Dr Tyler Denmead

Dr Tyler Denmead, BA (Brown), MPhil, PhD (Cantab). Fellow; University Lecturer of Arts and Creativity in Education.

For applicants

Please contact me with questions regarding studying Education at University of Cambridge and Queens' College.


My scholarship challenges the common sense view that creativity has played a positive role in kickstarting urban renewal in American cities during the past two decades. Informed by cultural studies and critical whiteness studies, I have advanced theorization of the unmarked whiteness of "the creative," and, in turn, how both urban and educational policy and practice in the United States have invested culturally and economically in whiteness through state-subsidized urban renewal projects. Amidst this cultural landscape, my scholarship illuminates how young people of color from low-income backgrounds deploy creative practices to trouble and refuse their social position as members of an "underclass" who stand in the way of urban progress.


I supervise on a variety of core papers across the undergraduate tripos, as well as optional papers in English, Education, Drama, and the Arts.

01223 767634
  • Official Fellow
  • Dean of College