This studentship, established by the Sir Sigmund Sternberg Charitable Foundation, is a non-means tested, fees-only financial award for an LLM student at Queens' College. The value of the award will be up to £6,500 and is tenable for one year. The competition is open to all new LLM applicants intending to commence their studies from 1 October. Holders must become members of Queens' College. The award of a studentship is conditional upon being accepted by the Faculty of Law, and will be according to academic or professional excellence. In order to be consider for this fund you are required to tick the box in the "funding your study" section in the applicant portal indicating that you wish to apply for funding. In awarding the Studentship, first consideration will be given to candidates who nominate Queens' College as their College of first preference in their application to the University's Postgraduate Admissions Office (PAO).
You should apply once you have been accepted by the department/ faculty.