Revd Anna Jones

Revd Anna Jones, MA (Oxon), MA (Lond.), MPhil (Cantab), BTh (Cantab)

I joined Queens' as Chaplain in September 2022, and my role in College is to collaborate with the Dean in maintaining the worshipping life of the Chapel, and to offer pastoral support to students, fellows and staff.

I work closely with the Director of Music and the Chapel Choir, who enhance much of our weekly worship during Full Term, and I also coordinate activities in the Faith Centre (FF8, Cripps Court), which is a space for people of all faiths to use for prayer, discussion and fellowship.

Before coming to Queens' I was Assistant Curate in five rural parishes in East Cambridgeshire, after training for ordination at Westcott House. I previously thought I'd found my vocation in academic libraries, including as Librarian at Wolfson College and later at the Whipple Library of History and Philosophy of Science, both of which I much enjoyed. Things were to turn out otherwise, proving that there is sometimes great joy in the unexpected if you allow it!

My own university career began when I read music as an undergraduate, which led in due course to further study of amateur musical literacy in seventeenth-century England. Nowadays my musical interests are confined to occasional chamber music playing and singing as time permits.

For a listening ear on any topic you are welcome to call into my room in FF8 at any time, or join me on a 'cobweb walk' - Thursdays at 1pm from the Porters' Lodge. It will be good to see you.

01223 335618
  • Official Fellow
  • College Chaplain
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