Brexit: Keeping You Informed

Brexit, especially the uncertainty around its final shape, is a source of concern for many in the University community. The University and Colleges are working hard on contingency planning to ensure that we are prepared for whatever might happen, and that we are able to provide support and assistance to our students and staff.

The first place to look for information from the University on Brexit-related issues is the Brexit webpage.

This has up-to-date practical information for University members on issues including immigration, travel, student fees and research funding. It also provides links to other University webpages and to external sites where more information can be found. The Brexit webpage is updated whenever new information is available.

Over 400 staff and students attended an open meeting on Brexit earlier in February 2019. The speakers, including the Vice-Chancellor, shared the latest information on immigration, travel and research funding, and discussed some of the University’s preparations for different Brexit scenarios. The audience then put questions to the panel.

You can watch a video of this meeting online at (Raven login required).

The University and the College are committed to keeping you informed in the coming weeks. In the meantime, please familiarize yourself with the Brexit webpages.

From Dr James Kelly, Senior Tutor



If any Fellows, students or staff have news items they would like placing on the College website, please send them to the Development Officer (Communications)

Alice Webster and 01223 (7)46980

T6 Fisher Building