From 2020 to 2024 the College offered a combined funding award agreement with the prestigious USA-based Stamps Scholars Programs.
The value of a Stamps award up to £8000 p.a., which used towards fees or maintenance, plus an enrichment fund up to £6000 over three years. This is equivalent to £2000 p.a. but, unless there is a compelling reason, it is preferred that this be used in the second and third years. The Foundation places great emphasis on enrichment of the student experience, by which is meant spending time on activities that go beyond the normal confines of the academic environment. For example, enrichment funds could be used for involvement in:
- leadership/entrepreneurship training
- charitable or community work
- expeditionary work overseas
- participation in sporting activities or the performing/creative arts.
If you are already a Stamps Scholar and wish to submit an application for an enrichment fund, please apply here.
No further awards will be made for these scholarships.