Queens' alum sets new world records on Mount Everest

Ollie Phillips, former international rugby player and Queens' alum, has been part of a team who set two world records, for the highest games of touch and contact rugby, on Mount Everest in aid of children's rugby charity Wooden Spoon.

Rugby team on Mount Everest
The Guinness World Records were set for the highest game of mixed touch rugby, at 5,200m, and the highest game of full contact rugby, at 6,331m.

Ollie studied the EMBA at Queens' from 2016 to 2018, playing for Queens' in the 2018 Cuppers Final (the team are pictured after the match, right - Ollie is on the far left in the back row) as well as for the University in the Varsity match against Oxford, for which he recieved a Blue.

Ollie was a team captain on the Everest expedition, organised by the charity Wooden Spoon, alongside other well-known rugby players Lee Mears, Shane Williams and Tamara Taylor.

Other Queens' members have been on Everest expeditions, but none - to the best of our knowledge - have made it to the top. Queens' most famous mountaineer was George Band OBE (1949), who read Geology at Queens' and was the youngest member of the 1953 British expedition to Mount Everest, when Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay made the first ascent of the mountain.

The College is currently fundraising for a George Band Sports Bursary, to provide financial support for sportspeople at Queens. Anyone interested in supporting this fund is invited to contact Mr Sam Davis, Senior Development Officer, for more information.



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