ISBN. Catalogues falsely give this item the ISBN of “Educating Eve” owing to a photo of that ISBN on the back cover] 

1998: Cambridge Observed : An Anthology, by Charles W. R. D. Moseley and Clive Wilmer. (ISBN 978-0-905899-81-7)

1999: The Tile Decoration by Morris & Co. for Queens’ College, Cambridge: The Inspiration of Illuminated Manuscripts, by Michaela Braesel, in Apollo 149, no. 443 (January 1999), pp. 25–​33. (ISSN 0003-6536) [reproduced by kind permission of Apollo Magazine and of the author] 

1999: English university life in the Middle Ages, by Alan Balfour Cobban (1939–​2015). (ISBN 978-1-85728-516-1)

1999: The Spinning-House, by (Frances) Margot Holbrook (née Davies Jones) (1925–​2020), in the Cambridgeshire Association for Local History Review, No. 8, pp. 3–​25. (ISSN 1350-5181)

1999: Cambridge : The Hidden History, by Alison Taylor; (ISBN 978-0-7524-1436-2)
2001: paperback edition. (ISBN 978-0-7524-1914-5)

2000: The bumps : an account of the Cambridge University bumping races, 1827–​1999, by John Francis Durack (1948–), John Marks (1924–​2016), George Malcolm Gilbert. (ISBN 978-0-9538475-0-1)

2000: Henry VI, Margaret of Anjou and the Wars of the Roses : a Source Book, by Keith R. Dockray (1944–​2022); (ISBN 978-0-7509-2163-3)
2016: Henry VI, Margaret of Anjou and the Wars of the Roses : from contemporary chronicles, letters & records. (ISBN 978-1-78155-469-2)

2001: The Journal of William Dowsing : Iconoclasm in East Anglia during the English Civil War, ed. Trevor Leonard Cooper. (ISBN 978-0-85115-833-4)

2001: English University Benefactors in the Middle Ages, by Alan Balfour Cobban (1939–​2015), in History, Vol. 86, No. 283 (July 2001), pp. 288–​312. (ISSN 0018-2648, eISSN 1468-229X)

2001: Two sixteenth-century book lists from the Library of Queens’ College, Cambridge, by Clare Sargent, in Trans. Cambridge Bibliographical Soc., Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 161–​178. (ISSN 0068-6611)

2002: Elizabeth Woodville: mother of the princes in the tower, by David Baldwin. (ISBN 978-0-7509-2774-1)

2002: Corpus of British Medieval Library Catalogues : The University and College Libraries of Cambridge, ed. Peter D. Clarke, intro. by Roger W. Lovatt, pp. 558–​90 and plate 5. (ISBN 978-0-7123-4773-0)

2002: Cambridge College Chapel Registers : Marriages and Burials from the 18th & 19th Centuries, by Eve Logan, pp. 57–​66. (ISBN 978-0-9544309-1-7)

2002: The Pre-Reformation Altarpiece of Long Melford Church, by Kim W. Woods, in The Antiquaries Journal, Vol. 82, Sept. 2002, pp. 93–​104 (ISSN: 0003-5815 EISSN: 1758-5309) [speculative connection between Long Melford altarpiece and Queens’ triptych] 

2003: Vigani and his cabinet, by Lisa Wagner and Brian Callingham [Fellow], in Queens’ College Record 2003, pp. 14–​16. (OCLC 265498993)

2003: Margaret of Anjou : Queenship and Power in Late Medieval England, by Helen Estelle Maurer (1942–). (ISBN 978-1-280-54512-2)

2004: Battle of the Blues : the Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race from 1829, by Christopher John Dodd, John Marks (1924–​2016). (ISBN 978-0-9547232-1-7)

2004: The Regulation of Undergraduate Academic Dress at Oxford and Cambridge, 1660–1832, by William Thomas Gibson, in Transactions of the Burgon Society, Vol. 4, pp. 26–​41. (ISSN 2475-7799)

2004: The Post Office and the Colleges, by Vincent David West (1943–). (ISBN 978-0-907630-19-7)

2004: Queens’ College, Cambridge : archaeological monitoring of floor replacement, by Jess Tipper, Cambridge Archaeological Unit.

2004: The Rev Henry Hart, in The Times, No. 68264, 2004 December 21, p. 49. [obituary] 
2004: Lives Remembered, in The Times, No. 68272, 2004 December 31, p. 59.

2005: Condition Assessment and Treatment Report for the Old Hall, Queens’ College, by Hirst Conservation. [by permission] 

2005: Court Circular, in The Times, No. 68409, 2005 June 9, p. 70. [The Queen, as Patroness, at lunch] 

2005: Biographical Dictionary of English Wrought Iron-Smiths of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, by Edward Saunders (1932–​2011), in The Volume of the Walpole Society, Vol. 67, pp. 237–​384 at p. 303. (ISSN 0141-0016) [Old Hall gates by Jonas Jackson] 

2005: Memling and the Netherlandish Portrait Tradition, by Lorne Campbell, in Memling and the Art of Portraiture, by Till-Holger Borchert. (ISBN 978-0-500-09326-9) [Elizabeth Woodville portraits at pp. 55–​6] 

2005: Elizabeth Wydeville : The Slandered Queen, by Arlene Naylor Okerlund (1938–). (ISBN 978-0-7524-3384-4)

2005: Where do you keep? : Lodging the Cambridge University Undergraduate, by (Frances) Margot Holbrook (née Davies Jones) (1925–​2020). (ISBN 978-1-902918-36-5)

2006: The Cambridge Garden House Hotel Riot of 1970 and its Place in the History of British Student Protests, by David Crook, in Journal of Educational Administration and History, Vol. 38, No. 1, April 2006, pp. 19–​28. (ISSN 0022-0620 eISSN 1478-7431)

2006: The early modern library (to c. 1640), by Clare Sargent, in The Cambridge History of Libraries in Britain and Ireland Volume 1: To 1640, by Elisabeth Leedham-Green and Teresa Webber. (ISBN 978-0-521-78194-7, eISBN 978-1-139-05530-7)

2006: Oil paintings in Public Ownership in Cambridgeshire: The Fitzwilliam Museum, ed. Sonia Roe. (ISBN 978-1-904931-12-6)

2006: Statutes of Queens’ College in the University of Cambridge 1955 as amended to 2006.

2006: The Reverend John Michell: A Letter from his Great-grandson, by Eric Hutton, in The Antiquarian Astronomer, No. 3, 2006 Dec, pp. 65–8. (ISSN 1740-3677)

2007: Fine Art Materials in Vigani’s Cabinet, 1704, of Queens’ College, Cambridge, by Lisa Wagner, doctoral dissertation, Academy of Fine Arts, Dresden. (OCLC 888712742) [4 vols + DVD-ROM] 

2008: An American in Victorian Cambridge : Charles Astor Bristed’s “Five years in an English University”, edited by Christopher Allan Stray. (ISBN 978-0-85989-824-9) [see 1852] 

2009: New miniatures by Pacino di Bonaguida in Cambridge, by Stella Panayotova, in The Burlington Magazine, 151(1272, 2009 Mar):144–​148. (ISSN 0007-6287) [manuscript miniatures in Old Library] 

2009: Powell & Moya, by Ken Powell, pp. 75–​80. (ISBN 978-1-85946-303-1)

2009: Obituary: Sir Derek Bowett, by Vaughan Lowe, in The Guardian, 24 Oct 2009.

2009: A Catalogue of Western Book Illumination in the Fitzwilliam Museum and the Cambridge Colleges, by Nigel Morgan and Stella Panayotova, Part 1; (ISBN 978-1-905375-47-9, 2 vols)
2012: Part 2; (ISBN 978-1-905375-85-1, 2 vols)
2015: Part 3 Vol. 1; (ISBN 978-1-909400-37-5)
2014: Part 4 Vol. 1; (ISBN 978-1-909400-04-7)
2017: Part 5 Vol. 1. (ISBN 978-1-909400-85-6)

2010: The University of Cambridge : A New History, by Gillian Rosemary Evans. (ISBN 978-1-84885-115-3)

2011: Building on the Backs: Basil Spence, Queens’ College Cambridge and University Architecture at Mid-Century, by Louise Campbell, in Architectural History, Vol. 54 (2011), pp. 383–​405. (ISSN: 0066-622X)

2011: Sir John Skrene, Richard of Gloucester and Queens’ College, Cambridge, by Anne Frances Sutton, in The Ricardian, Vol. XXI, pp. 23–​46. (ISSN 0048-8267)

2011: Natural resins and balsams from an eighteenth-century pharmaceutical collection analysed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, by Gundel Steigenberger and Christoph Herm, in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2011) 401:1771–1784. (ISSN: 1618-2642 (print), 1618-2650 (online))

2012: Weighing the World: The Reverend John Michell of Thornhill, by Russell McCormmach. (ISBN 978-94-007-2021-3, eISBN 978-94-007-2022-0)

2012: Basil Spence : buildings & projects, by Louise Campbell, Miles Glendinning, Jane Thomas, pp. 128–​37. (ISBN 978-1-85946-309-3)

2012: Queens' College, Cambridge, by Juliet Chippindale (ISBN 978-0-9572460-0-3) [guidebook] 

2012: The Spinning House girls: Cambridge University's distinctive policing of prostitution, 1823–​1894, by Janet Oswald, in Urban History, 39(3), 453–​470. (ISSN 0963-9268 eISSN 1469-8706)

2012: The Dispersal of Scholars from Oxford and the Beginnings of a University at Cambridge, by Patrick N. R. Zutshi, in The English Historical Review, Vol. 127, Issue 528, 2012 October, pp. 1041–1062. (ISSN 0013-8266, eISSN 1477-4534)

2012: The Death of a Vice-Chancellor: Cambridge, 1632, by David Arthur Cressy (1946–), in History of Universities: Volume XXVI/2, pp. 92–​112. (ISBN 978-0-19-966838-0)

2012: The Wooden Spoon: Rank (dis)order in Cambridge 1753–​1909, by Christopher Allan Stray, in History of Universities: Volume XXVI/1, pp. 163–​201 (ISBN 978-0-19-965206-8)

2012: University mails of Oxford and Cambridge : early letters, college stamps and Victorian security marks, by David Charles Sigee (1943–). (ISBN 978-1-78088-259-8)

2013: The Vigani Cabinet – Analysis of historical resinous materials by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy, by Gundel Steigenberger, doctoral dissertation, Technical University, Dresden. (OCLC 854842314)

2013: College Cloisters – Married Bachelors, by Bridget Duckenfield (1938?–​2019?). (ISBN 978-1-4438-5313-2)

2013: Cambridge Depicted : Engravings, History and People, by Haroon Ahmed and Philip Denbigh. (ISBN 978-1-908990-20-4)

2013: Painting from Life? Comments on the Date and Function of the Early Portraits of Elizabeth Woodville and Elizabeth of York in the Royal Collection, by Jennifer Scott, in The Yorkist Age: Proceedings of the 2011 Harlaxton Symposium, by Hannes Kleineke and Christian Steer. (ISBN 978-1-907730-22-1)

2014: SET free: breaking the rules in a processual, user-generated, digital performance edition of Richard the Third, by Jennifer Roberts-Smith et al., in The Shakespearean International Yearbook, 14: Special Section, Digital Shakespeares, ed. Brett D. Hirsch; D. Hugh Craig, pp. 69–​100. (ISBN 978-1-4724-3964-2) [simulation of hypothetical 1588 performance on demountable stage in Old Hall] 

2014: The story of the Cambridge college messenger stamps : their adoption, use and suppression, with all matters appertaining thereto: 1882–​5, by Harry Debron Catling (1869–​1947), Simon James Catling (1947–). (ISBN 978-0-9546087-2-9)

2014: The Academic Robes of Graduates of the University of Cambridge from the End of the Eighteenth Century to the Present Day, by Nicholas William Groves, in Transactions of the Burgon Society, Vol. 13, pp. 74–​100. (ISSN 2475-7799)

2015: Rediscovered manuscript fragments of The Prick of Conscience in the library of Queens’ College Cambridge, by Daniel Sawyer, in Trans. Cambridge Bibliographical Society, Vol. XV Part 4, pp. 515–​40. (ISSN 0068-6611)

2016: The Staircase Girls : the secret lives, heartaches and joy of the Cambridge ‘bedders’, by Catherine Seymour. (ISBN 978-1-5098-0291-3)

2016: Ackermann’s Costumes of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, ed. Nicholas James Jackson. (ISBN 978-0-9928740-4-9)

2016: The Heraldry of Queens’ College, Cambridge, by David Broomfield.

2017: Statutes of Queens’ College in the University of Cambridge 2017.

2021: The Evolution of Undergraduate Academic Dress at the University of Cambridge and its Constituent Colleges, by Brian Morley Newman, in Transactions of the Burgon Society, Vol. 20, pp. 67–​93. (ISSN 2475-7799)

2022: Queens’ College, Cambridge, by John Goodall, photos by Will Pryce, in Country Life, Vol. CCXVIII, 2022: Part 1 in No. 5, February 2, pp. 62–​67; Part 2 in No. 6, February 9, pp. 46–​51. (ISSN 0045-8856)

2022: The First 40 Presidents of Queens’ College Cambridge : Their Lives and Times, by Jonathan Hudson Dowson [Fellow Commoner]. (ISBN 978-1-83975-889-8)

2023: Student life in nineteenth-century Cambridge : John Wright’s Alma Mater, edited by Christopher Allan Stray. (ISBN 978-1-80413-027-8) [see 1827] 

2023: City of Refuge: Evacuation of University of London Colleges to Cambridge during the Second World War, by Anthony Gordon Watts (1942–), in History of Universities XXXVI/1, pp. 180–​214. (ISBN 978-0-19-199187-5)

2024: The Spinning House : How Cambridge University locked up women in its private prison, by Caroline Biggs. (ISBN 978 1 80399 570 0)