Anna Louise Paterson, MA, PhD, MB BChir, MSc, FHEA, FRCPath. Pang Kam Ping Fellow in Medical Science, College Lecturer in Physiology.
I am the Pang Kam Ping Fellow and assistant Director of Studies for the Medical and Veterinary Science Tripos. I supervise first-year Medical and Veterinary students in Homeostasis (Physiology). A major reason that I enjoy supervising Physiology is that we can spend time exploring the importance of different homeostatic systems and then how they can adapt to extreme conditions such as during an ascent to altitude or water deprivation. This also allows us to make links to clinical scenarios and pathophysiology, so discussing the clinical application of the course material.
There are a range of interesting books suitable for students considering a career in Medicine such as: Treatment Kind And Fair: Letters To A Young Doctor (Perri Klass); Every Patient Tells A Story (Lisa Sanders); C (John Diamond); The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat (Oliver Sacks); Quiet Killers: The Rise And Fall Of Deadly Diseases (Robert Baker).
My PhD and research since has predominantly focused on how best to personalise cancer therapy by using a combination of prognostic and predictive biomarkers to guide the management of individual patients, including the use of targeted therapies.
I completed my undergraduate Medical studies at the University of Cambridge followed by Foundation training on the Academic Foundation Programme at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge. I have subspecialised in Histopathology and completed my training, including an Academic Clinical Fellowship, at Addenbrooke’s Hospital and the Royal Papworth Hospital before being appointed to a Consultant post at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in 2018.
I am an Academic Clinical Fellow in Histopathology at Addenbrookes Hospital. I deliver a range of seminars, and occasional lectures, in Clinical Pathology to 4th and 5th year clinical students at Cambridge Clinical School.
- Official Fellow
- Pang Kam Ping Fellow