This page contains the full text of the original Charter of Foundation, and an approximate translation.
The original charter
HENRICUS DEI GRATIA Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie, omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint, Salutem.
Sciatis quod – cum nos vicesimo primo die Augusti ultimo preterito per quandam cartam nostram
ad laudem gloriam et honorem omnipotentis Dei, in cuius manu corda sunt regum, et beatissime et intemerate virginis Marie matris Christi necnon gloriosi confessoris sancti Bernardi, extirpationem heresium et errorum, fidei augmentum, clerique decorem ac stabilimentum sacrosancte matris ecclesie, cuius misteria personis sunt ydoneis committenda que velut stelle in custodiis suis lumen prebeant, et populos instruant doctrina pariter et exemplo,
quoddam collegium perpetuum juxta tenorem dicte carte nostre in et de numero unius presidentis et quatuor sociorum, (seu plurium vel pauciorum prout casus eveniret secundum ipsius collegii facultates et expensas ampliandas vel diminuendas)
in universitate nostra Cantebr. moraturorum ad studendum et orandum – pro salubri statu nostro ac statu precarissime consortis nostre Margarete regine Anglie dum vixissemus et pro animabus nostris cum ab hac luce migrassemus, necnon pro animabus inclitorum patris et matris nostrorum cunctorumque progenitorum nostrorum et omnium fidelium defunctorum - quos quidem presidentem et socios omnes et singulos successive suis temporibus ibi existentes juxta statuta et ordinationes (inde per venerabiles viros magistrum Johannem Somerseth cancellarium scaccarii nostri, Ricardum Cawedray, Petrum Hyrford, Johannem Sparhauk, Hugonem Damlet, et Thomam Boleyn clericos, dum vixissent ipsorumve majorem partem, et post decessum alicuius vel aliquorum eorum per ipsos qui supervixissent seu per eorum sic superviventium majorem condenda statuenda facienda et stabilienda) eligi prefici et institui, regi dirigi et gubernari, corrigi puniri et amoveri, destitui et privari voluerimus
in quodam fundo et solo situato in parochia sancti Botulphi in Cantebrigia (jacente inter habitationem fratrum Carmelitarum ville Cantebrigie ex parte boriali et vicum regium vocatum Smallbrigge-strete ex parte australi et ripariam ibidem ex parte occidentali et venellam vocatam Millestrete ex parte orientali),
quod quidem solum et fundum nuper ad hos finem et effectum habuimus ex dono et concessione predictorum presidentis et sociorum per nomen unius mesuagii cum domibus et gardino et quatuor tenementorum cum gardinis eisdem tenementis adjacentibus, prout in quodam scripto ipsorum presidentis et sociorum de data primi diei Augusti tunc ultimo preteriti inde nobis confecto plenius continetur,
tenore carte predicte fundaverimus erexerimus fecerimus et stabiliverimus perpetuis futuris temporibus duraturum ac magistrum Andream Doket presidentem et pro presidente ipsius collegii et Johannem Lawe, Alexandrum Forkelowe, Thomam Haywode, et Johannem Carewey clericos, socios ejusdem collegii per nos electos et ad hoc assumptos, secundum ordinationes et statuta inde per predictos Johannem Somerseth Ricardum Petrum Johannem Sperhauk, Hugonem et Thomam Boleyn (ut predicitur) facienda et edenda regendos corrigendos privandos et amovendos prefecerimus creaverimus et ordinaverimus, prout in dicta carta nostra inde inter alia dictis fundationi erectioni facture et stabilimento consona et opportuna plenius continetur,
quam quidem cartam cum onmibus et singulis in eadem contentis predicti presidens et socii in cancellariam nostram, nostro regio assensu eis in hac parte obtento, restituerunt cancellandam cassandam revocandam et adnullandam,
Nos humillime supplicantes quatenus eam sic cancellandam cassandam revocandam et adnullandam acceptare et - tam fundum sive solum predictum cum suis pertinentiis quam aliud fundum sive solum (situatum in dicta parochia sancti Botulphi in dicta villa Cantebrigie inter mesuagium monialium sancte Radegundis Cantebr. necnon mesuagium Andree Doket clerici, mesuagium Reginaldi Eli, mesuagium Thome Neel, mesuagium Thome Lovell, mesuagium Henrici Symsone et mesuagium Roberti Bradwey clerici ex parte australi et mesuagium Abbatis et conventus de Sawetry ac mesuagium Benedicti Morys dyer ex parte boriali, et abbuttat ad caput orientale super regiam viam vocatam Trumpyngton Strete, ad caput occidentale super regiam viam ducentem versus fratres Carmelitas Cantebr.) cum suis pertinentiis, quod quidem fundum sive solum prefati presidens et socii ex concessione nostra nuper habuerent, nec non unum tenementum cum suis pertinentiis (jacens in dicta parochia sancti Botulphi Cantebr. juxta tenementum collegii Corporis Christi et beate Marie Cantebr. ex parte boriali et tenementum rectorie sancti Botulphi ex parte australi, et abbuttat ad unum caput super gardinum dicti collegii Corporis Christi et ad aliud caput super regiam viam vocatam Highstrete versus occidentem) - in manus nostras ex eorum assensu et voluntate totaliter resumere, ac fundos sive sola et tenementa illa prefate precarissime consorti nostri interim dare et concedere,
necnon eidem consorti nostre aliud et hujusmodi collegium in honore gloriose virginis sancte Margarete et sancti Bernardi prelibati in predicto fundo sive solo quod nuper fuit prefati Johannis Morys de Trumpyngton armigeri fundandi erigendi faciendi et stabiliendi, nostram regiam licentiam in forma subsequenti gratiose concedere dignaremur,
NOS OMNIA et singula premissa interna meditatione merito contemplantes, de assensu presidentis et sociorum predictorum et ad prefate consortis nostre singularem contemplationem ac ipsorum presidentis et sociorum instantiam et supplicationem nobis in hac parte specialiter factas
de gratia nostra speciali et ex certa scientia nostra dictam cartam nostram in forma predicta cancellandam acceptamus et tenore presentium cancellamus, ac omnia et singula in eadem carta contenta et specificata cassamus revocamus et adnullamus et ea cassari revocari et omnino adnullari decernimus per presentes;
ac fundos sive sola et tenementa predicta cum suis pertinentiis ex causis supradictis in manus nostras resumimus et eadem fundos sive sola et tenementa cum suis pertinenciis predicte consorti nostre - ad intentionem et effectum quod ipsa hujusmodi collegium in eodem fundo sive solo nuper Johannis Morys supradicti in forma subsequenti erigat fundet et stabiliat, - damus et concedimus per presentes, habenda et tenenda sibi heredibus et assignatis suis imperpetuum;
et ulterius de gratia nosta uberiori concessimus et licentiam dedimus pro nobis et heredibus ac successoribus nostris prefate consorti nostre,
quod ipsa (ad laudem gloriam et honorem Dei et beate Marie ac dicte gloriose virginis sancte Margarete et sancti Bernardi prenominati ac ad cetera divina pietatis opera prelibata) quoddam collegium perpetuum juxta tenorem presentium in et de numero unius presidentis et quatuor sociorum (seu plurium vel pauciorum prout casus eveniret secundum illius collegii facultates et espensas ampliandas vel diminuendas)
in dicta universitate nostra Cantebr. moraturorum ad studendum et orandum - pro salubri statu nostro ac statu ejusdem consortis nostre dum vixerimus et pro animabus nostris cum ab hac luce migraverimus, necnon pro amimabus inclitorum patrum et matrum nostrorum cunctorumque progenitorum nostrorum et onmium fidelium defunctorum -
quos quidem presidentem et socios omnes et singulos successive suis temporibus ibi existentes juxta statuta et ordinationes (inde per venerabilem patrem Willelmum Coventren. et Lych. episcopum ac predictos Johannem Somerseth Ricardum Cawedray Petrum Hirford Hugonem Damlet et Thomam Boleyn ac Willelmum Millyngton clericos dum vixerint ipsorumve majorem partem et post decessum alicuius vel aliquorum eorum per eos qui supervixerint semper eorum sic superviventium majorem partem condenda statuenda facienda et stabilienda) eligi prefici et institui regi dirigi et gubernari corrigi puniri et amoveri destitui et privari volumus
in dicto fundo sive solo quod (ut predicitur) nuper fuit predicti Johannis Morys fundare erigere facere et stabilire possit perpetuis futuris temporibus duraturum
ac predictum magistrum Andream Doket presidentem et pro presidente ipsius collegii et predictos Johannem Lawe, Alexandrum Forkelowe, Thomas Haywode et Johannem Carewey cleicos socios ejusdem collegii secundum ordinationes et statuta (inde per predictos episcopum Johannem Somerseth Ricardum Petrum Hugonem Thomam et Willelmum Millyngton ut predicitur facienda et edenda) regendos corrigendos privandos et amovendos preficere creare et ordinare valeat.
Volumus enim et concedimus, quod postquam collegium predictum per dictam consortem nostram in forma predicta fundatum erectum factum et stabilitum fuerit et predicti presidens et socii per ipsam similiter prefecti creati et ordinati fuerint, iidem presidens et socii et successores sui presidentes et socii ejusdem collegii iuxta ordinationes et statuta (ut premittitur) fienda et edenda eligere congregare et admittere poterunt plures socios secundum ordinationes et statuta illa regendos corrigendos privandos et amovendos - quos quidem socios et eorum successores sic electos congregatos et admissos (secundum hujusmodi statuta et ordinationes regendos corigendos privandos et amovendos) socios esse ipsius collegii et tanquam socios et membra ejusdem collegii haberi teneri et in omnibus reputari volumus et condecimus pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris imperpetuum per presentes.
Volumus ulterius et concedimus quod post fundationem erectionem facturam et stailimentum collegii predicti ac perfectionem creationem et ordinationem predictorum presidentis et sociorum in forma predicta fiendam, eodem presidente cedente vel decedente vel quacumque alia de causa inde amoto sive privato, socii residui ejusdem collegii pro tempore existentes, secundum formam et effectum ordinationum et statutorum hujusmodi (ut predicitur) fiendorum, alterum ydoneum virum in presidentem electum post electionem de se factam in presidentem et pro presidente ejusdem collegii per cancellarium predicte universiatis et successores suos pro tempore existentes et non per prefatam consortem nostram neque aliquam aliam reginam Anglie sibi succedentem tenore presentium duximus admittendum et confirmandum et secundum ordinationes et statuta predicta regendum corrigendum privandum et amovendum,
et quod hujusmodi presidentibus cedentibus vel decedentibus aut quoquo modo exinde privatis sive amotis infuturum, habeant dicti residui socii collegii antedicti et habere possint juxta ordinationes et statuta (ut premittitur) fienda liberam electionem de tempore in tempus novi presidentis collegii supradicti, quem in presidentem collegii illius modo et forma prenotatis admitti et confirmari ac in presidentem ejusdem collegii sic admissum et confirmatum et secundum ordinationes et statuta predicta regendum corrigendum privandum et amovendum, presidentem esse perpetuum ejusdem collegii absque licentia de prefata consorte nostra vel aliqua regina Anglie sibi succedente inde petenda vel prosequenda, et non alium neque alio modo volumus et concedimus pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris quantum in nobis est imperpetuum per presentes.
Volumus etiam et concedimus quod post prefectionem creationem et ordinationem predictorum sociorum collegii supradicti per dictam consortem nostram in forma predicta fiendam, sociis dicti collegii cedentibus vel decedentibus aut exinde privatis vel amotis aut eorum aliquo cedente vel decedente aut exinde privato seu amoto in futurum, habeant dicti presidens et socii et successores sui predicti imperperuum juxta hujusmodi ordinationes et statuta liberam electionem et confirmationem novorum sociorum in eorum loco ponendorum absque licentia inde de dicta consorte nostra vel aliqua regina Anglie sibi succedente petenda vel prosequenda in futurum, quos sic electos confirmatos et admissos et non alios socios esse collegii predicti et tanquam socios et membra ejusdem collegii haberi teneri et reputari secundum ordinationes et statuta illa regendos corrigendos et amovendos volumus et concedimus pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris imperpetuum per presentes.
Et ulterius volumus et concedimus quod collegium predictum cum sic (ut premittitur) fundatum erectum factum et stabilitum fuerit Reginale Collegium Sancte Margarete et Sancti Bernardi in unversitate Cantebr.imperpetuum nuncupetur, et quod presidens et socii antedicti pro tempore ibidem existentes imperpetuum Presidens et Socii Reginalis Collegii Sancte Margarete et Sancti Bernardi in universitate Cantebr. imperpetuum nuncupentur:
et quod iidem presidens et socii sint unum corpus in se in re et in nomine, et perpetuam habeant successionem, et quod ipsi per nomen et sub nomine presidentis et sociorum collegii predicti sint persone habiles capaces et perpetue in lege ad impetrandum recipiendum et perquirendum terras tenementa redditus et servicia ac advocationes ecclesiarum tam de nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris quam de aliis personis quibuscunque, licet ea de nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris immediate teneantur per servitium militare aut alio modo quocunque; habenda et tenenda eisdem presidenti et sociis et successoribus suis imperpetuum, statuto de terris et tenementis ad manum mortuam non ponendis edicto non obstante:
ac similiter quod ipsi per nomen predictum placitare possint et implacitari prosequi et defendere omnimodas actiones reales personales et mixtas cujuscunque generis fuerint vel nature ac sectas causas et querelas quascumque, ac eis respondere et in eis responderi valeant sub nomine predicto coram nobis et heredibus nostris ac etiam coram justiciariis et judicibus secularibus et ecclesiasticis quibuscumque;
et quod iidem presidens et socii et eorum successores imperpetuum habeant unum sigillum commune pro negociis et factis suis agendis et causis suis serviturum.
Preterea concessimus et licentiam dedimus pro nobis et successoribus nostris quantum in nobis est per presentes prefate consorti nostre quod ipsa (immediate post fundationem erectionem facturam et stabilimentum collegii predicti ac post prefectionem et ordinationem predictorum presidentis et sociorum ejusdem collegii per eandem consortem nostram in forma predicta fiendam) predicta fundos sive sola et tenementa cum pertinentiis prefatis presidenti et sociis et successoribus suis, tam pro domibus et edificiis eorumque mansionibus et aliis necessariis suis in et super eadem fundos sive sola et tenementa construendis et faciendis, quam in perpetuam augmentationem sustentationis eorundem presidentis et sociorum et successorum suorum, dare possit et concedere, necnon eisdem presidenti et sociis quod ipsi fundos sive sola et tenementa predicta cum suis pertinentiis a prefata consorte nostra in forma predicta recipere et tenere possint sibi et successoribus suis imperpetuum similiter tenore presentium licentiam dedimus specialem, dicto statuto de terris et tenementis ad manum mortuam non ponendis edito non obstante.
Et insuper volumus concedimus et licentiam damus pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris quantum in nobis est per presentes, prefatis episcopo, Johanni Somerseth, Ricardo Cawedray, Petro, Hugoni, Thome Boleyn et Willelmo Millyngton quod ipsi septem dum vixerint seu eorum major pars, et post decessum alicuius vel aliquorum eorum sic superviventium major pars ordinationes et statuta predicta corrigere emendare reformare seu totaliter mutare et cum eis dispensare ac nova ordinationes et statuta pro bona et sana gubernatione collegii prenotati facere poterunt vel poterit, juxta que presidentes et socii collegii prelibat ex tunc in eodem collegio futuri et existentes regi et gubernari debeant, ac modo et forma prenotatis amovendi et privandi existant.
Ulterius concessimus et licentiam dedimus pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris quantum in nobis est per presentes prefatis presidenti et sociis, quod postquam iidem presidens et socii in forma predicta prefecti creati et ordinati existant, ipsi et eorum successores presidens et socii collegii predicti perquirere possint terras tenementa et redditus nec non advocationes ecclesiarum et aliorum beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum quorumcumque tam de terris et tenementis que de nobis in capite per servicium militare aut per aliquod aliud servicium seu de aliis quam de nobis per quodcumque servicium teneantur, quo quidem terre tenementa redditus et ecclesia et alia beneficia ecclesiastica quecunque ad ducentas libras per annum se attingunt, habenda et tenenda terras tenementa redditus et advocationes illa eisdem presidenti et sociis et successoribus suis in liberam puram et perpetuam elemosinam imperpetuum,
et eadem ecclesias et beneficia quecumque appropriare et ea sic appropriata in proprios usus suos tenere sibi et successoribus suis pro eorum sustentatione in victu vestitu aliisque necessariis eorum agenda imperpetuum absque molestatione vel impetitione nostri heredum seu successorum nostrorum aut aliorum quorumcumque, statuto predicto seu aliquo alio statuto sive ordinatione in contrarium edito facto seu ordinato non obstante:
et hoc absque aliquo feodo magno vel parvo aut fine quocumque nobis heredibus seu successoribus nostris reddendo solvendo vel faciendo pro premissis vel aliquo premissorum, quod expressa mentio de aliis donis et concessionibus per nos prefate consorti nostre ante hec tempora factis in presentibus facta non existit juxta formam statutorum inde editorum non obstante.
In cuius rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium tricesimo die Martii anno regni nostri vicesimo sexto.
Per ipsum regem et de data predicta auctoritate parliamenti.
An approximate translation
HENRY BY THE GRACE OF GOD King of England France and Lord of Ireland, to all to whom the present letters shall come, Greetings.
Know that - when we on the twenty-first day of August last preceding by a letter of ours
to the praise glory and honour of almighty God, in whose hands are the hearts of kings, and of the blessed and inviolate virgin Mary, mother of Christ and of the glorious confessor Saint Bernard, for the extirpation of heresies and errors, the augmentation of the faith, and the dignity of the clergy, and the establishment of the sacrosanct mother church, whose mysteries ought to be entrusted to fit persons, who should shine like stars in their courses, and may instruct nations with learning and example alike,
an everlasting college according to the tenor of the said letter of ours in and of the number of one President and four fellows (whether more or fewer as the case should be according to the resources of that college and the amplification or diminution of expenses)
who are to dwell for study and prayer in our university of Cambridge - for our health and the safety of our beloved consort Margaret queen of England so long as we shall live and for our souls when we have departed from this life, and for the souls of our illustrious father and mother and all our forebears and all the faithful who have died - this president and fellows jointly and severally each at their successive times in existence according to the statutes and ordinances (thence through the venerable master John Somerseth the chancellor of our exchequer, Richard Cawedray, Peter Hyrford, John Sparhauk, Hugo Damlet, and Thomas Boleyn clerics, so long as they should live and the greater part of them, and after the death of one or several of them through those who survive or the majority of those who survive statutes are to be founded made and established) we wish to be elected and placed in charge and instituted, ruled directed and governed, corrected punished and removed, and deprived
in a farm and land situated in the parish of saint Botulph in Cambridge (lying between the habitation of the Carmelite brothers of the town of Cambridge in the north and the royal area called Small Bridges Street in the south and the river bank likewise to the west and the road called Mill Street to the east),
which land and farm we recently have had to a purpose for these from the gift and grant of the aforementioned president and fellows through the name of one messuage with the houses and garden and of four tenements with gardens adjacent to those tenements, just as is more fully explained in a letter written to us by that president and those fellows dated first of August last,
according to the tenor of the aforementioned letter we have founded erected created and established it to exist in perpetuity and master Andrew Doket as president and vice-president of that college and John Lawe, Alexander Forkelowe, Thomas Haywode, and John Carewey, clerics, fellows of that same college elected by us and appointed for that purpose, who are according to the ordinances and the statutes which are, as aforementioned, to be made and issued thereafter through the John Somerseth Richard Peter John Sperhauk, Hugo and Thomas Boleyn (as aforementioned) we have placed them in charge created and ordered them, to be governed directed deprived and removed, just as is more fully explained in that aforementioned letter of ours among other things which are consonant with and conducive to the foundation erection creation and establishment,
which letter with all the contents of it jointly and severally the president and fellows have delivered to our chancellery our royal assent having been granted to them in this part, for cancellation revocation and annulment,
We most humbly supplicating to accept it so far as it is to be cancelled revoked and annulled and - so much the aforementioned farm or land with its properties as other farm or land (situated in the aforementioned parish of Saint Botulph in the aforementioned town of Cambridge between the monastic messuage of St Radegund of Cambridge and also the messuage of Andrew Doket cleric, the messuage of Reginald of Ely, the messuage of Thomas Neel, the messuage of Thomas Lovell, the messuage of Henry Symsone and the messuage of Robert Bradwey cleric in the south, and the messuage of the Abbot and convent of Sawetry and the messuage of Benedict Morys dyer in the north, and abutment(?) at the eastern head above the royal street called Trumpyngton Street, to the western head above the royal street leading towards the Carmelite brothers of Cambridge) with their possessions, which farm or land the aforementioned president and fellows have recently had our grant, and one tenement with its possessions (lying in the aforementioned parish of St Botulph of Cambridge beside the tenement of the college of Corpus Christi and the blessed Mary of Cambridge to the north and the tenement of the rectory of St Botulph to the south, and the abutment(?) to one head above the garden of the aforementioned college of Corpus Christi and to the other head above the royal street called High Street towards the west) - to resume them totally into our hands according to their assent and will, and meanwhile to grant and concede those farms or lands and tenements to our aforementioned beloved consort,
and also to that same consort of ours another college of this kind in honour of the glorious virgin saint Margaret and saint Bernard to be founded erected created and established on the aforementioned farm or land which recently belonged to the aforementioned John Morys of Trumpyngton knight, we graciously deigned to grant our royal licence in the subsequent form,
WE ALL duly contemplating the single premisses with internal meditation, from the assent of the president and the aforementioned fellows and according to the singular contemplation of our aforementioned consort and the petition and supplication of the president and fellows which have been specially made to us in this respect
of our especial grace and certain knowledge we accept the cancellation of our letter in the aforementioned form and we cancel it according to the tenor of the present, and we revoke and annul and decree the revocation and complete annulment through those present of all things jointly and severally contained and specified in that same letter;
and we resume into our hands the farms or lands and tenements aforementioned with their properties for the reasons aforementioned and the same farms or lands and tenements with their properties we grant and concede through those present to be had and held by them their heirs and nominees in perpetuity - to the intent and purpose that she shall erect found and establish in the subsequent form a college of this kind on the same farm or land recently of the aforementioned John Morys;
and further we have granted from our more ample grace and have given licence for us and our heirs and our successors to our aforementioned consort,
that she (to the praise glory and honour of God and the blessed Mary and the aforementioned glorious virgin saint Margaret and saint Bernard and to other divine works of piety) a perpetual college according to the tenor of those present in and of the number of one president and four fellows (or more or fewer as the case may be according to the resources of that college and the amplification or diminution of its finances)
who are to dwell in our aforementioned university of Cambridge for study and prayer - for our health and that of our consort as long as we shall live and for our souls when we have departed from this life, and for the souls of our illustrious fathers and mothers and all our forebears and all the faithful who have died -
this president and these fellows jointly and severally at their successive times to exist according to the statutes and ordinances (which are to be founded instituted created and established thereafter by the venerable father William Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield and the aforementioned John Somerseth, Richard Cawedray Peter Hirford Hugo Damlet and Thomas Boleyn and William Millyngton clerics while they shall live and the greater part of them and after the death of one or several of them through those who shall survive or through the greater part of those surviving) we wish to be elected placed in charge and instituted ruled directed and governed corrected punished and removed and deprived
shall be able in the aforementioned farm or land which (as aforementioned) recently belonged to the aforementioned John Morys to found erect create and establish a college which shall last in perpetuity
and shall be able to place in charge create and order the aforementioned master Andrew Doket president and vice-president of that college and the aforementioned John Lawe, Alexander Forkelowe, Thomas Haywode and John Careway clerics fellows of the same college according to the ordinance and statutes (thereafter to be made and issued by the aforementioned bishop John Somerseth Richard Peter Hugo Thomas and William Millyngton as aforementioned.
For we wish and grant, that when the aforementioned college has been founded erected created and established by our aforementioned consort in the aforementioned form and the aforementioned president and fellows have similarly been placed in charge created and ordered by her, the same president and fellows and the successive president and fellows of the same college according to the ordinances and statutes which are to be made and issued (as aforementioned) they shall be able to elect gather and admit more fellows who are to be governed corrected deprived and removed according to those ordinances and statutes - these fellows and their successors thus elected gathered and admitted (to be governed corrected deprived and removed according to the statutes and ordinances of this manner) we wish and grant for ourselves our heirs and successors in perpetuity through those present that they be fellows of that college and be held and in all respects considered as it were fellows and members of the same college.
We further wish and grant that after the foundation erection creation and establishment of the aforementioned college and the creation and ordination of the aforementioned president and fellows which is to be accomplished in the aforementioned form when that same president shall depart or decease or for whatever other reason be removed or deprived from that place, the remaining fellows of the same college in existence at that time, according to the form and purpose of the ordinances and statutes which are to be made in this form (as aforementioned), we hold according to the tenor of those present that another suitable man elected as president after the election of himself as president and vice-president of the same college through the chancellor of the aforementioned university and his successors existing at that time and not through our aforementioned consort nor any other queen of England succeeding her shall be admitted and confirmed and governed corrected deprived and removed according to the aforementioned ordinances and statutes,
and that when presidents of this manner retire or decease or are deprived or removed by whatever means thereafter the remaining fellows of the aforementioned college should have and be able to have according to the ordinances and statutes to be made (as aforementioned) a free choice from time to time of a new president of the aforementioned college, whom we wish and grant for ours our heirs and successors so far as is in our power in perpetuity through those present to be perpetual president of the same college without licence being sought or obtained from our aforementioned consort or any queen of England succeeding her.
We also wish and grant that after the creation and ordination of the aforementioned fellows of the aforementioned college by our aforementioned consort which is to be accomplished in the aforementioned form, when fellows of the aforementioned college depart or decease or are deprived or removed therefrom or when one of them departs or deceases or is deprived or removed therefrom in future, the aforementioned president and fellows and their aforementioned successors should have in perpetuity according to the ordinances and statues of this kind the right of free choice and election of new fellows who are to be placed in their stead without licence having to be sort or obtained for the future from our aforementioned consort or any queen of England who succeeds her, and these thus elected and admitted and none others are to be fellows of the aforementioned college and are to be held and considered as it were fellows and members of the same college and are to be governed corrected and removed according to those ordinances and statutes.
And we further wish and grant that the aforementioned college when it has been founded erected created and established shall be called in perpetuity The Queen's College of Saint Margaret and Saint Bernard in the university of Cambridge, and that the aforementioned president and fellows in existence there at the time shall be called in perpetuity The President and Fellows of the Queen's College of Saint Margaret and Saint Bernard in the university of Cambridge:
and that the same president and fellows shall be one body in themselves in reality and in name, and shall have everlasting succession, and that they themselves through the name and in the name of the president and fellows of the aforementioned college shall be persons capable and perpetually at law of requesting receiving and seeking lands tenements returns and services and advowsons so much from us our heirs and successors as from other persons whosoever granted that they are held immediately from us our heirs and successors through military service or by any other method whatever; these to be held and kept by the same president and fellows and their successors in perpetuity notwithstanding the statute concerning lands and tenements which decrees that they are not to be placed in a dead hand:
and similarly that they can through the aforementioned name approve and disapprove prosecute and defend all manner of actions at law personal and mixed of whatever kind they are and disputes cases and quarrels of whatever kind, and answer them and be answered in them in the aforementioned name in the presence of us and our heirs and even justices and secular and ecclesiastical judges of whatever kind;
and that the same president and fellows and their successors should have in perpetuity one common seal which will serve for the transaction of their business and actions and causes.
Furthermore we have granted and given licence for ours and our successors as far as it is in our power through those present to our consort that she (immediately after the foundation erection creation and establishment of the aforementioned college and after the creation and ordination of the aforementioned president and fellows of the same college which is to be accomplished through our consort in the aforementioned form) should be able to give and concede the aforementioned farms or lands and tenements with their possessions to the aforementioned president and fellows and their successors, so much for the creation and construction in and above those same farms or lands and tenements of their homes and buildings and their places of habitation and their other necessities as for the perpetual augmentation of the sustenance of the same president and fellows and their successors, and also we have given special licence according to the tenor of those present to the same president and fellows that they themselves should be able to receive and possess for themselves and their successors in perpetuity the aforementioned farms or lands and tenements with their possessions from our aforementioned consort in the aforementioned form, notwithstanding the aforementioned statute which prescribes that land and tenements should not be placed in a dead hand.
And furthermore we wish grant and give licence for ourselves our heirs and successors so far as it is in our power though those present, the aforementioned bishop, John Somerseth, Richard Cawedray, Peter, Hugo, Thomas Boleyn and William Millyngton that those seven while they live or the greater part of them, and after the death of one or several of them the greater part of those surviving shall be able to correct emend reform or totally change the aforementioned ordinances and statutes for the good and sound government of the college, according to which the presidents and fellows who shall in future exist in the same college must be governed and removed and deprived in the manner and form aforementioned.
We have further granted and given licence for ourselves our heirs and successors as far as is in our power through those present to the aforementioned president and fellows that, when the same president and fellows have been created and established in the aforementioned form, they and their successors as president and fellows of the aforementioned college shall be able to seek lands tenements and returns and advowsons and other ecclesiastical benefits of whatever kind as much as from the lands and tenements which are held from us through military service or through some other service or from others as from us for whatever kind of service, which lands tenements returns and other ecclesiastical benefits of whatever kind which may reach two hundred pounds per year, the lands tenements returns and advowsons are to be held and kept by the same president fellows and their successors for free pure and perpetual charity in perpetuity,
and shall be able to appropriate ecclesiastical and other benefits and thus appropriated hold them for their own uses and for the use of their successors for their sustenance in food and clothing and other necessitaties in perpetuity and without hindrance or the need to apply to our heirs or successors or any others whosoever, notwithstanding the aforementioned statute or any other statute or ordinance issued to the contrary:
and this without any large or small feud(??) or fine(??) of whatever kind being restored paid or made to us our heirs or successors for the aforementioned or any of the aforementioned, because express mention concerning other gifts and concessions made though us to our aforementioned consort before this time made in those present does not exist according to the form of the statutes to be issued thereafter notwithstanding.
As testimony to which thing we have made these our letters to be patent. With me myself as witness at Westminster on the thirtieth day of March in the twenty-sixth year of our reign.
Through the king himself and by the authority of parliament on the aforementioned date.