Health and Wellbeing support in College is here to provide you with help and advice, covering a wide range of personal issues and general wellbeing.
Health & Wellbeing Team
In addition to the Tutors we have a Health & Wellbeing Team.
Our Health and Wellbeing Advisers are Jenny Schiller, Emily Farrar, Kemi Fadero (based in Health & Wellbeing Centre) and Rev. Tim Harling (S4, Dokett building). All are highly trained and experienced at supporting others with any wellbeing issues.
For more information about the Health and Wellbeing Team's specialisms please see our Health & Wellbeing Advisers page and to book an appointment please visit our Health and Wellbeing Resources page.
A Tutor may be your first port of call for academic concerns and often it is best to contact them by email to arrange a time to meet. However, in case of emergency there is a Duty Tutor available at all times, who can be reached by asking the Porters to contact them for you.
Tutors work in conjunction with the Health & Wellbeing Team to assist students in overcoming any difficulty affecting their wellbeing or issues which might compromise their ability to study effectively, including health, welfare, financial or personal issues. Tutors also provide support for students with specific academic related problems. They liaise with Directors of Study, the University, Faculties and Departments on the student's behalf. They can assist with processes such as funding for academic travel, supervision changes, course concerns, underperformance, examination issues (including allowances), academic discipline, fitness to study, intermission and return to study (alongside other members of the Health & Wellbeing Team).
Please check your CamSIS Self-Service to check who your Tutor is. Contact details for all Tutors can be found under the Tutors tab.
Harassment and Assault
The College has four Harassment and Assault Officers (HAOs), Tim Harling, Jane Garrison, Janet Maguire and Jenny Schiller. They can be contacted via
The College takes Harassment and Assault very seriously. If any student wishes to discuss, report and or seek support having been subjected to any form of harassment or assault, please contact us. We will walk alongside you, giving you options and support to you going forward. We will provide you with details of internal and external options; it is important to remember that welfare is never contingent on you taking any of these options.
Our processes are transparent and accountable. A summary can be found in this document.