Queens’ Singapore Drinks & Dinner

The President, Lord Eatwell and Mr Rowan Kitt (Fellow & Development Director) kindly invite you to the Queens’ Singapore Drinks & Dinner on Tuesday 24th March 2015.

Time – 7.00pm for dinner at 7.30pm

Venue – The Tanglin Club, Raffles Room. 5 Stevens Road, Singapore, 257814.

 This is a networking opportunity aimed at bringing together Queens’ alumni based in Singapore and is kindly supported by Mr David Palmer (Q 1974)

 The cost to attend this event is SGD $75.00.

 Unfortunately we are unable to extend this invite to guests.

 Please RSVP by completing the registration form by Monday 9th March 2015 and emailing it to alumnievents@queens.cam.ac.uk. Responses and payment may also be taken over the phone, by calling +44 (0)1223 761422, or by post to  The Alumni & Development Office, Queens' College, Cambridge CB3 9ET.

 Please contact Fran Johnson, Alumni Events Manager, if you have any questions about this event – alumnievents@queens.cam.ac.uk +44 (0)1223 761422