Fellow in Japan for Rugby World Cup

Fellow & Development Director Rowan Kitt will be travelling to Japan this month to officiate at the ninth Rugby World Cup.

He will be taking the opportunity to meet up with some of the 60 Queens’ alumni who live in Japan and the tens of alumni who are travelling to the country to watch matches. Principally among these meetings is a reunion dinner, to be held on 19th September in Tokyo. All alumni are more than welcome to join for this; please contact the Development Office at alumnievents@queens.cam.ac.uk.

Rowan will also see a number of current students heading out for some matches, including the College Men's rugby captain, James Lloyd, and current College netball captain, Hannah Petheram.

Rowan is one of the four Television Match Officials selected for the tournament from around the world. He has officiated at more than 35 senior internationals as a TMO in all the major tournaments and in many countries including New Zealand, USA, Australia and Argentina. He is the Fellow Patron of the Queens' College Rugby Football Club.




If any Fellows, students, staff or alumni have news items they would like to be featured on the College website, please send them to the Development Officer (Communications)

Alice Webster acw69@cam.ac.uk and 01223 (7)46980

T6 Fisher Building