Second Queens' Distinguished Lecture in Law

Lord Grabiner QC, Master of Clare College, gave the second Queens' Distinguished Lecture in Law in the Fitzpatrick Hall last night.

His topic was Patel v. Mirza - Illegality and Restitution explained by the Supreme Court. Professor Richard Fentiman chaired the Q&A session and the President, Lord Eatwell, introduced and hosted proceedings. This was followed by Dinner in Old Hall. The event was attended by many Queens' and other Cambridge Law students.

The Queens’ Distinguished Lecture in Law is kindly sponsored by Redress Solutions PLC, led by Marius Nasta (1990) and Michael Zuckerman, to whom the College records its thanks.

This is part of a series, launched last year. To read about the inaugural lecture, delivered by Baroness Hale, follow the link.