Serious academic or pastoral concerns

If you have serious pastoral or academic concerns please alert the College promptly. We greatly appreciate the role that our supervisors play in supporting students but do not expect them to take on the duties which Directors of Studies, the Health & Wellbeing Team and Tutors provide in managing serious academic or pastoral / wellbeing concerns. Please refer such matters to us rather than seeking to deal with them yourself.

Nor do we expect or encourage supervisors to accede if a student suggests that they wish to tell them something in total confidence, not for onward transmission to others. You may wish to report any such request informally to a member of our Tutorial team such as the Tutor or Senior Tutor. It is often a sign that a student needs additional support. We can then advise and support you appropriately on how to respond to the student. 

Supervisors are not expected to become pastoral advisors to students. Their role is an academic one.