Land Economy: Environment, Law and Economics
The information below is for entry in 2025, or deferred entry in 2026.
Entry Details
- Typical intake per year: 3
- Minimum offer level
A Level: A*AA
IB: 41-42 points with 776 at Higher Level - Subject requirements
None specified - Useful preparation: Economics, Mathematics
- Admissions assessment: No, not required at Queens'
- Submitted work: No, not required at Queens'
Course Details
Law, economics, and their relationship to the built and natural environments are central to the Cambridge Land Economy course, along with other areas such as business regulation, the financial aspects of real estate and international development. The multidisciplinary nature of the Land Economy course is particularly relevant in the 21st century where the environment, law and economics and the control of scarce resources affect the daily lives of people around the world.
Information about the course structure, departmental teaching arrangements, offered topics and options can be found on the University of Cambridge website: Land Economy Course Outline
Land Economy at Queens'
Studying Land Economy has encouraged me to take a balanced, logical approach to economic, legal, social and environmental problems. Studying at Queens' is great, because it is close to the department and library. In addition, having a Director of Studies as supportive as Professor Dixon is very helpful.
Supervisions in groups of two, three or four take place weekly in College or in other Colleges, with subject specialists.
Academic and Teaching Staff
Dr Lovleen Bhullar, see also Dr Lovleen Bhullar | Department of Land Economy
Professor Martin Dixon, see also Professor Martin Dixon | Faculty of Law and Professor Martin Dixon | Department of Land Economy
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