Chapel and spiritual life in Queens'

The Chapel

Welcome to the webpages of Queens’ College Chapel. The New Chapel at Queens’ stands in Walnut Tree Court and was built in 1891 to accommodate the growing number of students. One or two things have changed since then, but the Chapel remains a place in which to encounter God and one another. To this end we follow a pattern of prayer and worship which is greatly enriched by our Chapel Choir, and other choral groups. We also enjoy a range of speakers at Choral Evensong on a Sunday.

Queens’ is a diverse college and as a Chapel we seek to be an inclusive place where this diversity is respected, embraced, and encouraged. The Chapel is an Anglican (Church of England) Foundation but it also exists for all members of College and seeks to be a place of hospitality for people of all faiths and none. We hope you enjoy your virtual visit and look forward to welcoming you in person soon.

Regular choral services are now suspended for the vacation, and will resume with the Matriculation Service on Tuesday 8 October, and Compline on Friday 11 October 2024.

We continue to offer prayers in Chapel daily through most of the summer vacation. All are welcome to join us at the following times:

Monday - Friday, 8am - Silent Prayer

Monday - Friday, 8.30am - Morning Prayer

From Monday 12 August, Silent Prayer & Morning Prayer will be held in the Faith Centre (FF8), while work is carried out in the Chapel.

Choral Evensong will be sung by visiting groups on the following dates in July 2024:

Sunday 7 July, 5pm - Harrow Choral Society (music by Bullock, Stanford & Bairstow)

Saturday 13 July - Royal Schools of Church Music (Stanford Anniversary weekend)

Regular Services during Full Term

Sunday, 6pm                                Choral Evensong

Our flagship service, following the Book of Common Prayer, with hymns and a choral anthem, readings from the Bible, and a sermon on this term's theme of Prayer (one of the College's two statutory objects, along with Education). 

Monday - Friday, 8am                 Silent Prayer
25 minutes of silent space to dwell at the still point.

Monday – Friday, 8.30am            Morning Prayer
A short said service of Bible readings and prayers to start the day. 

Monday, 12.15pm.                       Julian Group
20 minutes of contemplation introduced by a short reading.

Wednesday, 6.30pm                    Choral Evensong
Book of Common Prayer service of prayers, readings, sung psalms, canticles and anthems, with no sermon.

Thursday, 6pm                              Informal Eucharist
A simple service of Holy Communion, with a short homily.

Friday, 9pm                                    Choral Compline
A meditative service of Night Prayer with plainchant and a choral anthem by candlelight.

Other Chapel & Faith Centre Events

Tea on the Terrace                     Sunday, 2-4pm [Faith Centre]
Drop in for a break, drink tea, eat cake & enjoy the view. (Optional baking from 1pm)

Jigsaw Hour                               Tuesday, 4-5pm [Faith Centre]
A selection of puzzles to give your mind something else to think about.

Woolly Wednesday                    Wednesday, 4-6pm [Faith Centre]
BYO project; come and learn a new skill; discover a great way to relax.
Wool, needles, hooks & patterns all provided.

Cobweb Walks                           Thursday, 1.00-1.45pm
Meet at the P’lodge for a short walk to blow away the cobwebs at a low energy point in the week. 

Christian Union Bible Study       Thursday, 5pm [Faith Centre]
A gathering of Christians from different backgrounds across Queens’. Contact the reps for details (

Vigil for Peace                   Friday 12.00-12.30pm [Faith Centre]
Silent gathering with no words, no agenda, save a commitment to peace.

Who's Who

The Dean of Chapel: The Revd Tim Harling ( is available to students, staff and fellows throughout the year.  Do feel free to drop in and see him to talk about anything - big or small - in a confidential, supportive and inclusive environment.  He can be found in his room (S4, Dokett building), in Chapel or by email. 

The Chaplain: The Revd Anna Jones ( is here to lend an ear to all members of college and staff, and to pray for the community and the wider world. Come and find her in Chapel, in FF8 (Cripps Court), or get in touch by email.

Director of Music: Nicholas Morris ( Nick directs the Chapel Choir and supports the wider musical life of the college. Contact him by email, or call into his office in FF8 (Cripps Court).

Aliki Vatikioti Senior Organ Scholar (2023-24): Jack McCabe (jm2452)

George Phillips Junior Organ Scholar (2023-24): Zane Soonawalla (zs426)

Christian Union Bible Study       Thursday, 5pm [Faith Centre]
A gathering of Christians from different backgrounds across Queens’. Contact the reps for details.

Chapel and Faith Centre


01223 (3)35562

Official Fellow
Dean of Chapel
Head of Wellbeing / HAO


01223 335618

Official Fellow
College Chaplain
Director of Music