Graduate Writers' Space

Graduate Writers' Space happens weekly in termtime in the beautiful Munro Room, Old Court, where grads can study in a relaxed and sociable workspace. Unlimited tea, coffee, and biscuits served throughout the day.  

The Munro Room will be open 9.30am-5.00pm on these dates 2024-25:

Michaelmas Lent Easter
Wednesday 16th October  Tuesday 28th January  Tuesday 29th April
Tuesday 22nd October Tuesday 4th February Tuesday 6th May
Wednesday 30th October Monday 10th February Wednesday 14th May*
Tuesday 5th November* Monday 17th February Tuesday 20th May
Tuesday 12th November Tuesday 25th February Tuesday 21st May
Tuesday 19th November Tuesday 4th March Tuesday 27th May*
Tuesday 26th November Tuesday 11th March Tuesday 10th June
Tuesday 3rd December Monday 17th March Tuesday 17th June

*held in the OSCR, Cloister Court instead of the Munro Room