Queens' members star at David Attenborough-led event in London

Queens' was well-represented at the CUDAR Dear World, Yours Cambridge campaign event last Monday in the Natural History Museum.

Natural History Museum event
The Queens' table, hosted by Development Director Rowan Kitt, included two Footlights members, current students Joy Hunter and Leo Reich, who performed in various sketches. They were joined by John Liver (1983), Julie Edwards (1986)Stefano Quadrio Curzio (1984), Nigel Grimshaw (1971) and Dr Francesca Beausang-Hunter (1997). Other Queens' alumni at the event included Dr Trish Turner (1983), Dr Ewan Kirk (1983) and Sir David Walker (1958).

The event thanked donors for their support so far, as the campaign as reached £1.4 billion, and hopes to encourage future philanthropy. Speakers at the event included Sir David Attenborough (Clare, 1945) and Dr Mohammed El-Erian (Queens', 1977), co-Chair of the Collegiate University fundraising campaign.

Photographs taken by Alastair Fyfe & Lucy Williams, with thanks to CUDAR for their use.


David Attenborough speaking at the event.

Dr Mohammed El-Erian speaking.

The footlights performing on stage, including Joy Hunter, left.

The main hall of the Natural History Museum.


If any Fellows, students or staff have news items they would like to be featured on the College website, please send them to the Development Officer (Communications)

Alice Webster acw69@cam.ac.uk and 01223 (7)46980

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