Queens' alumnus elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in London

Queens' alumnus and retired University of Wyoming English professor Eric W. Nye (1979) was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in London during their summer ballot.  Eric W. Nye, FSA, joins about 3,000 other Fellows of the oldest society with a Royal Charter to further the study of history and antiquities. 

Society of Antiquaries main building

The Society says that to be elected persons shall be “excelling in the knowledge of the antiquities and history of this and other nations” and be “desirous to promote the honour, business and emoluments of the Society.”  Only 136 current Fellows are located in the US.

Founded around 1586 as the College of Antiquaries, revived in 1707, and chartered in 1751, the Society of Antiquaries is thus a little younger than the Royal Society (1662) but older than the Royal Academy of Arts (1768) which shares its location in Burlington House near London’s Piccadilly Circus (see photo).   The Society’s library there is oldest archaeological library in the country.

Professor Nye retired from Wyoming last December and is now based in Cambridge, England, where he continues his writing and research on the early Cambridge Apostles.  He has been invited to deliver the Pinehurst Lecture in Cambridge next November on his discovery of the letters and journals of the Apostle, John Kemble. 

Read more about the history and fellowship of the SAL and the June ballot results.

If any Fellows, students, staff or alumni have news items they would like to be featured on the College website, please send them to the Development Officer (Communications)

Alice Webster acw69@cam.ac.uk and 01223 (7)46980

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