Feedback & Reporting

Feedback between students, supervisors and Directors of Studies is fundamental to undergraduate education at Cambridge.  It may be helpful to think about feedback in two distinct ways: continuous feedback during term and formal feedback channels towards the end of term.

Continuous feedback during term

Supervisions provide a regular opportunity for students and supervisors to exchange information about students' progress and for students to talk with their supervisors about how they are approaching their work.  This regular feedback provides valuable information for students on how to develop subject knowledge and subject skills; the frequency of feedback and the opportunities to discuss questions and ideas with more advanced scholars are two of the things which make Cambridge undergraduate education particularly effective. 

If students or supervisors are concerned about any aspect of supervisions, try first to address your concerns together: many issues may be resolved in this way.   If concerns persist for students and/or for supervisors, please talk with your Director of Studies, rather than waiting for the end-of-term feedback and reporting systems.

Formal channels towards the end of term

All undergraduate students meet with their Directors of Studies at the end of each term.  These meetings provide an important opportunity for students and Directors of Studies to reflect on progress and challenges during the term and to look ahead to vacation study and to work during the rest of the year.  Course options for the following year are discussed at Easter Term meetings.   It is important that Directors of Studies receive progress reports from supervisors and feedback from undergraduates on their experience of supervisions in good time for these end-of-term meetings.  This may mean that supervisors and students are asked for feedback before the final supervision of the term.

Supervisors' reports are submitted through CamCORS.  Supervisors should provide enough detailed information in their reports so that students and Directors of Studies are able to understand supervisors' perceptions of students' strengths and weaknesses and recommendations for further work.  CamCORS reports are open to both students and their Directors of Studies and Tutors. Detailed guidance for supervisors on reporting through CamCORS and communicating with Directors of Studies is provided by the Senior Tutors' Committee. 

Queens' asks students to communicate their reflections on supervisions through regular surveys towards the end of term, as well as through continuous forms of feedback during the term.  Students are asked to reflect on their own progress, as well as on their experience of supervisions.  Feedback gathered in this way enables Directors of Studies or, where appropriate, the Senior Tutor, to guide the progress of students and supervisors.