The Computer Room is part of the University MCS (Managed Cluster Service).
A few points of relevance:
- Online information about the MCS can be found at
- If you have forgotten your Password, the IT Department (Essex 1b) can reset it for you. You will need to bring your University Card as evidence of identity, to get a new password issued to you.
- When logging on, please wait until the Message of the Day appears before trying to launch any MCS applications. Configuration of the machine is not complete until that message appears. When you have read the Message of the Day, you can close that window. Then click on Start and select Programs and Information.
- Queens' is no longer providing free mono printing,
- the College provides the paper for the printer;
- Societies and clubs who want a group file-space will need to apply to the Computing Service for a group filespace allocation.
- Printing is now available from your College room.